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Base Module for all UNS MQTT Clients / Listeners


This module contain the common code code for all MQTT listeners as well as SparkplugB™ related prop files, generated python files and helper classes. There are some preparation work required to setup the infrastructure and environment for MQTT as well as SparkPlugB which are defined in the sections below

  1. SparkplugB™ Topic Namespace
  2. The MQTT Cluster

SparkplugB™ Topic Namespace{#sparkplugb}

SparkplugB Topic namespace follows the following structure


Where in:

  • <group_id>: provides for a logical grouping of MQTT EoN nodes
  • <message_type> provides an indication as to how to handle the MQTT payload of the message. The following message_type elements are defined for the SparkplugB™ Topic Namespace:
    • NBIRTH: Birth certificate for MQTT EoN nodes.
    • NDEATH: Death certificate for MQTT EoN nodes.
    • DBIRTH: Birth certificate for Devices.
    • DDEATH: Death certificate for Devices.
    • NDATA: Node data message.
    • DDATA: Device data message.
    • NCMD: Node command message.
    • DCMD: Device command message.
    • STATE: Critical application state message Please refer to the detailed specification of these message types in the SparkplugB Specs
  • <edge_node_id>: uniquely identifies the MQTT EoN node within the factory context.
  • [<device_id>]: optional and identifies a device attached (physically or logically) to the MQTT EoN node

Preparation steps required to setup protocol buffer and SparkplugB dependencies

  1. Step 1: Download or install protoc. Refer
  2. Step 2: Copy the SparkPlugB protocol buffer specification from Eclipse Tahu project to the folder ./sparkplug_b
  3. Step 3: Compile the SparkplugB protocol buffer into python class by the following command
    # Execute on Linux
    ./protobuf/bin/protoc -I ./sparkplug_b/  --python_out=./src/uns_sparkplugb/generated --pyi_out=./src/uns_sparkplugb/generated ./sparkplug_b/sparkplug_b.proto
    # Execute on windows
    .\protobuf\bin\protoc.exe -I .\sparkplug_b\  --python_out=.\src\uns_sparkplugb\generated --pyi_out=.\src\uns_sparkplugb\generated .\sparkplug_b\sparkplug_b.proto

The executables and the generated code are checked into the repository

The MQTT Cluster

The MQTT Cluster from EMQX is easily setup on a cluster. There are other ways like within a docker or directly via the executable, but I choose to use the K8s setup to be able to leverage the benefits of scaling up, failover and other orchestration benefits. Before proceeding ensure that you have setup your K8s Cluster as described in 01_k8scluster Also familiarize yourself with the K8s Storage class Mayastor

microk8s helm3 repo add emqx
microk8s helm3 repo update
microk8s helm3 search repo emqx

# This command needs to be executed to have persistence available to the MQTT instances
# Select the storage class available to your cluster
microk8s kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: StorageClass
  name: mayastor-2
  repl: '2'
  protocol: 'nvmf'
  ioTimeout: '60'
  local: 'true'
provisioner: io.openebs.csi-mayastor
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer

Important Note: Validate that you have the correct persistance storage class We are using mayastor which was installed as an addon

# command to view the available storage classes.
kubectl get sc

MQTT Cluster for the edge

Using helm install the MQTT Cluster on the edge. I choose to have each cluster in it's own namespace

# Install the Edge version of EMQX which has a smaller footprint and developed specifically for the edge
#microk8s helm3 install uns-emqx-edge emqx/emqx  --namespace <FACTORY NAME>   --set image.repository=emqx/emqx-edge --set service.type=LoadBalancer --create-namespace --wait

microk8s helm3 install uns-emqx-edge emqx/emqx  --namespace factory1   --set image.repository=emqx/emqx-edge --set service.type=LoadBalancer --create-namespace --wait
# Upgrade installation with newer version #e.g.
microk8s helm3 repo update
microk8s helm3 upgrade --install uns-emqx-edge emqx/emqx  --namespace factory1   --set image.repository=emqx/emqx-edge --set service.type=LoadBalancer --create-namespace --wait

