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File metadata and controls

110 lines (89 loc) · 4.73 KB

Documentation of the BaseDisk-Build-Process

Because of the higher stability we use libvirt for our build process.

To build your own BaseDisk follow this steps (tested on debian jessie)

  1. Install the required packages and cofigure libvirt

    1. Packages:
      • libvirt0
      • virt-manager
      • qemu-kvm
      • python3
      • zerofree
      • rdiff
      • p7zip-full
    2. Setup libvirt and a network bridge (
  2. Create a target directory for the BaseDisk builder (i.e. /opt/BaseDisk) and cd into it

    1. Make sure there are at least 20GB of free space
    2. Download "", "", "", "" and ""
    3. Download the latest pm_files from and extract them
    4. Download latest guestadditions.iso from and create a symlink:
      ln -s VBoxGuestAdditions_5.1.26.iso VBoxGuestAdditionsUsed.iso
    5. Create a subfolder "grmlWithSshKey" and extract there
  3. Edit "" and run it afterwards to create the initial configuration as well as the folder structure

  4. Make sure you have a configured network bridge for libvirt

  5. Start "virt-manager"

    1. File -> New Virtual Machine
    2. Select: Import existing disk image
    3. Hit: Forward
    4. As storage path select the empty-flat.vmdk in the target directory (Browse Local)
    5. OS type = Linux
    6. Version = Debian Wheezy (or later)
    7. Hit: Forward
    8. (optional:) select 2 CPUs
    9. Hit: Forward
    10. Name = vm_BaseDisk_build
    11. Select: Customize before install
    12. Open: Advanced options
    13. Select: Specify shared device name
    14. Fill in the bridge name
    15. Hit: Finish
    16. Hit: Add Hardware
    17. Select: Storage
    18. Device Type = CDROM device
    19. As storage select grmlWithSshKey.iso (Browse Local)
    20. Hit: Finish
    21. Hit: Add Hardware
    22. Select: Storage
    23. Device Type = CDROM device
    24. As storage select VBoxGuestAdditionsUsed.iso (Browse Local)
    25. Hit: Finish
    26. Select: Disk 1
    27. Open: Advanced options
    28. Disk bus = SATA
    29. Hit: Apply
    30. Select: Boot options
    31. Change to:
      bootable: SATA Disk 1
      bootable: IDE CDROM 1
      not-bootable: IDE CDROM 2
      not-bootable: NIC
    32. Hit: Apply
    33. Hit: Begin Installation, but "Force off the VM" at boot prompt.
  6. run "" In case of a failure nothing gets removed so you can debug manually. Run "" to remove all old files.

File documentation

This script generates the initial config, creates the folder structure and is should be edited by the user before first run. Because of the limitations of JSON files and the fact that updates its own config this script provides a easy way to generate an initial config. The configuration parameters are documented in this python script. Make sure you have no additional witespaces in lines ending with a backslash.

This script reads the configuration file "buildBaseDiskConfig.json" and triggers the build process for a BaseDisk. "buildBaseDiskConfig.json" will be updated after each successful run to store the required metadata! It also manages the generation of BaseDisk-deltas (incremental BaseDisk updates with rdiff) as well as the optional signing and uploading process.

This scripts delete the meta-data from the config file buildBaseDiskConfig.json Also the following directories are cleared:

  • BaseDisk_delta
  • BaseDisk_image
  • BaseDisk_log
  • BaseDisk_signature

This is a python class that allows communication with the VM over the libvirt command line tools and via SSH.

This is a python library that controls the actual build process of the BaseDisks. It manages the bootstrap (basic debian install) as well as the installation of additional packages and the VirtualBox guest additions.


This folder contains files which are copied to the BaseDisks. I.e. systemd scripts, openbox configurations....
Note: Neider "pm_files/pm/fonts" nor "pm_files/home/liveuser/.mozilla" are part of the git repository!
This is because of the size of this folders, for a complete download check out

Tips ans Tricks

HowTo mount (loopback) the BaseDisk

  1. mkdir mounted_BaseDisk
  2. losetup -o 1048576 /dev/loop0 empty-flat.vmdk
  3. mount /dev/loop0 mounted_BaseDisk