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In this section we introduce two homomorphic transformation of RAML types that can be used to obtain a canonical representation of the type.

Expanded Form

A RAML type expressed in expanded form has the following properties:

  • All type expressions have been expanded
  • All type names have been replaced by their expanded forms
  • All nested types in the RAML type have an explicit type property that can be a built-in type name string or the declaration of a expanded RAML type (single inheritance) or array of RAML types (multiple inheritance)
  • All facets with default values like required are made explicit
  • All nullable property values have been replaced by unions

The algorithm takes as input a RAML type form and a map of type bindings, a dictionary mapping type names (strings) into type expressions. The output of the algorithm is the expanded form for the RAML type.

Before describing the algorithm, we need to describe the data model for a RAML type form.

A RAML type form is defined using the following algebraic data types:

(constructor Record [a1:String  f1:RAMLForm, ..., an:String fn:RAMLForm])
(constructor Seq [a1:RAMLForm, ... an:RAMLForm])
(constructor Scalar String | Integer | Boolean | $recur | ...)
(constructor RAMLForm Scalar | Record | Seq)

Since we are going to expand all type expressions, we need to provide a form representation for RAML union type, not currently defined in the spec:

(constructor Union [a1:RAMLForm, an:RAMLForm]  (Record "type" "union", "of" (Seq a1 ... an)))

RAML types can be recursive, at the same time they are anonymous, no identifier for a type exist. To address both problems, we introduce another type form to designate a fixpoint recursion:

(constructor Fixpoint RAMLForm)

Where the recursion point is marked by the scalar type $recur. Also note that there are not nesting restrictions on fixpoints.

It is trivial to create a mapping for a concrete syntax (JSON, XML, RAML) into these data types.

For example, provided the following definition of RAML types

#%RAML 1.0 Library

      title: string
      length: number
      title: string
      songs: Song[]

The output of expanding the Album type is the following

{"type" "object"
 "properties" {"title" {"type" "string"
                        "required" true}
               "songs" {"type" "array"
                        "items" {"type" "object"
                                 "properties" {"title"  {"type" "string" "required" true}
                                               "length" {"type" "number" "required" true}}
                                "additional-properties" true
                                "required" true}
               "required" true}}
 "additional-properties" true
 "required" true}

A recursive List type like:

    cell: Cell
      car: any
      cdr: List | nil

Will be expanded in the following form:

{:type :fixpoint,
 :value {:type "object",
         :properties {"cell" {:properties {"car" {:type "any", :required true},
                                           "cdr" {:anyOf [{:type :$recur, :required true}
                                                          {:type "nil", :required true}],
                                                  :type "union",
                                                  :required true}},
                              :additionalProperties true,
                              :type "object",
                              :required true}},
         :additionalProperties true,
         :required true}}

The pseudo-code for the transformation is the following:

The input for the algorithm is:

  • form The form being expanded
  • bindings An object holding a mapping from user-defined RAML type names to RAML type forms
  • options An object holding a mapping of algorithm option names to their values:
    • topLevel A string with the default RAML type whose base type is not explicit and cannot be inferred. It can be any or string, depending if the the type comes from the body of RAML service definition or any other node. The default value is any.
    • trackOriginalType Indicates whether to track original user-defined RAML type names in the originalType key whenever they are expanded. The default value is false.
    • callback The callback function to be called when performing expansion asynchronously. The default is synchronous expansion.


