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Releases: oscar-system/Oscar.jl


20 May 15:39
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Oscar v0.9.0

Diff since v0.8.2

A major change is the renaming of many methods from the form isFOO to is_foo; for example, ispgroup now is called is_pgroups. For the time being, both old and new names are accepted, but in a future Oscar release the old names without the underscore will be dropped. So we recommend adjusting your code to the new names.

Closed issues:

  • Allow symbols (and chars???) as arguments to free_group (#659)
  • isisomorphic cannot compare all groups (#664)
  • Make singular_ring remember the grading? (#886)
  • "Replacing docs" warnings (#1061)
  • Warnings (?) caused by Serialization / Polymake (#1083)
  • Polyhedron intersection performance (#1129)
  • Manual: describe how to install Oscar on the start page, resp. link to such a description (#1154)
  • Manual: start page has a link to "Introduction" which surprisingly links to "Groups: Introduction" (#1155)
  • Nicer syntax for entering permutations (#1189)
  • doctest failure in AffinePlaneCurve.jl:225-236 (#1192)
  • Add instructions to for using development version (#1193)
  • Generators of fraction field (#1195)
  • Wanted: discrete logarithm for finite field elements (#1205)
  • Conversion of cyclotomics from Oscar to GAP not correct (#1213)
  • Map from 0-dim vector space does not work correctly (#1219)
  • conversino Oscar-> Gap incomplete... (#1237)
  • Failure to install Oscar.jl on a clean macOS 12.3.1 install: can't install gap_packages artifact. (#1254)
  • ToricVarieties: Various improvements (#1257)
  • ToricVarieties: Use IntegerUnion for code improvement (#1280)
  • GC crash while allocating GAP object (#1283)
  • Matroid code error (#1284)
  • hash problem for QabElem (#1287)
  • Oscar matrices over non-commutative rings? (#1293)
  • Computation of Galois groups for some polynomials raises UndefVarError (#1323)
  • Serialization: don't add UUID to symbols (#1325)
  • WARNING: could not import Hecke.homology into Oscar (#1328)

Merged pull requests:


18 Mar 20:05
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Oscar v0.8.2

Diff since v0.8.1

Closed issues:

  • Add build option for ASCII/non-ASCII chars (#318)
  • Fix nanosoldier failures / fix loading of GAP package ferret (#652)
  • Promotion for finite fields (#960)
  • describe for free groups and finitely presented groups (#987)
  • msolve crashing for non-real solutions (#1040)
  • Group homomorphisms without checks (#1098)
  • Graded module morphism inconsistency (#1112)
  • Inconsistent definition of irreducible secondary invariants (#1121)
  • Implement describe(::GrpAbFinGen) (#1132)
  • Wrap IsomorphismSimplifiedFpGroup, SimplifiedFpGroup (#1133)
  • Something noisy in the groups code (#1141)
  • Can we get the more of the small group database? (#1150)
  • iso_oscar_gap for Z/nZ missing (#1170)

Merged pull requests:


17 Feb 16:59
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Oscar v0.8.1

Diff since v0.8.0

Closed issues:

  • Separate section for number theory (#518)
  • GF(p,1) does not work if p is large (i.e., and fmpz) (#590)
  • Projective space in in JToric.jl vs. Oscar.jl (#769)
  • Release 0.8 todo (#1026)
  • adjust doc for toric varieties to OSCAR standard (#1039)
  • ToricVarieties: Use properties of Oscar fans (#1055)
  • Promotion seems to fail for decorated polynomial rings (#1063)
  • Documentation and code forcoefficient_ring(:: AbstractNormalToricVariety) conflict (#1070)
  • Don't use naked Vararg (#1072)
  • Release Oscar 0.8.1 (#1082)

Merged pull requests:


05 Feb 15:29
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Oscar v0.8.0

Diff since v0.7.1

Closed issues:

