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NeedDart zxhprogram
Java, Python,scala,NodeJs are the best language in the world!!!


fjiawjefiwa fjiawjefiwa
Full Stack Developer. Protocols, Database, Docker, Cloud, Industrial Software, SCADA/HMI Developer, IoT

BLAutomatic JiangXi

Peter Pan peterpanBest
Happy Man : )


Evelyn Lopez bluatruli
4 years experience building .NET applications, excited to learn new technologies!

San Diego, CA

landv landv
From China 技术是第一生产力; 他山之石可以攻玉。

landv beijing

Coder_Murphy coder-murphy
Fantastic Dream 一个佛系鸽子精,随缘开发项目。(如果我想起来)

Earth Xi'An China

Mojtaba Toghyani toghyani
ما کافر شیخیم و مسلمان دوست




Jerry Zhou zhoujiahua
Doing is better than saying.

Huatek Software Xi'an, China

金软(GoldArch):印刷MES开发 goldarch
对C#、msSql、vfp、软件系统架构、企业管理软件开发、上位机、wince等制造企业应用场景、企业管理和心理学非常感兴趣,欢迎朋友们交流 QQ群:38774625 (验证码:goldarch) 抖音号:971113627


well.james sgf
focus🎯C# I don't have enough time&money in open source. I need keep full-time job. HOPE=10k$/m,NOW=3k$/m

Aimee.Lee alowbee
Programming Beginner
Ge gehongyan
戈小荷 | C#/.NET

Beijing, China

Jeremy Wu JeremyWu917
The world will be changed by coding 💯

HangZhou, ZheJiang

Jacky Setiawan jackysetiawan6
A new player of Programming

Binus University Indonesia

D3n1s.Net D3n1sNet
Ich, der Ersteller, bin nicht verantwortlich für Handlungen und/oder Schäden, die durch diese Software verursacht werden. Sie tragen die volle Verantwortung

dToolz Was y