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ostinelli edited this page Mar 21, 2011 · 2 revisions

Where does the Misultin name come from, and what are Misultins?


Misultin are a culinary specialty of the Lake of Como. They are lake fishes that go by the latin name of Alosa fallax lacustris, treated and cooked in a traditional and specific way.


Their preparation is rather complex.

Once they are catched, the fishes are cleaned and deprived of their entrails, then salted, cut longitudinally and laid into a container where they are continuously turned upside down every 12 hours.

After a few days, they are speared with a string and exposed under the sun to dessicate on specific racks. When they are ready, they are laid into a wooden or tin container with laurel leaves. A heavy cover squeezes them down for all the air and oil to eventually come out. Misultins can be conserved like this for a long time.


Misultins are washed first with tepid water, then with wine vinegar, to eliminate the salt and grease excess, and are then lied on a hot grill for some minutes. Once ready, they get deprived from their flakes, then are dressed with oil, wine vinegar and parsley. Generally served together with a slice of Polenta.



Note: free translation from the Misultin page on the Italian Wikipedia.

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