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156 lines (110 loc) · 5.42 KB

File metadata and controls

156 lines (110 loc) · 5.42 KB


Refactor all createWithXXX functions into unified create function with different parameters

###1、Sprite (4 ways)###

(1) create with a image path

//param0:image path
var sprite1 = cc.Sprite.create("res/HelloHTML5World.png");

//param0:image path,  param1:rectangle
var sprite2 = cc.Sprite.create("res/HelloHTML5World.png", cc.rect(0, 0, 480, 320));

(2) create with a frame name. note: must add the # symbol in the head

//param0:frame name
var sprite = cc.Sprite.create('#grossini_dance_01.png');

(3) create with a sprite frame

var spriteFrame = cc.spriteFrameCache.getSpriteFrame("grossini_dance_01.png");
var sprite = cc.Sprite.create(spriteFrame);

(4) create with a texture

var texture = cc.textureCache.addImage("HelloHTML5World.png");
var sprite1 = cc.Sprite.create(texture);
//param0:texture,  param1:rectangle
var sprite2 = cc.Sprite.create(texture,  cc.rect(0, 0, 480, 320));

###2、LabelTTF (2 ways)###

(1) create with font, size and other parameters

//param0:text, param1:fontName, param2:fontSize, param3:dimensions, param4:hAlignment
var myLabel = cc.LabelTTF.create('label text',  'Times New Roman',  32,  cc.size(320, 32),  cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT);

(2) create with cc.FontDefinition

var fontDef = new cc.FontDefinition();
fontDef.fontName = "Arial";
fontDef.fontSize = "32";
//param0:text,  param1:cc.FontDefinition
var myLabel = cc.LabelTTF.create('label text',  fontDef);

###3、Animation (3 ways)###

(1) create en empty animation

//no parameter
var animation1 = cc.Animation.create();

(2) create with sprite frames

var spriteFrameArr = [];
var spriteFrame = cache.getSpriteFrame("grossini_dance_01.png");
//param0:sprite frames
var animation1 = cc.Animation.create(spriteFrameArr);
//param0:sprite frames, param1:delay time
var animation2 = cc.Animation.create(spriteFrameArr,  0.2);
//param0:sprite frames, param1:delay time, param2:loop times
var animation3 = cc.Animation.create(spriteFrameArr,  0.2, 2);

(3) create with animation frames

var animationFrameArr = [];
var animationFrame = new cc.AnimationFrame();
aFrame1.initWithSpriteFrame(spriteFrame1, 0.5);
//param0:animation frames
var animation1 = cc.Animation.create(animationFrameArr);
//param0:animation frames, param1:delay time
var animation2 = cc.Animation.create(animationFrameArr,  0.2);
//param0:animation frames, param1:delay time, param2:loop times
var animation3 = cc.Animation.create(animationFrameArr,  0.2, 2);

###4、SpriteBatchNode (2 ways)### (1)create with a image path

//param0:image path, param1:capacity
var spriteBatchNode = cc.SpriteBatchNode.create("res/animations/grossini.png",  50);

(2)create with a texture

var texture = cc.textureCache.addImage("res/animations/grossini.png");
//param0:texture, param1:capacity
var spriteBatchNode = cc.SpriteBatchNode.create(texture, 50);

###5、SpriteFrame (2 ways)### (1)create with a image path

//param0:image path, param1:rectangle
var frame1 = cc.SpriteFrame.create("res/grossini_dance.png", cc.rect(0, 0, 90, 128));
//param0:image path, param1:rectangle, param2:rotated, param3:offset, param4:originalSize
var frame2 = cc.SpriteFrame.create("res/grossini_dance.png", cc.rect(0, 0, 90, 128), false, 0, cc.size(90, 128));

(2)create with a texture

var texture = cc.textureCache.addImage("res/grossini_dance.png");
//param0:image path, param1:rectangle
var frame1 = cc.SpriteFrame.create(texture,  cc.rect(0, 0, 90, 128));
//param0:image path, param1:rectangle, param2:rotated, param3:offset, param4:originalSize
var frame2 = cc.SpriteFrame.create(texture,  cc.rect(0, 0, 90, 128), false, 0, cc.size(90, 128));

###6、ParticleSystem (2 ways)### (1)create with total

//param0: total
var particle = cc.ParticleSystem.create(50);

(2)create with a texture

//param0: plist file path
var particle = cc.ParticleSystem.create("res/particle.plist");

###8、PhysicsSprite (4 ways)###

(1) create with a image path

//param0:image path
var physicsSprite1 = cc.PhysicsSprite.create("res/HelloHTML5World.png");

//param0:image path, param1:rectangle
var physicsSprite2 = cc.PhysicsSprite.create("res/HelloHTML5World.png", cc.rect(0, 0, 480, 320));

(2) create with a frame name. note: must add the # symbol in the head

//param0: frame name
var physicsSprite = cc.PhysicsSprite.create('#grossini_dance_01.png');

(3) create with a sprite frame

var spriteFrame = cc.spriteFrameCache.getSpriteFrame("grossini_dance_01.png");
var physicsSprite = cc.PhysicsSprite.create(spriteFrame);

(4) create with a texture

var texture = cc.textureCache.addImage("HelloHTML5World.png");
var physicsSprite1 = cc.PhysicsSprite.create(texture);
//param0:texture, param1:rectangle
var physicsSprite2 = cc.PhysicsSprite.create(texture,  cc.rect(0, 0, 480, 320));

###9、TextureAtlas (2 ways)###

(1)create with a image path

//param0:image path, param1:capacity
var textureAtlas = cc.TextureAtlas.create("res/animations/grossini.png",  50);

(2)create with a texture

var texture = cc.textureCache.addImage("res/animations/grossini.png");
//param0:texture, param1:capacity
var textureAtlas = cc.TextureAtlas.create(texture, 50);