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+END + + # skip '---' + cat "$src_path" | xp-md2html + + cat <<-END + +
+ + +END + + } > "$output_path" +} + +# for example: +# https://pub-e254240c5c35410cb21a0cf4fb58f73e.r2.dev/2023-12-17-openraft-read.html +url_base="https://pub-e254240c5c35410cb21a0cf4fb58f73e.r2.dev" + fn=_src/openraft-read/2023-12-17-openraft-read.md name=${fn##*/} +name=${name%.md} + +# Build local markdown +mkdir -p md2-local + +# reference local resource +platform=wechat +md2zhihu \ + --platform $platform \ + --code-width 600 \ + --refs _data/refs.yml \ + --output-dir ./md2-local \ + --asset-output-dir ./md2-local/ \ + --md-output ./md2-local/$name.md \ + $fn + +# reference remote resource +md2zhihu \ + --platform $platform \ + --code-width 600 \ + --refs _data/refs.yml \ + --output-dir ./md2-local \ + --asset-output-dir ./md2-local/ \ + --md-output ./md2-local/$name-remote.md \ + --rewrite "^" "$url_base/" \ + $fn + +cp assets/images/qrcode-hori.jpg ./md2-local/ +cp assets/css/github-markdown.css ./md2-local/ + +# Build html +md2html "./md2-local/$name.md" "./md2-local/$name.html" +md2html "./md2-local/$name-remote.md" "./md2-local/$name-remote.html" + +# Upload +aws s3 sync ./md2-local/ s3://bed/ + +echo "" +echo "$url_base/$name.html" +echo "$url_base/$name-remote.html" + +exit 0 # Build zhihu specific md # @@ -61,3 +158,4 @@ md2zhihu \ --repo git@gitee.com:drdrxp/bed.git@openacid-$platform-import-assets \ $fn + diff --git a/post-res/openraft-read/2306f8dcbf959b10-openraft-banner-2x1.jpg b/post-res/openraft-read/2306f8dcbf959b10-openraft-banner-2x1.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e6869cea Binary files /dev/null and b/post-res/openraft-read/2306f8dcbf959b10-openraft-banner-2x1.jpg differ diff --git a/post-res/openraft-read/openraft-read.jpg b/post-res/openraft-read/openraft-read.jpg deleted file mode 100644 index 93d3aef6..00000000 Binary files a/post-res/openraft-read/openraft-read.jpg and /dev/null differ