  • Document mpoly stuff (#123)
  • Deprecate listperm, instead add constructors (#282)
  • Create experimental PR using GroupsCore.jl (#399)
  • docs: "introduction" vs "interface" (#515)
  • subgroup and sub (#667)
  • CI crash in test/Rings/mpoly_affine_algebras_test.jl with Julia 1.7.0-rc1 (#733)
  • Remove workarounds in Polytopes after next libpolymake_julia release (#758)
  • gap_to_julia (#794)
  • Implement simplicial complexes (#829)
  • Rename, document and advertise @declare_other and set_special/get_special (#843)
  • Missing Base.deepcopy_internal for Group interface (#860)
  • Allow FiniteField(fmpz(5),2) and GF(fmpz(5), 2) and GF(fmpz(5), 2, "t") (#863)
  • funny spelling of function names in toric geometry section (#877)
  • Fix abelian_group to accept fmpz (#884)
  • allow ishomogeneous for more types of polynomials (#909)
  • vertex-facet incidences for polyhedra (maybe others, too) unnecessarily expensive (#915)
  • What to do for object clashes? (#922)
  • CI: Codecov for experimental (#963)
  • Ideals in generic polynomial rings (#988)
  • missing ordering function for graded rings (#989)
  • Polynomial build complex does not throw out of bounds error (#991)
  • Improve show methods for Toric Line Bundles (#1017)
  • example is broken (#1030)

Merged pull requests:


17 Dec 14:40
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Oscar v0.7.1

Diff since v0.7.0

Closed issues:

  • Add native support for Apple M1 (#546)
  • Schemes (#561)
  • polymake warning: couldn't run 4ti2: zsolve -q (#691)
  • New Oscar release (#802)
  • could not initialize the perl interpreter -- julia 1.6.4 on macos (#831)
  • PolynomialRing fails on print when trivial (#834)
  • Internal stackoverflow julia master + MacOS (#842)
  • Error running test suite due to polymake failure (#854)
  • ehrhart Polynomials (#896)

Merged pull requests:


24 Nov 00:51
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Oscar v0.7.0

Diff since v0.6.0

Closed issues:

  • supported Julia versions (#80)
  • Better feedback when users try to use our packages under Windows (#235)
  • Scary but harmless error about ferret binary missing (#283)
  • build_doc expects that Documenter, DocumenterCitations, DocumenterMarkdown are installed (#340)
  • confusion on the return of collect(permutation group) (#345)
  • Constructors for polyhedral objects (#388)
  • Oscar doesn't precompile with Julia 1.7.0-beta2 (#504)
  • docs: weirdness in navbar with docs included from Hecke (#513)
  • docs: why do some filenames have a prefix like ca_, pg_, it_? (#514)
  • error installing Ferret: gmp.h not found (#540)
  • singular_ring not working for finite prime fields (#564)
  • Problems with $ in singular_ring (#574)
  • singular_ring woes (#575)
  • New binaries with flint 2.8 (#589)
  • docs: add a "FAQ" or "Common questions & troubleshooting" section to the manual (#640)
  • Something goes wrong with divides in quotient rings (#645)
  • AlgebraHomomorphism doesn't seem to copy its own list of generators (#655)
  • Add docstring for describe(G::GAPGroup) and add it to the manual (#657)
  • (documentation) univariate polynomials: normalise function example (#662)
  • Polymake lattice_points not in the documentation? (#663)
  • number_moved_points does not know that it returns fmpz (#666)
  • Some functionality missing for rings (#672)
  • Unifying and streamlining Polytopes interfaces (#677)
  • Add IntegerUnion = Union{Integer, fmpz} somewhere (#679)
  • convert for GAP.GapObj (#681)
  • Invariant ring and polynomial ring with complex coefficients (#687)
  • docs: remove reference to Oscar.Integer, Oscar.Rational; update or remove IntegerTypes.svg and RationalTypes.svg (#688)
  • Affine way of thinking causes confusion with trivial hyperplane (#715)
  • Require Julia >= 1.6 ?! (#716)
  • CI tests with Julia nightly fail precompiling Singular.jl (#721)
  • CI tests segfault on master with Julia 1.7, nightly, since merge of Modules PR #461 (#735)
  • Segfault in libcurl when is used by GAP.jl (#773)
  • Test failures, possible caused by GAP.jl 0.7.1 (#774)
  • Allow constructing ideals with no generators (#784)
  • Test suite speed regression (#788)
  • HomotopContinuation.jl/OSCAR compatibility issue (#792)
  • Equality test for zero ideals fails (#795)
  • zsolve problems on macOS (#801)
  • msolve dependency broken? (#814)

