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Gamification Engine Challenge Generator

The Gamification Engine challenge generator challenges for Gamification Engine from Smart Community Lab and from DAS


Gamification Engine Challenge Generator is based on two tools:

  1. Challenge generator: creates a set of drools rules based on a challenge definition in csv format
  2. Challenge uploader: upload generated rules into Gamification Engine


How to build

  1. Clone repository with git
  2. Compile with maven using mvn install

How to deploy

To deploy a new version of challenge-gen on the Smartcommunitylab Nexus you have to configure a valid user into your ~/.m2/settings.xml

Deploy Snapshot

mvn clean install  deploy:deploy-file  \
-Dmaven.test.skip=true \
-Dpackaging=jar \
-DrepositoryId=SmartCommunityLab-snapshots \
-DpomFile=pom.xml \
-Durl= \

Deploy Release

mvn clean install  deploy:deploy-file  \
-Dmaven.test.skip=true \
-Dpackaging=jar \
-DrepositoryId=SmartCommunityLab-releases \
-DpomFile=pom.xml \
-Durl= \

How to generate tools

Challenge generator have two tools available:

  1. Challenge Generator, created using
mvn clean install -Pgenerator
  1. Rule uploader, created using
mvn clean install -Puploader

Different zips (with related dependencies) are created inside target

Challenge generator

This tool read challenge definition from csv file in input and using provided templates generate corresponding rules. Tool create two files:

  • generated-rules-report.csv : a summary of generated rules
  • output.json: used from challenge uploader (see below)

Launch using:

java -jar challengeGenerator.jar

Command line arguments

usage: challengeGeneratorTool -host <host> -gameId <gameId> -input <input csv file> -template <template directory> [-output output file]
 -gameId        uuid for gamification engine
 -help          display this help
 -host          gamification engine host
 -input         challenge definition as csv file
 -output        generated file name, default challenge.json
 -password      password for gamification engine
  -username      username for gamification engine


In this example challenge generator interact with gamification engine without username and passowrd

java -jar challengeGenerator.jar -host http://localhost:8080/gamification/ -gameId 56e7bf3b570ac89331c37262 -input BetaTestChallenges.csv -output output.json

Challenge uploader

Starting from output of challenge generator upload generated rules into Gamification Engine

Launch using:

java -jar challengeUploader.jar

Command line arguments:

usage: challengeUploader -host <host> -gameId <gameId> -input <input json file> 
 -gameId     uuid for gamification engine
 -help       display this help
 -host       gamification engine host
 -input      rules to upload in json format
 -password   password for gamification engine
 -username   username for gamification engine


java -jar challengeUploader.jar -host http://localhost:8080/gamification/ -gameId 56e7bf3b570ac89331c37262 -input generated.json

Challenges format reference

In the following sections is a reference for challenge definition, it's possibile to found also a lot of examples in resource folder

Name of the challenge, must be unique Model name of the challenge, used to get right model name defined in gamification engine Type of the goal Target value for challenge Bonus points for completed challenge Type of the point Difficulty value ( not used right now ) Baseline variable used for percent challenges Selection criteria using points Selection criteria for badges


Project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0