  1. if form is a String
    1. if form is a RAML built-in data type, we return (Record "type" form)
    2. if form is a Type Expression, we return the output of calling the algorithm recursively with the parsed type expression and the provided bindings
    3. if form is a key in bindings:
      1. If the type hasn't been traversed yet:
        1. We return the output of invoking the algorithm recursively with the value for form found in bindings and the bindings mapping and we add the type to the current traverse path
        2. If trackOriginalType is true in options, the key originalType in the returned type should be set to the value for form
      2. If the type has been traversed:
        1. We mark the value for the current form as a fixpoint recursion: $recur
        2. We find the container form matching the recursion type and we wrap it into a (fixpoint RAMLForm) form.
    4. else we return an error
  2. if form is a Record
    1. we initialize a variable type
      1. if type has a defined value in form we initialize type with that value
      2. if form has a properties key defined, we initialize type with the value object
      3. if form has a items key defined, we initialize type with the value object
      4. otherwise we initialise type with the value of topLevel in options
    2. if type is a String with value array
      1. we initialize the value expanded-items with the result of invoking the algorithm on the value in form for the key items (or any if the key items is not defined)
      2. we replace the value of the key items in form by expanded-items
    3. if type is a String with value object
      1. we iterate over the Record associated to the key properties in form
        1. for each pair (Seq property-name property-value) in the record associated to the key properties in form
          1. we initialize the variable expanded-property-value with the value of invoking the algorithm with input arguments property-value and the provided bindings
        2. if the string property-name finishes with a ? string
          1. we remove the key property-name from the properties record
          2. we replace the ? character in property-name by the empty string and
          3. we re-assigned the value of expanded-property-value by the union (Union expanded-property-value (Record "type" "null"))
        3. if the output Record assigned to expanded-property-value does not have a required key, we assign a value true to the key
        4. we re-assigned the key property-name in the properties Record to the computed value for expanded-property-value
      2. if the Record in form does not have a defined value for the key additional-properties, we assign a value true to the key additional-properties
    4. if type is a String with value union
      1. we iterate through all the values stored in the key of in form of type Seq[RAMLForm]
        1. we initialize the variable i with the position of the value we are iterating and elem with the current value
        2. we initialize the variable expanded-elem with the output of invoking the algorithm with input arguments elem and the provided map of bindings
        3. we replace the value at position i in the sequence of by the the computed expanded-elem
    5. if type is a String with value in bindings
      1. we recursively expand forms nested within properties, of, or items in form
      2. we return the output of invoking the algorithm on the value of type with the current value for bindings
    6. if type is a Record
      1. we recursively expand forms nested within properties, of, or items in form
      2. we return the output of invoking the algorithm on the value of type with the current value for bindings
    7. if type is a Seq[RAMLForm]
      1. we recursively expand forms nested within properties, of, or items in form
      2. we iterate through all the values in type
        1. for initialise the variable i with the position of the value we are iterating and elem with the current value
        2. we initialise the variable expanded-type with the output of invoking the algorithm on elem with bindings
        3. we replace the element i in type with the computed expanded-type
    8. we return the new value for form

An example Clojure implementation of this algorithm can be found in the api-model.parsers.raml.expanded-form namespace in this project.

Canonical Form

A RAML type expressed in canonical form has all the properties of RAML type in expanded form plus the following:

  • All type properties have a String value
  • All inheritance relationships have been resolved
  • All the constraints defined for the type are valid
  • Unions can only appear at the top level of the type form ("union hoisting", which can be disabled)

The canonical form can be used to represent a RAML type in a unique way. It can also be used to perform validation since inheritance and union types have been resolved.

In order to work with inheritance over RAML types we will consider standard set inclusion semantics, where saying that type A is a sub-type of B means that all instances of A are included in the domain of the type B.

The algorithm we show in the following section computes the canonical form for a RAML type. It takes as input a RAML type in expanded form and produces the canonical form as output or throws an error if an inconsistency structurally or in a constraint is found.

For example, provided the following (not expanded) RAML type:

  a: string
  b: number | string

The computed canonical form of the type is:

{"type" "union",
 "required" true,
 "of" [{"type" "object"
        "properties" {"a" {"type" "string", "required" true},
                      "b" {"type" "number", "required" true}},
        "additional-properties" true,
        "required" true}
       {"type" "object",
        "properties" {"a" {"type" "string", "required" true},
                      "b" {"type" "string", "required" true}},
        "additional-properties" true,
        "required" true}]}

The input of the algorithm is:

  • expanded-form the form being processed of type Record[String][RAMLForm]


