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Admin9705 edited this page Aug 29, 2019 · 77 revisions
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BETA [9.0.1] - 2019-08-28

  • Repaired the PG Update Module
    • Prior TEST PG9 users must RERUN the PG Installer to repair the update module
    • This will not harm the setup
  • Added PGGuard & is now modular
  • Added Permissions Tweaks

BETA [9.0.0] - 2019-08-27

  • Fixed Typo
  • Removed FLAG 0 echo
  • Re-added/Updated emergency duplication of PGBlitz if gone
  • Updated the ability for PGBlitz to duplicate the correct version of PGStage depending on the release
  • Removed Visual Glitch when starting PGBlitz everytime
  • pgupdate command works again!

BETA [9.0.0] - 2019-08-26

  • Improved the PG9 Install Script
  • Fixed Menu Visual Glitch - Showed 2nd HD regardless | Hides when not using a second HD for post processing
  • Fixed Update Menu Visual Glitch - Would a - sign at the end; removed it.

BETA [9.0.0] - 2019-08-25

A reminder, CLICK THE ★ (STAR LOGO) in the Upper-Right to STAR! It helps a ton!


This will require a new install! This is major rewrite with a new file scheme. After PG 9.0 is flushed out and stabilized; 9.1 will be released as stable. From 9.1’s release, a conversion script may be written (but this may be too complex). Many fixes have been put in place (to remove old baggage that dragged as far back from PG5) and breaking code from prior developers.


Wikis are not updated and links do not point to the right places!

**What to TEST in this update.** The install process, deploying traefik, pgshield, the mounts and ensuring files move to gdrive/sdrive. Sonarr/Radarr with NZBGET/SABNZBD have been tested; they work FINE! Do not use remote mapping. Read the torrent info below with required fixes info. Plex works fine, just point it to /pg/unity (not /mnt/unionfs)

YES, using sonarr/radarr/nzbget/sabnzbd - files have been transfered via all the variety of mounts with extensive testing! RClone works and etc.


  • The install process requires ZERO interface once it's up and going; whereas prior... items were prompted throughout the install.


    • Which is easier, so do not set them per the wiki from PG8
  • File Schemes Have Been Renamed
    • /pg/unity (PG9) ~ /mnt/unionfs (PG8)
    • /pg/gd (PG9) ~ /mnt/gdrive (PG8)
    • /pg/gc (PG9) ~ /mnt/gcrypt (PG8)
    • /pg/sd (PG9) | new sd means Share Drive ~ /mnt/tdrive (PG8)
    • /pg/sc (PG9) | new sc means Share Crypt ~ /mnt/tcrypt (PG8)
  • PGBlitz and PG Move names have been changed (SDrive stands for Share Drive; no longer team drives)
    • Blitz GDrive | Unencrypted (PG9) | PG Move Unencrypted (PG8)
    • Blitz GDrive | Encrypted (PG9) | PG Move Encrypted (PG8)
    • Blitz SDrive | Unencrypted (PG9) | PG Blitz Unencrypted (PG8)
    • Blitz SDrive | Encrypted (PG9) | PG Blitz Encrypted (PG8)
    • Blitz Local (PG9) | Local HD (PG9)
    • NOTE that this has not been test yet for only LOCAL HDs
    • NOTE this has not been tested using a different mount other than /pg

BETA FORKS - Not working yet, but the idea here is not constantly update the main fork. By adding a beta fork for each app, quick changes, extensive testing remains there. Pretty much how other projects work. If users want to provide feedback on official work apps, we can make changes via the beta; the user can deploy the beta and we can gather feedback. This prevents haphazard installs as with PG8.


