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117 lines (88 loc) · 3.78 KB

File metadata and controls

117 lines (88 loc) · 3.78 KB


Tool for finding duplicate files and folders, even inside archives, listing results in different ways or to deduplicate.



  • Find/Scan for duplicate files and folders
  • Search in archives (libarchive)
  • HDD optimized sequential read/scan/dedup
  • btrfs/ioctl_file_dedupe_range deduplication mode


  • Nested archive search
  • Improved cache (e.g. DB-based)
  • More deduplication features

Install / Update

stable branch

cargo install --git --branch stable 

master branch

cargo install --git


Find duplicates in current dir and print dup groups, also show more shadowed dups

dupion -s 1

Find duplicates dir_a and dir_b, also search in archives

dupion -a dir_a dir_b >found_dups

Deduplicate, no dups listing, don't use cache file

dupion --dedup btrfs --no-cache -o - /home/user

Usage (reduced)

Usage: dupion [OPTIONS] [DIRS]...

          Directories to scan. cwd if none defined

  -o, --output <OUTPUT>
          Results output mode (g/t/d/-), what type of result should be printed
          groups: duplicate entries in sorted size groups
          tree: json as tree
          diff: like tree, but exact dir comparision, reveals diffs and supersets
          -: disabled
          [default: g]
          [possible values: groups, tree, diff, disabled]

  -s, --shadow-rule <SHADOW_RULE>
          Set how files/directory should be hidden/omitted (shadowed are e.g. childs of duplicate dirs) (0-3)
          0: show ALL, including pure shadowed groups
          1: show all except pure shadowed groups
          2: show shadowed only if there is also one non-shadowed in the group
          3: never show shadowed
          [default: 2]

  -a, --read-archives
          Also search inside archives. requires to scan and hash every archive

      --dedup <DEDUP>
          Deduplication mode (-/btrfs). Disabled by default
          btrfs: Use ioctl_file_dedupe_range on supported filesystems
          [possible values: btrfs]

          Don't read or write cache file


  • In first pass files are recursively discovered and metadata (size, mtime, ...) are queried.
  • In second pass it will hash all files with non-unique size.
  • Duplicates are matched per HashMap-based Size/Hash groups.
  • Directory hash is calculated by filename and hash of the child entries
  • If deduplicating, the files will be grouped and batch optimized to the available RAM/cache, and then prefetched before issuing deduplication.


dupion (dupion and root files) is dual-licensed under either:

The third-party crates included in this repository (libarchive-rust, platter-walk, reapfrog, rust-btrfs) are used and available under their respective licenses.

Crate License
dupion MIT OR Apache-2.0
libarchive-rust Apache-2.0
platter-walk MPL-2.0
reapfrog MPL-2.0
rust-btrfs MIT


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.