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File metadata and controls

87 lines (60 loc) · 2.4 KB

gSchool Ruby Basics

See for more details.



Write a program that asks the user for their name, and then prints out "Hello [name]!"


  • Reading input from a user
  • Printing output to the terminal

Beer on the wall

Write a program that prints out verses of "99 bottles of beer on the wall", according to the following rules:

  • The user must type "88", where 88 is any positive number, and the program will print those verses.
  • If the user runs the program without typing anything, print "I need to know how many bottles to sing!"
  • If the user runs the program and specifies a verse, print all the lines from the song starting at that verse
  • If the user types anything but "", show an error and exit


  • Reading input from a user
  • Printing output to the terminal
  • Conditional statements
  • Raising errors

Deaf Grandma

Write a program that:

  • Asks the user to write something
  • Prints "HUH?! SPEAK UP SONNY!" if the user didn't type in all uppercase
  • Prints "NO, NOT SINCE 1944!" if the user types something in all caps

Each time the program prints "NO, NOT SINCE 1944!", it should print a different, random year between 1930 and 1950.


  • Reading input from a user
  • Printing output to the terminal
  • Generating random numbers
  • Checking strings for their capitalization
  • Conditional statements

Roman Numerals

Write a program that converts numbers into Roman numerals.

Decimal value (v) Roman numeral (n)
1 I
4 IV
5 V
9 IX
10 X
40 XL
50 L
90 XC
100 C
400 CD
500 D
900 CM
1000 M


  • Control flow (loops, conditionals / case statements)
  • Converting a String to a Fixnum (integer)
  • Building a string

Birthday Helper

Write a program that helps users find the birth date and age of a person. The program should:

  • Prompt the user for a name
  • Print that person's name and birth date and age based on the data in bin/birthday_data.csv


  • Converting a String to a Date
  • Printing a date in a friendly format
  • Reading and parsing data from a file