  • Fix Visual Glitch when says ports open
  • Fix PGFork
  • Fix ability for user to FORK an individual app
  • Enable user to always download official stuff (so not having to interact or all beta). Be able to change items via settings.
  • Establish BETA Channel for all apps
  • Prior Community Apps have not been added yet
    • A new Interface will generate all apps and/or with categories
    • A script will be written to allow files to seed then move
    • Torrent Programs haven’t been fully adjust to the new file scheme
  • PG Shield Might Work (need feedback)
  • PG Press Not Ready Yet
  • PG Vault Not Ready Yet (Backup & Restore)
  • GCE Not TESTED yet for PG9.
  • PG Patrol and PGTrakt not Ready
  • Updating to Traefik 2.0
  • Cron Jobs are no longer asked after programs installs. Currently nothing, but a separate interface will be made for it (this is to make it cleaner
  • PGUI works but need to readjust a better interface
    • Note: When it says nothing to upload, it may be uploading stuff already, just not uploading because there is a cap of 8 separate uploads. The PGUI will be written to show the 8 slots (and user will be able to adjust the number of slots)
  • Watchtower does not automatically deploy as part of the install - will readd
  • Adding solo cname interface later; for custom domains for apps
  • Docker Upgrades for PG9

[8.7.5] - 2019-07-22


  • Fixes cname issues when rebuilding traefik

[8.7.4] - 2019-07-21


  • Fixes cname prompt only doing the first app when queuing multiapps.

[8.7.3] - 2019-07-21


  • Fixes portainer validation checks if you are using a custom cname.

[8.7.2] - 2019-07-21


  • Fixes error when cname is not set while displaying endbanner after app install.

[8.7.1] - 2019-07-20


  • Fixes bug with menu not showing appname in header
  • Adds input validation for port
  • Blank entry in external port now resets port to app default

[8.7.0] - 2019-07-20

New features

  • Custom subdomain and external port can now be set during app install! You can now choose your own app url and still optionally use the appname (default) url.
    • You can still use, add or keep the cname for appname in your DNS settings.
    • If you set a custom subdomain, you must add the matching cname to your dns.
    • If you no longer want to use after setting a custom cname, remove the appname cname record from your DNS settings.
    • Internal app urls and port do not change, it remains the appname.
  • Quick Deploy for VFS Option changes! Quickly reload services to use vfs settings changes without needing full deploy.
    • Requires a one time full PGClone deploy to update your services to support this new feature, otherwise it won't have any affect.
  • Menu formatting and consistency updates

[8.6.10] - 2019-07-19

New features

  • Plex install has been updated to remove the Plex pass / public prompt. It will now use the standard image chooser prompt other apps use.
    • Use the latest image for rapid Plex server start times.
    • Prior to this change, all images were compiled and built on container start.
    • The beta image is for PlexPass users only. Plex renamed this edition from PlexPass to beta.
    • The beta image is compiled and built on container start, which takes over 5 minutes for Plex to start.
    • Plex officially does not offer a pre-compiled beta image or we would use that instead.
  • disable ansible deprecation warnings when updating ansible.


  • Fixes NOT-SET being displayed in main menu

[8.6.9] - 2019-07-18

New features

  • type q to exit is now supported on prompts that expect typing 'exit'
  • type a to deploy is now supoorted on prompts that expect typing 'deploy'
  • type backup or a to backup appdata in pgvault (typing deploy still works)
  • type restore or a to restore appdata in pgvault (typing deploy still works)

[8.6.8] - 2019-07-18

New features

  • Upgrade docker, ansible, and pip to latest versions.


  • Fixes issue with rebuilding community apps when using portguard
  • Fixes issue with rebuilding community apps changing the processing disk.

[8.6.7] - 2019-07-17


  • Updated emergency no space shutdown script to stop additional downloaders in the community apps.

[8.6.6] - 2019-07-09


  • Fixes PGVault apps listing
  • Fixes PGShield apps listing when using community apps, previously core apps would not be displayed.
  • Removes watchtower from the core menu, use watchtower settings inside PG Settings to deploy.
  • Minor GCE fixes

New features

  • When deploying sonarr/radarr/lidarr an informational message will be displayed at the end of the deployment to notify users of important manual configuration needed for things to work correctly.
  • Updates to PGUI to include used spac

Installing PlexGuide

  1. PlexGuide Install Information

Preplanning & Information

  1. PG Folder Structure

Domain and Port Control

  1. CloudFlare Tunnel

Primary Applications

  1. Plex

Useful Links

  1. PG YouTube Channel
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