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Reference document for configurable values in Connect and Applications.

This document serves as a reference for ways to further configure the Connect sidecar, as well as in depth explanations of the application node's configuration.

Connect Sidecar

Connect can be configured by both flags and environment variables.

Env Vars

The following values are read via environment variables:

Key Default Description
CONNECT_CONFIG_HOST "" The address Connect will serve requests from. WARNING: changing this value requires updating the oracle_address in the app.toml configuration.
CONNECT_CONFIG_PORT "8080" The port Connect will serve requests from. WARNING: changing this value requires updating the oracle_address in the app.toml configuration.
CONNECT_CONFIG_METRICS_ENABLED "true" Enables prometheus metrics.
CONNECT_CONFIG_METRICS_PROMETHEUSSERVERADDRESS "" The address of your prometheus server instance.


Flag Default Value Description
--market-map-endpoint "" The listen-to endpoint for market-map. This is typically the blockchain node's gRPC endpoint.
--oracle-config "" Overrides part of the Oracle configuration. This does not override the entire configuration, only the part of the configuration specified in the json file passed in.
--run-pprof false Run pprof server.
--pprof-port "6060" Port for the pprof server to listen on.
--log-std-out-level "info" Log level (debug, info, warn, error, dpanic, panic, fatal).
--log-file-level "info" Log level for the file logger (debug, info, warn, error, dpanic, panic, fatal).
--log-file "sidecar.log" Write logs to a file.
--log-max-size 100 Maximum size in megabytes before log is rotated.
--log-max-backups 1 Maximum number of old log files to retain.
--log-max-age 3 Maximum number of days to retain an old log file.
--log-file-disable-compression false Compress rotated log files.
--log-disable-file-rotation false Disable writing logs to a file.
--metrics-enabled true Enables the Oracle client metrics.
--metrics-prometheus-address "" Sets the Prometheus server address for the Oracle client metrics.
--host "" The address the Oracle will serve from.
--port "8080" The port the Oracle will serve from.
--update-interval 250000000 The interval at which the oracle will fetch prices from providers.
--max-price-age 120000000000 Maximum age of a price that the oracle will consider valid.

Application Node

The blockchain application is configured under the [oracle] heading in your application's app.toml file.

# ... other sections

# Enabled indicates whether the oracle is enabled.
enabled = "true"

# Oracle Address is the URL of the out of process oracle sidecar. This is used to
# connect to the oracle sidecar when the application boots up.
oracle_address = "CONNECT_ADDRESS_HERE:CONNECT_PORT_HERE" # default Connect port is 8080.

# Client Timeout is the time that the application is willing to wait for responses from
# the oracle before timing out.
client_timeout = "250ms"

# MetricsEnabled determines whether oracle metrics are enabled. Specifically,
# this enables instrumentation of the oracle client and the interaction between
# the oracle and the app.
metrics_enabled = "true"

# PriceTTL is the maximum age of the latest price response before it is considered stale.
# The recommended max age is 10 seconds (10s). If this is greater than 1 minute (1m), the app
# will not start.
price_ttl = "10s"

# Interval is the time between each price update request. The recommended interval
# is the block time of the chain. Otherwise, 1.5 seconds (1500ms) is a good default. If this
# is greater than 1 minute (1m), the app will not start.
interval = "1500ms"