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Subhrodip Mohanta edited this page Jun 19, 2021 · 11 revisions


πŸ”’: API is secured with JWT

πŸ“ƒ: API is Paginated

Authentication API

POST /authenticate

Authenticate the User and provides them with a JWT token as a response

User Related APIs

GET /user/@{username}

Get details of given user by username

GET /user/{userid}

Get details of given user by userid

POST /user

Create a new user

PATCH /user πŸ”’

Update bio/name/image etc of an user

PUT /user/{userid}/follow πŸ”’

Follow the given user

DELETE /user/{userid}/follow πŸ”’

Un-follow the given user

GET /user/{userid}/followers πŸ“ƒ

Get a list of all followers of this user

GET /user/{userid}/followings πŸ“ƒ

Get a list of all following of this user

Post Related APIs

GET /posts πŸ“ƒ

Get list of all posts

GET /post/{postid}

Get Details of a post

POST /post πŸ”’

Create a new post

DELETE /post/{postid} πŸ”’

Delete a given post

PUT /post/{postid}/like πŸ”’

Like the given post

DELETE /post/{postid}/like πŸ”’

Un-like the given post

Hashtag Related APIs

GET /hashtags πŸ“ƒ

Top hashtags (default top 10)

GET /hashtag/{tag}/posts πŸ“ƒ

All posts of this given hashtag

01. Home

02. How to Contribute (needs splitting)

03. Entity Design

04. Technology Selection

  1. Installation

06. Lombok Configuration

  1. Project Configuration

  2. IDE Instructions

  3. Milestones and Versioning

10. API Endpoints Overview

Β Β  10.1 Request and Response Models

Β Β  10.2 Detailed API Documentation

  1. How to Test Endpoints

12. Collaboration

  1. Working with issues

  2. Reviewing pull requests

15. Static analysis

  1. Roadmap

17. Team

18. Known issues

19. Getting help

  1. Recognizing contributors
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