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305 lines (259 loc) · 14.7 KB Access Management Helm Chart

Chart supported versions: 2.10.x and higher


This chart will deploy the following:

  • Gravitee UI
  • Gravitee API
  • Gravitee Access Gateway
  • MongoDB replica-set (optional dependency)


  • Add the helm charts repo
    $ helm repo add graviteeio
  • Install it
    $ helm install --name graviteeio-am graviteeio/am

Note: If you're using Helm 3, the name parameter is no more valid. Please check

Create a chart archive

To package this chart directory into a chart archive, run:

$ helm package .

Installing the Chart

To install the chart from the Helm repository with the release name graviteeio-am:

$ helm install --name graviteeio-am graviteeio/am

To install the chart using the chart archive, run:

$ helm install am-1.0.0.tgz


The following tables list the configurable parameters of the Gravitee chart and their default values.

Shared configuration

To configure common features such as:

Parameter Description Default
chaos.enabled Enable Chaos test false


MongoDB connections

There are three ways to configure MongoDB connections.

The most simple is to provide the MongoDB URI.

Parameter Description Default
mongo.uri Mongo URI null

If no mongo.uri is provided, you can provide a mongo.servers raw definition in combination with mongo.dbname, plus eventual authentication configuration:

  servers: |
    - host: mongo1
      port: 27017
    - host: mongo2
      port: 27017
  dbname: gravitee
    enabled: false

If neither mongo.uri or mongo.servers are provided, you have to define the following configuration options:

Parameter Description Default
mongo.rsEnabled Whether Mongo replicaset is enabled or not true Mongo replicaset name rs0
mongo.dbhost Mongo host address mongo-mongodb-replicaset
mongo.dbport Mongo host port 27017
mongo.dbname Mongo DB name gravitee
mongo.auth.enabled Enable Mongo DB authentication false
mongo.auth.username Mongo DB username null
mongo.auth.password Mongo DB password null

Other keys

Parameter Description Default
mongo.sslEnabled Enable SSL connection to MongoDB false
mongo.socketKeepAlive Enable keep alive for socket false

Mongo ReplicaSet

Parameter Description Default
mongodb-replicaset.enabled Enable deployment of Mongo replicaset false

