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Effort Scoring


Effort scoring is a unique feature of Roundtable Alias that provides a granular assessment of the effort and engagement demonstrated in each survey response. By analyzing various linguistic and behavioral factors, Alias assigns an effort score between 1 and 10 to each response, where:

  • 1 indicates minimal effort or engagement
  • 10 indicates exceptional effort or engagement

Effort scores enable you to quickly identify and prioritize high-quality responses for analysis while flagging low-effort responses for review or removal.

Interpreting Effort Scores

Effort scores are returned in the effort_ratings object of the API response, with a score for each question:

"effort_ratings": {
  "Q1": 8,
  "Q2": 3,
  "Q3": 6,
  "Q4": 9

In this example, the response to Q1 received a high effort score of 8, while Q2 received a low score of 3, indicating minimal effort. Q3 and Q4 received moderate and high scores, respectively.

To interpret effort scores effectively:

  1. Set a threshold: Determine a minimum effort score for responses to be considered high-quality or acceptable. This threshold may vary depending on your specific research goals and data quality standards.

  2. Identify low-effort responses: Flag responses with effort scores below your defined threshold for review or removal. These may include single-word answers, irrelevant responses, or copy-pasted content.

  3. Prioritize high-effort responses: Focus your analysis on responses with high effort scores, as they are more likely to provide valuable insights and meaningful data.

  4. Analyze effort distribution: Examine the distribution of effort scores across your survey to identify questions that consistently receive low-effort responses. This can help inform survey design improvements or participant screening criteria.

Customizing Effort Scoring

By default, Alias calculates effort scores based on its trained machine learning models. However, you can customize the effort scoring behavior using the low_effort_threshold parameter in your API requests.

The low_effort_threshold parameter accepts an integer value between 1 and 10, representing the minimum effort score required for a response to be considered acceptable. Responses below this threshold will be flagged with the "Low-effort" check.

For example, setting low_effort_threshold=5 will flag all responses with an effort score of 5 or lower as low-effort.

Customize the low-effort threshold based on your specific data quality requirements and tolerance for false positives.

Next Steps

  • Explore how effort scoring complements Alias's other fraud detection features, such as basic checks and duplicate detection.
  • Learn how to customize effort scoring behavior using the low_effort_threshold parameter in the API reference.