Merged pull requests:

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13 Aug 10:54
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Oscar v0.6.0

Diff since v0.5.2

Closed issues:

  • Groups: Replace adhoc linear algebra code (#407)
  • iszero duplicate (#417)
  • Absolute factorization docstring example failing (#420)
  • Documentation broken (#422)
  • OSCAR website should link to docs (#443)
  • Don't forget to fix singular_ring(::NmodRing) (#444)
  • Random error in FreeModules-graded-test.jl (#451)
  • Introduce (resp. import from Hecke) coefficient_ring for our polynomial rings (including decorated) (#454)
  • Ideal membership (#485)
  • inexplicable behaviour of QabField (#491)
  • bug in hilbert_polynomial (#505)
  • docs: collapse all top-level entries in the navigation by default (#512)
  • docs: ordering of top-level entries (#516)
  • Missing functionality for quotients of graded rings (#526)
  • Kroki (#529)
  • Determinants of matrices with polynomial entries (#545)
  • problem with building the Oscar documentation (#547)
  • Printing roots of unity (#552)
  • segmentation fault primary decomposition over number field (#557)
  • No singular_ring for finite fields (#566)
  • geometric_genus(C::ProjectivePlaneCurve{S}) is wildy type unstable (#572)
  • Importing Oscar breaks display of Vectors in Pluto notebooks (#597)
  • docs: disable doctests by default, allow enabling (#604)
  • galois_group problems (#613)

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What's Changed

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21 Apr 13:54
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Oscar v0.5.2

Diff since v0.5.1

Closed issues:

  • Factoring polynomials over finite fields does not work. (#188)
  • Error in factoring polynomials over QQ (#211)
  • Make a new release, soon (#234)
  • wrong type? (#260)
  • ideal in quotient ring (#263)
  • BoundsError: attempt to access 0-element Array{GrpAbFinGenElem,1} at index [1] (#270)
  • Add a bibliography to our manual(s) (#311)
  • Ensure CI also covers our doctests (#323)
  • Coercing a vector into a perm group should fail if it is too long (#371)
  • direct_product for groups should give the embedding / projection morphisms (#372)
  • groebner_basis result is different to std (#397)
  • Weird behaviour with all latest masters [maybe Oscar.Integer should be the same as Base.Integer] (#403)

Merged pull requests:


12 Feb 22:08
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Oscar v0.5.1

Diff since v0.5.0

Closed issues:

  • Migrate all Oscar related Julia packages to use JLLs (#109)
  • make some Singular functions accessible for Oscar objects (#139)
  • inside Oscar, GAP's Browse package cannot be loaded (#160)
  • Installation Fails (#187)
  • Updating FLINT_jll (and other JLLs) across all OSCAR packages (#193)
  • SLPolyRing not a ring? (#195)
  • SLPoly (in Oscar) does not print (#196)
  • Improve conversion between GAP larger integers and fmpz (#202)
  • Polymake and Singular don't compile when installing Oscar v0.2.0 (#205)
  • CI test failure: no method matching (::FlintRationalField)(::Singular.n_Q) (#208)
  • is_dev tests are not run in CI (#213)
  • divexact for decorated polynomials (#223)
  • Fraction with decorated polynomials (#226)
  • Failed to precompile with Julia 1.6.0-beta1 (#237)
  • Coercion of elements in function fields (#241)
  • conversion broken (#248)
  • Eval for SLPoly wrong (#250)
  • slpoly_ring (#251)
  • evaluate SLPoly (#253)
  • undefined symbol: _ZNSt7__cxx1119basic_ostringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1Ev (#262)

Merged pull requests:


23 Sep 14:09
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Oscar v0.5.0

Diff since v0.4.0

Closed issues:

  • WARNING: import of Hecke.example into Oscar conflicts with an existing identifier; ignored. (#97)
  • Oscar fails to precompile on Ubuntu (#137)
  • installing Oscar is broken (#151)
  • New Oscar release todo (#152)

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