See MongoDB replicaset for detailed documentation on helm chart. Configuration

Key Type Default Description
api.autoscaling.enabled bool true
api.autoscaling.maxReplicas int 3
api.autoscaling.minReplicas int 1
api.autoscaling.targetAverageUtilization int 50
api.autoscaling.targetMemoryAverageUtilization int 80
api.enabled bool true string "adminadmin" string "localhost" int 18093 bool false bool false
api.image.pullPolicy string "Always"
api.image.repository string "graviteeio/am-management-api"
api.ingress.annotations."" string "etag on;\nproxy_pass_header ETag;\nproxy_set_header if-match \"\";\n"
api.ingress.annotations."" string "nginx"
api.ingress.enabled bool true
api.ingress.hosts[0].host string ""
api.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0] string "/management"
api.ingress.hosts[0].paths[1] string "/admin"
api.ingress.path string "/management"
api.ingress.tls[0].hosts[0] string ""
api.ingress.tls[0].secretName string "api-custom-cert"
api.jwt.secret string "s3cR3t4grAv1t3310AMS1g1ingDftK3y"
api.logging.debug bool false
api.logging.file.enabled bool true
api.logging.file.encoderPattern string "%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n%n"
api.logging.file.rollingPolicy string "\u003crollingPolicy class=\"ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy\"\u003e\n \u003c!-- daily rollover --\u003e\n \u003cfileNamePattern\u003e${}/gravitee_%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log\u003c/fileNamePattern\u003e\n \u003c!-- keep 30 days' worth of history --\u003e\n \u003cmaxHistory\u003e30\u003c/maxHistory\u003e\n\u003c/rollingPolicy\u003e\n"
api.logging.graviteeLevel string "DEBUG"
api.logging.jettyLevel string "INFO"
api.logging.stdout.encoderPattern string "%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n" string "management-api"
api.reloadOnConfigChange bool true
api.replicaCount int 1
api.resources.limits.cpu string "500m"
api.resources.limits.memory string "1024Mi"
api.resources.requests.cpu string "200m"
api.resources.requests.memory string "512Mi"
api.restartPolicy string "OnFailure"
api.service.externalPort int 83
api.service.internalPort int 8093
api.service.internalPortName string http
api.service.type string "ClusterIP"
api.ssl.clientAuth bool false
api.ssl.enabled bool false
api.updateStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable int 1
api.updateStrategy.type string "RollingUpdate"
chaos.enabled bool false
gateway.autoscaling.enabled bool true
gateway.autoscaling.maxReplicas int 3
gateway.autoscaling.minReplicas int 1
gateway.autoscaling.targetAverageUtilization int 50
gateway.autoscaling.targetMemoryAverageUtilization int 80
gateway.enabled bool true
gateway.image.pullPolicy string "Always"
gateway.image.repository string "graviteeio/am-gateway"
gateway.ingress.annotations."" string "/auth"
gateway.ingress.annotations."" string "nginx"
gateway.ingress.annotations."" string "/auth"
gateway.ingress.annotations."" string "true"
gateway.ingress.annotations."" string "false"
gateway.ingress.enabled bool true
gateway.ingress.hosts[0] string ""
gateway.ingress.path string "/auth"
gateway.ingress.tls[0].hosts[0] string ""
gateway.ingress.tls[0].secretName string "api-custom-cert"
gateway.jwt.secret string "s3cR3t4grAv1t3310AMS1g1ingDftK3y"
gateway.logging.debug bool false
gateway.logging.file.enabled bool true
gateway.logging.file.encoderPattern string "%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] [%X{api}] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n"
gateway.logging.file.rollingPolicy string "\u003crollingPolicy class=\"ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy\"\u003e\n \u003c!-- daily rollover --\u003e\n \u003cfileNamePattern\u003e${gravitee.home}/logs/gravitee_%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log\u003c/fileNamePattern\u003e\n \u003c!-- keep 30 days' worth of history --\u003e\n \u003cmaxHistory\u003e30\u003c/maxHistory\u003e\n\u003c/rollingPolicy\u003e\n"
gateway.logging.graviteeLevel string "DEBUG"
gateway.logging.jettyLevel string "WARN"
gateway.logging.stdout.encoderPattern string "%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] [%X{api}] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n" string "gateway"
gateway.reloadOnConfigChange bool true
gateway.replicaCount int 1
gateway.resources.limits.cpu string "500m"
gateway.resources.limits.memory string "512Mi"
gateway.resources.requests.cpu string "200m"
gateway.resources.requests.memory string "256Mi"
gateway.service.externalPort int 82
gateway.service.internalPort int 8092
gateway.service.internalPortName string http
gateway.service.type string "ClusterIP"
gateway.ssl.clientAuth bool false
gateway.ssl.enabled bool false
gateway.type string "Deployment"
mongo.auth.enabled bool false
mongo.auth.password string nil
mongo.auth.source string "admin"
mongo.auth.username string nil
mongo.connectTimeoutMS int 30000
mongo.dbhost string "mongo-mongodb-replicaset"
mongo.dbname string "gravitee"
mongo.dbport int 27017 string "rs0"
mongo.rsEnabled bool true
mongo.socketKeepAlive bool false
mongo.sslEnabled bool false
mongodb-replicaset.auth.adminPassword string "password"
mongodb-replicaset.auth.adminUser string "username"
mongodb-replicaset.auth.enabled bool false
mongodb-replicaset.auth.key string "keycontent"
mongodb-replicaset.auth.metricsPassword string "password"
mongodb-replicaset.auth.metricsUser string "metrics"
mongodb-replicaset.configmap object {}
mongodb-replicaset.enabled bool false
mongodb-replicaset.image.repository string "mongo"
mongodb-replicaset.image.tag float 3.6
mongodb-replicaset.persistentVolume.accessModes[0] string "ReadWriteOnce"
mongodb-replicaset.persistentVolume.enabled bool true
mongodb-replicaset.persistentVolume.size string "1Gi"
mongodb-replicaset.replicaSetName string "rs0"
mongodb-replicaset.replicas int 3
mongodb-replicaset.resources.limits.cpu string "500m"
mongodb-replicaset.resources.limits.memory string "512Mi"
mongodb-replicaset.resources.requests.cpu string "100m"
mongodb-replicaset.resources.requests.memory string "256Mi"
smtp.enabled bool true
smtp.from string "[email protected]" string ""
smtp.password string ""
smtp.port int 25 bool true bool false
smtp.subject string "[gravitee] %s"
smtp.username string "[email protected]"
ui.autoscaling.enabled bool true
ui.autoscaling.maxReplicas int 3
ui.autoscaling.minReplicas int 1
ui.autoscaling.targetAverageUtilization int 50
ui.autoscaling.targetMemoryAverageUtilization int 80
ui.enabled bool true
ui.image.pullPolicy string "Always"
ui.image.repository string "graviteeio/am-management-ui"
ui.ingress.annotations."" string "etag on;\nproxy_pass_header ETag;\n"
ui.ingress.annotations."" string "/"
ui.ingress.annotations."" string "nginx"
ui.ingress.annotations."" string "/"
ui.ingress.enabled bool true
ui.ingress.hosts[0] string ""
ui.ingress.path string "/"
ui.ingress.tls[0].hosts[0] string ""
ui.ingress.tls[0].secretName string "api-custom-cert" string "management-ui"
ui.replicaCount int 1
ui.resources.limits.cpu string "100m"
ui.resources.limits.memory string "128Mi"
ui.resources.requests.cpu string "50m"
ui.resources.requests.memory string "64Mi"
ui.service.externalPort int 8002
ui.service.internalPort int 80
ui.service.internalPortName string http string "nginx"
ui.service.type string "ClusterIP"


The Access Management Helm Chart supports OpenShift > 3.10 This chart is only supporting Ingress standard objects and not the specific OpenShift Routes, reason why OpenShift is supported started from 3.10.

There are two major considerations to have in mind when deploying Access Management within OpenShift: 1_ Use full host domain instead of paths for all the components (ingress paths are not well supported by OpenShift) 2_ Override the security context to let OpenShift to define automatically the user-id and the group-id to run the containers.

Here is an example regarding the UI component:

        runAsUser: null
        runAsGroup: null
        runAsNonRoot: true

By setting the value to null for runAsUser and runAsGroup it forces OpenShift to define the correct values for you while deploying the Helm Chart.