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File metadata and controls

108 lines (86 loc) · 3.86 KB


Generates placeholder QML models based on specifications

This perl script can be used to generate models with fake data conforming to some data type and specifications. This can be handy when you do not have a fully developed working API for real data and you have to quickly create a wireframe or a prototype. Instead of hand creating the models you can use this script to rapidly generate models by using lorem ipsum texts and random numbers to have a temporary model.


usage: ./ --name|-n --model|-m [--help|-h] [--sepcount|-sc]
[--sep|-s] [--count|-c]

program generates fake QML model for app modelling.

required named arguments:
  --name, -n NAME        name of model
  --model, -m MODEL      Model in fieldname:type[:range-min:range-max] format eg:
                           id:number,name:string,age:number,city:string (simple)
                           possible types:
                           'string' : a short text consiting of 3 to 5 words.
                             'text' : a chunk of text consiting of 1 to 4 sentences.
                           'number' : a random number between 0 100
                           'float'  : a floating point value between 0 100
                           'serial' : an autoincremting number with each list element.
                           'epoch'  : an epoch value (unix timestamp) between min to
                           max days from now . (use negative for timestamps of past)
                           range specs:
                           each type can be optionally followed by min:max that allows
                           to specify the range of length of text or values of

optional named arguments:
  --help, -h                  ? show this help message and exit
  --sepcount, -sc SEPCOUNT    ? separator count
                                  Default: 4
  --sep, -s SEP               ? indent preference
                                  Choices: [space, tab], case sensitive
                                  Default: space
  --count, -c COUNT           ? howmany elements in model
                                  Default: 2

Please correct the invocation of command.

example output

./ --model "student_id:serial,name:string,age:number:18:30,resume:text,generated:epoch:-30:0" --name Students --count 4

import QtQuick 2.0;

Students {
     ListElement {
            student_id: 1
            name: 'porro explicabo perferendis odio'
            age: 24
            resume: 'Cumque ipsam voluptatibus eaque.'
            generated: 1512067712
     ListElement {
            student_id: 2
            name: 'rerum cum expedita'
            age: 20
            resume: 'Ut non deserunt fuga velit excepturi.'
            generated: 1512284673
     ListElement {
            student_id: 3
            name: 'provident voluptatum tempore recusandae'
            age: 28
            resume: 'Inventore perspiciatis est quisquam.'
                + 'Beatae necessitatibus vero mollitia a'
                + 'sint nostrum omnis. Aut et tempora'
                + 'ducimus delectus porro et soluta.'
            generated: 1511454873
     ListElement {
            student_id: 4
            name: 'est porro exercitationem non'
            age: 18
            resume: 'Accusantium vitae deserunt magni'
                + 'soluta.'
            generated: 1512164838


this script needs few perl modules like Getopt::ArgParse , Text::Lorem Log::Log4perl in ubuntu you can install them by

 $ sudo apt-get install perl-modules libtext-lorem-perl liblog-log4perl-perl  cpanminus
 $ sudo cpanm Getopt::ArgParse