MQTT Cluster for the enterprise / cloud

Normally you would could to use the cloud service MQTT server. I choose to install a K8s cluster for the enterprise cluster of EMQX

# Install the central cluster  EMQX brokers at  the Corporate instance/ Cloud
microk8s helm3 install uns-emqx-corp emqx/emqx  \
            --namespace enterprise \
            --set persistence.enabled=true \
            --set persistence.size=100M \
            --set persistence.storageClass=mayastor-2 \
            --set service.type=LoadBalancer \
            --create-namespace \

Configure MQTT bridge between Edge Cluster and Enterprise

The guide for setting up the MQTT bride via the dashboard is provided here A simplified guide is given here

Step 1: Log in to the EMQX Dashboard of your edge cluster

Step 2: Create Resource

Create Resource

Step 3: Create MQTT Bridge

Create Resource

Step 4: Give details of the Enterprise Broker Cluster

Create Resource

Step 5: Confirm Resource creation

Create Resource

Step 6: Create Rule for MQTT bridging

Create Resource Create Resource The SQL condition to use is

SELECT * from '#'

Step 7: Add Action Handler

Create Resource

By using the payload template as ${payload} we ensure that the exact same message with no additional attributes is sent over the bridge otherwise EMQX adds a bunch of additional attributes and pushes the entire message to the attribute ´payload´.

Step 5: Confirm Rule creation & activation

Create Resource

Secure your EMQX cluster

Since we have deployed on K8s, concepts like SSL/TLS should ideally be handled at the Ingress Controller

For further securing options, like ACL, additional authentication methods etc. EMQX has provide quite some documentation, guides for securing the cluster.

Important Note: The installation exposes the dashboard with the standard user & credentials. Remember to update the default user as well as the password after the system is deployed

Setting up the development environment for this module

This function is executed by the following command with the current folder as 02_mqtt-cluster This has been tested on Unix(bash), Windows(powershell) and Mac(zsh)

python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install poetry
# Ensure that the poetry shell is activated
poetry shell
python -m pip install --upgrade pip poetry
poetry install

While importing the folder into VSCode remember to do the following steps the first time

  1. Open a terminal in VSCode

  2. Activate the poetry shell.

    poetry shell
    poetry install
  3. Select the correct python interpreter in VSCode (should automatically detect the poetry virtual environment)

Running tests

The set of test for this module is executed after the poetry setup is done

#run all tests excluding integration tests
poetry run pytest  -m "not integrationtest" test/
# runs all tests
poetry run pytest  test/


Known Limitations / workarounds

  1. MQTTv3.1 appears not to be supported by EMQX. While testing client code using paho.mqtt.client against observed that the connection was not happening and neither the on_connect() nor the on_connect_fail() callbacks were invoked. Since most clients would be either MQTTv3.1.1 or MQTTv5.0 this should not be a problem. In local testing and implementations I have chosen to go with MQTT 5

  2. The plugins to intercept messages from EMQx ( which is probably the more efficient mechanism) in order to persist them are available only in the enterprise version and not in the community edition. As a workaround, I created an MQTT client which subscribes to # and allows subsequent processing.

  3. Currently the configuration of the MQTT bridge is a manual step via the EMQX dashboard. Need to automate this via code

  4. Need to study and understand which kubernetes storage class is better suited for this use-case of UNS

  5. The proto files were not being compiled correctly with Protobuf Ver 3.20.0 and higher. After raising the issue it was found that that from this version onwards we need to provide the additional parameter --pyi_out

  6. The protoc executable for Linux is for x86_64 architecture and will need execute rights to be able to run and compile the sparkplug_b.proto specification. The protoc executable for Windows is for a 64 bit processor. For other architectures please download the appropriate pre compiled version of Protobuf release v26.1 e.g.

  7. Need to understand how to handle metric types DataSet, Template


Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Eclipse Foundation. This software or document includes material copied from or derived from the Sparkplug Specification