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Gherkin - best practices & tips


The intent of the Gherkin syntax is to express business requirements in the language of the business.

Scenario definition

  • Write a header with "Narrative:" and the TRQ that we are trying to test
  • Review the User Story validate that it meets the criteria and best practices:
    • INVEST criteria
    • Uses Ubiquitous Language (UL) consistent with other stories
  • Define steps from a functional point of view that have a good level of re-use. Gherkin is meant to be expressive.
  • Use datatables and examples when possible.
    • If needed a transposed table.
    • Keep in mind the readability of the scenario
  • In a scenario, remove the data that is not strictly necessary for the definition of the test.
    • ie. we can say "Given an existing lot" instead of "Given a lot with id <lot_id> and...."
    • This makes the stories cleaner and more readable
  • Use the pattern "Data builder" whenever possible.
  • Look out for User Story smells:
    • CRUD operations or anemic action - is the business case is not being captured, or are we modelling the US after the API?
    • Undefined Feature User or value statement - Is it clear who needs the feature and what benefit they get from the feature?
    • Dependencies on specific Ids - Is this something intrinsic to the story or an artifact of how the test case is implemented?
    • Other smells - link to external sites
  • Use markup conventions to write generic steps
  • All Gherking scenarios for a project should use one point of view: preferably, use third person perspective.

Declarative vs Imprerative

Prefer declarative vs imprerative. Short, declarative scenarios serve as easily readable documentation. Some samples:

### Sample1:

  • Imperative
 Given I pass the header information for SSN
    When client request POST "<ServiceURL>" with json data "<RequestFile>"
    Then the response code should be 200
    And the SSNcached result should be same as valid transaction response "<ResponseFile>"
  • Declarative (better!!!!):
 Given I pass the header information for SSN
    When the client request the URL with data
    Then the response code should be 200

## Sample2:

  • Imperative:
 Scenario: Successful login
    Given a user "Aslak" with password "xyz"
    And I am on the login page
    And I fill in "User name" with "Aslak"
    And I fill in "Password" with "xyz"
    When I press "Log in"
    Then I should see "Welcome, Aslak"
  • Declarative (better!!!!):
 Scenario: User is greeted upon login
    Given the user "Aslak" has an account
    When he logs in
    Then he should see "Welcome, Aslak"


  • With step definitions Scenario: Complete all incomplete todos
 Given the following todos exist:
      | title | author | complete |
 | Pick up milk | email: | false |
 | Pick up eggs | email: | false |
 And I have signed in as "[email protected]"
    When I complete the todo "Pick up milk"
    And I complete the todo "Pick up eggs"
    Then I should have no incomplete todos
  • Without step definitions, but with added clarity Scenario: Complete all incomplete todos (better!!!)
 Given I have signed in 
 And I have 2 incomplete todos
    When I complete all my incomplete todos
    Then I should have no incomplete todos