  1. we initialize the variable type with the value of the property type of expanded-form
  2. if type is in the set any boolean datetime datetime-only number integer string null file xml json"
    1. we return the output of applying the consistency-check to the form
  3. if type is the string array
    1. we replace the property items in form with the output of applying the algorithm to the value of the key items of the input form (or any if the key items is not defined)
    2. we return the output of applying the consistency-check algorithm to the new value of form
  4. if type is the string object
    1. we initialize the variable properties with the value of the properties key in form
    2. we initialize the variable accum with the cloned value of form
    3. we reset the key properties in accum to an empty record
    4. for each pair property-name and property-value in the variable properties
      1. we initialize the variable tmp with the output of invoking the algorithm over the value in property-value
      2. if the property type of tmp has the value object
        1. we add the pair property-name tmp to the properties keys in each record in accum
      3. if the property type of tmp has the value union and union hoisting is not disabled
        1. we initialize the variable new-accum to the empty sequence
        2. for each value elem-of in the property of of tmp
          1. for each value elem in accum
            1. we clone elem
            2. we clone tmp as new-value, except for of, and assign the properties of elem-of to it
            3. we add the pair property-name new-value to the key properties of the cloned elem
            4. we add the cloned elem to the sequence new-accum
        3. we replace accum with new-accum
      4. if accum contains a single element
        1. we return the output of applying the consistency-check algorithm to the only element in accum
      5. if accum contains more than one element
        1. we replace the type of form with union
        2. we remove the keys properties and additionalProperties
        3. we add the key of with the value of accum
        4. we return the output of applying the consistency-check algorithm to the modified value of form
  5. if type is the string union
    1. we recursively canonicalize forms nested within of in form
    2. we return the output of applying the consistency-check algorithm to the modified value of form
  6. if type is a Record[String][RAMLForm]
    1. we initialize the variable super-type-name to the first value of type string in the chain of nested records for the value type starting with the one assigned to type in form
      1. if super-type-name has a value array we transform form adding the property items pointing a record (Record "type" "any")
      2. if super-type-name has a value object we transform form adding the property properties with the empty record (Record)
      3. if super-type-name has a value union we transform form adding the property of with the empty sequence (Seq)
      4. we initialize the variable canonical-super-type to the output of applying the algorithm to the value for the property type in form
      5. we set the type property of form to super-type-name
    2. we initialize the variable tmp with the output of invoking the algorithm min-type to the inputs canonical-super-type and form
    3. we return the output of recursively applying the algorithm to the modified value of tmp
  7. if type is Seq[RAMLForm]
    1. we initialize the variable super-type-name to the first value of type string in the chain of nested records for the value type starting with the one assigned to type in form
      1. if super-type-name has a value array we transform form adding the property items pointing a record (Record "type" "any")
      2. if super-type-name has a value object we transform form adding the property properties with the empty record (Record)
      3. if super-type-name has a value union we transform form adding the property of with the empty sequence (Seq)
      4. we initialize the variable super-types to the value for the property type in form
      5. we set the type property of form to super-type-name
    2. for each value elem in super-types
      1. we initialize the variable tmp with the output of computing the result of invoking the algorithm min-type to elem and form
      2. we re-assign form to the value computed in tmp
    3. we return the output of recursively applying the algorithm to the modified value of tmp

In the previous algorithm we have used two auxiliary algorithms min-type and consistency-check.

min-type computes a canonical RAML type that will compute the biggest intersection between the sets defined super and sub. If such an RAML type is empty, an error will be thrown.

The input of the algorithm is:

