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File metadata and controls

170 lines (122 loc) · 8.26 KB


Vehicle simulator creates a Google Maps mashup with animated markers(vehicles) that are moving according with given timetables along polylines(vehicle tracks).

Projects that are using this script


  • a webserver(i.e. Apache)


You should already see some action on the map !

Customize the project with your area

Config: static/js/map.js - simulation_manager > config > params

center_start: new google.maps.LatLng(47.378, 8.540),
zoom_start: 13,
zoom_follow: 17,
zoom_station: 15,
zoom_mouseover_min: 7,
ft_id_mask: '812706',
ft_id_lines: '1497331',
ft_id_stations: '1497361',
json_paths: {
    edges: 'static/geojson/edges-sbb.json',
    stations: 'static/geojson/stations-sbb.json',
    vehicles: 'api/vehicles/[hhmm]'
    station_vehicles: 'api/station_vehicles/[station_id]/[hhmm]'
  • center_start: initial coordinates

  • zoom_start: initial zoom level

  • zoom_follow: zoom level used to follow a vehicle

  • zoom_station: zoom level used when clicking on a station

  • zoom_mouseover_min: minimum zoom level where mousover vehicles shows an info panel

  • ft_id_mask: Fusion Table ID containing the simulation mask (optional but cool :) - example FT #812706 . Check this script if you are not sure how to generate one

  • ft_id_lines: Fusion Table ID of the polylines layer - example FT #1497331

  • ft_id_stations: Fusion Table ID of the stations layer - example FT #1497361

  • json_paths.edges: GeoJSON file containing the simulation polylines.

    Example: static/geojson/edges-sbb.json

    Polyline(edge) description:

      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
      	"edge_id": "1731"
      "geometry": {
      	"type": "LineString",
          "coordinates": [ [9.131931, 47.65992], … ]
    • properties.edge_id: polyline unique ID
    • geometry.coordinates: array of longitude, latitude pairs for each vertex of the polyline

    Please note that FT layers are used just for rendering the train lines on the map; to move the vehicles on the map, the json_paths.edges coordinates are used to accomplish this task.

  • json_paths.stations: GeoJSON file containing the simulation stations.

    Example: static/geojson/stations-sbb.json

    Station description:

      "properties": {
          "station_id": 8503000,
          "name": "Zürich HB"
      "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [ 8.53947,47.378777 ]
    • properties.station_id: station unique ID
    • station name
    • geometry.coordinates: pair for longitude, latitude of the station
  • json_paths.vehicles: JSON file containing the vehicles running at given time (hhmm format)

    Example: api/vehicles/[hhmm]

    Where a vehicle looks like:

      "id"    : "7974",
      "name"  : "S1821817",
      "type"  : "s",
      "sts"   : ["8502007","8502011","8502008","8502009","8502020","8502012","8502028","8502021","8505000"],
      "deps"  : ["08:48:00","08:50:00","08:52:00","08:57:00","09:00:00","09:03:00","09:07:00","09:08:00"],
      "arrs"  : ["08:49:45","08:51:45","08:56:00","08:59:45","09:02:45","09:06:00","09:07:45","09:15:00"],
      "edges" : ["","-504","-503","-506","-507","-508","-509,-2027","-511","-510,-426,-545,-544,154"]
    • id: vehicle unique ID
    • name: vehicle name
    • type: the vehicle type, used later for the vehicle icon, i.e. images/vehicle-types/r.png
    • sts: array of station IDs
    • deps: array of departures. Supported formats:
      • 31680 - number of seconds from midnight, For example 31680 = 08:48
      • 08:48:45 - hh:mm:ss
      • 08:48 - hh:mm
    • arrs: array of arrivals
    • edges: the polylines used to reach the previous staton. Negative value means that the polyline is used against its original direction. For example, in the example above from 8502007(Sursee) to 8502007(Oberkirch LU), the polyline 504 is used, but with direction inverted
  • json_paths.station_vehicles: JSON file containing the vehicles departing from a station given by station_id running at the time given by hhmm

    Example: api/station_vehicles/[station_id]/[hhmm]

    Where a vehicle looks like:

      "id": "1015",
      "name": "IR 2517",
      "dep": "32400",
      "st_b": "8505000"
    • id: vehicle unique ID
    • name: vehicle name
    • dep: vehicle departure from the station computed in seconds from midnight. For example 31680 = 08:48.
    • st_b: final destination id

Next steps after you are able to generate these APIs programmatically:

  • change the vehicle API URLs to use [station_id], [hhmm] parameters (see the comments in the config file)
  • remove the the '09:00:00' custom time from timer.init() call in simulation_manager.init()

Custom querystring parameters

By adding one of multiple querystring parameters below you can customize the starting point of the simulation:

  • hms - if given, the simulation will use the given start time in hh:mm:ss format
  • x AND y - if given, the simulation will start centered on the giveb center by x = longitude, y = latitude in decimal degrees
  • zoom - if given, the simulation will use the value for the initial zoom level. Possible values: 1..21
  • map_type_id - if given, the simulation will use the value for the map type. Possible values: roadmap, satellite, hybrid, terrain, stamen .
  • time_multiply - if given, the simulation will multiply the time speed with given factor. Possible values: 1, 5, 10, 100
  • view_mode - value 'iframe' - will strip all the info panel. Suitable for IFRAME integration with other websites
  • vehicle_name or vehicle_id - if given, the simulation will try to locate the vehicle given by name or id and follow it


Stay in touch

  • project updates are published here

  • just contact me in case you need further assistance or have other questions.

Have fun !