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File metadata and controls

151 lines (98 loc) · 3.61 KB

Statamic Archive add-on

A fast archive add-on for Statatmic. This add-on is designed to work alongside the Statamic {{ entries:listing }} tag to allow you to create a by-date list of your posts. For an example of what's possible, see it use on my personal site.

It's fast as it doesn't read the content of files, rather it relies on Statamic's filename convension to scan your _content folders and return your posts in date order.

Installing the add-on

This add-on is a single file, it should live in _add-ons\archive\archive.php. Put it there and it's ready to go.

{{ archive:years }}

{{ archive:years }} returns a list of years for which you have posts.

Sample Use

{{ archive:years folders="diary|gallery" }}
  <h1>There are {{ total }} entries</h1>
  {{ years }}
  	<h2>Entries in {{ year }}</h2>
  	{{ entries:listing folder="diary|gallery" since="01-01-{ year }" until="31-12-{ year }" }}
  		<li>{{ title }}</li>
  	{{ /entries:listing }}
  {{ /years }}
{{ /archive:years }}


folders (Required).

The folder(s) from which to pull entries.

{{ archive:years folders="blog|photos" }}


Return only years that have posts from a sepecific month. You can specify a month in numerical format, like 03 for March. Or, you can provide the { current_date } variable. The add-on will then extract the current month.

If you use this parameter, you must remeber to specify the correct month in your {{ entries:listing }} parameters.

{{ archive:years folder="blog|photos" month_filter="03" }}
{{ archive:years folder="blog|photos" month_filter="{ current_date }" }}

Available Variables

These variables are available inside {{ archive:years}}

{{ total }}

The total entries retured.

{{ years }}{{ /years }}

Loop of each year and, within this tag...

{{ year }}

You can use this in the following way (for example).

{{ years }}
  {{ entries:listing folder="diary" since="01-01-{ year }" until="31-12-{ year }" }}
    <li>{{ title }}</li>
  {{ /entries:listing }}
{{ /years }}

{{ archive:months }}

Things get even more interesting when you throw {{ archive:months }} into the mix.

Sample Use

{{ archive:years folders="diary|gallery" }}
<h1>There are {{ total }} entries</h1>
{{ years }}
  <h2>Entries in {{ year }}</h2>
  {{ archive:months folders="diary|gallery" year="{ year }" sort=“asc” }}
    {{ months }}
      <li>{{month_text}} has {{ count }} entries
        {{ entries:listing folder="diary|gallery" since="01-{month}-{year}" until="{days_in_month}-{month}-{year}" }}
          <li>{{ title }}</li>
        {{ /entries:listing }}
    {{ /months }}
  {{ /archive:months }}
{{ /years }}
{{ /archive:years }}


folders (Required)

The folder from which you wish to pull entries.

year (Required)

The year from which you wish to pull entries.

sort (Optional) [desc|asc]

If you want to sort the months in descending or ascending order.

Available Variables

{{ months }} {{ /months }}

Loop of each month returned, within these...

`{{ month }}``

A numerical representation of the month, for example 04 for April.

{{ month_text }}

A full textual representation of the month, for example April

{{ year }}

The year returned for re-use.

{{ days_in_month }}

How many days are in this month.

{{ count }}

A count of the posts returned in a particular months

Issues, pull requests, etc.

Please report any issues. Pull requests welcome.

Jon Roobottom