  • super the RAML canonical super-type
  • sub the RAML canonical sub-type

Algorithm min-type

  1. we initialize the variables super-type and sub-type with the values of the properties type of super and sub respectively.
  2. if super-type and sub-type have the same value and the value is in the set any boolean datetime datetime-only number integer string null file xml json"
    1. we initialize the variable computed to the record with property type having the common super-type and sub-type value
    2. for each restriction in super and sub we compute the narrower restriction and we assign it in computed
    3. for each restriction only in super or sub we assign it directly to computed
    4. we return the output of computing the algorithm consistency-check on computed
  3. if only one of super-type or sub-type has a value of any
    1. for each restriction in the any type and in the other type, we compute the narrower restriction and we re-assign it to the other type
    2. for each restriction only in any we assign it directly to the other type
    3. we return the output of computing the algorithm consistency-check on the other type
  4. if super-type is number and the sub-type is integer
    1. for each restriction in the number type and in the integer type, we compute the narrower restriction and we re-assign it to the integer type
    2. for each restriction only in number we assign it directly to the integer type
    3. we return the output of computing the algorithm consistency-check on the integer type
  5. if super-type is array and sub-type is array
    1. we initialize the variable min-items with the output of applying this algorithm to the values for the key items in super and sub
    2. we re-assign the value of the property items in sub with the value of min-items
    3. for each restriction in super and sub we compute the narrower restriction and we assign it in sub
    4. for each restriction only in super we assign it directly to sub
    5. we return the output of computing the algorithm consistency-check on sub
  6. if super-type is object and sub-type is object
    1. for initialize the variable common-props to the empty record
    2. for each key in the properties value sub that is also present in the properties value of super
      1. we initialize the variable tmp with the output of applying the algorithm to the value for the common property in super and in sub
      2. we assign the computed value using the name of the common property as the key in the common-props record
    3. for each pair property-name property-value only in either super or sub we add it to the record common-props
    4. for each restriction in super and sub we compute the narrower restriction and we assign it in sub
    5. for each restriction only in super we assign it directly to sub
    6. we assign the value of the key properties in sub to be common-props
    7. we return the output of computing the algorithm consistency-check on sub
  7. if super-type is union or sub-type is union
    1. initialize computed to the empty record
    2. if super-type is union
      1. assign its facets to computed
      2. set sup-of to of of sup
    3. else
      1. assign the non-functional facets of sup to computed and retain only the functional facets in sup
      2. set sup-of to a single element array of sup
    4. if sub-type is union
      1. assign its facets to computed
      2. set sub-of to of of sub
    5. else
      1. assign the non-functional facets of sub to computed and retain only the functional facets in sub
      2. set sub-of to a single element array of sub
    6. initialize of of computed to the empty array
    7. if sup-of is non-empty
      1. if sub-of is non-empty
        1. for each value elem-super in sup-of
          1. for each value elem-sub in sub-of
            1. set result to the output of applying this algorithm to elem-super and elem-sub
            2. if result is a union, concatenate its of to of of computed
            3. else append result to of of computed
      2. else if sub-of is empty, assign of of computed to sup-of
    8. else if sup-of is empty, assign of of computed to sup-of
    9. for each restriction in unions super and sub we compute the narrower restriction and we assign it in computed
    10. for each restriction only in union super we assign it directly to computed
    11. for each restriction only in union sub we assign it directly to computed
    12. we return the output of computing the algorithm consistency-check on computed
  8. else fail the algorithm due to incompatible types

In the previous algorithm we need to define how the narrower version of a constraint is computed. The following table provides the details:

property valid narrower
minProperties (<= super sub) (max super sub)
maxProperties (>= super sub) (min super sub)
minLength (<= super sub) (max super sub)
maxLength (>= super sub) (min super sub)
minimum (<= super sub) (max super sub)
maximum (>= super sub) (min super sub)
minItems (<= super sub) (max super sub)
maxItems (>= super sub) (min super sub)
format (or (nil? super) (= super sub)) (or super sub)
pattern (or (nil? super) (= super sub)) (or super sub)
discriminator (or (nil? super) (= super sub)) (or super sub)
discriminatorValue (or (nil? super) (= super sub)) (or super sub)
enumValues (subset? sub super) (intersection super sub)
uniqueItems (or (false? super) (= super sub)) (and super sub)
required (or (false? super) (= super sub)) (or super sub)
additionalProperties (or (false? super) (= super sub)) (and super sub)

If the valid condition in the previous table is not met, the min-type algorithm will fail throwing an error.

Functional facets are those in the table above, as well as type, properties, items, and anyOf.

The other algorithm is consistency-check. It just iterates through all the possible restriction constraints defined in the RAML specification and checks that the constraints hold for the provided type using custom logic. The check functions are:

check name restrictions check
num-properties minProperties and maxProperties minProperties <= maxProperties
length minLength and maxLength minLength <= maxLength
size minimum and maximum minimum <= maximum
num-items minItems and maxItems minItems <= maxItems

If any of the restrictions involved in the check are not defined, it automatically succeeds. In order to support additional restrictions will require to plug in the algorithm additional check functions or extend the structural type system here outlined to provide a generic way of expressing properties and there automatic check.

An example Clojure implementation of this algorithm can be found in the api-model.parsers.raml.canonical-form namespace in this project.