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XQ32/XSEQ Script Specification


This document describes the human-readable output from XtractQuery and its syntax.
It also describes its relation to the instruction types read from the format, as per the format specification.


Functions in the script are a finite sequence of instructions to be executed. Some instructions can jump to labels to immitate higher level programming concepts, like if ... else ... or loops. A function always has a name consisting of only lower- and uppercase letters and alphanumerical digits. A function can have up to 1000 parameters to pass into.

MyFunction($param0, $param1, ...)


Jumps in the script are string literals suffixed by a colon : above an instruction. An instruction can have multiple labels. If called by any operation, that can execute a jump (see "Instructions" > "Jumps") the function will jump to that instruction and continue execution there.

    if 1 goto "@000@"h;
    $local1 = log("Jumped here.");


The script can contain single-line comments prefixed with // and multi-line comments encased in /* Comment */. Those comments will be ignored on compilation.

// This is a comment
/* This is also
   a comment */

Value notation

All literal values and variables have their own notation, so they can be faithfully re-compiled back into their base types (see "Argument" in the format specification).

Basetype Notation Description
1 0 Describes a signed integer.
2 0h Describes an unsigned integer. The suffix 'h' was chosen, as this type is mostly used for checksum ('h'ash) values.
2 "Text"h Describes a string, that is converted to a checksum and then processed and written like an unsigned integer. The suffix 'h' was chosen to infer a parity to unsigned integers and what they represent.
3 1.0f Describes a floating point value. The suffix 'f' stands for 'float'.
4 $variable1 Describes a value on the stack. Refer to "Variable notation" for their specific notation.
8 "Text" Describes a string, that is written as is. It will NOT be converted to a checksum.

Variable notation

Variables have a fixed notation to declare their placement on the stack. (see "Variables" in the format specification)
All variables start with the prefix '$', followed by a fixed term and number from 0 to 999 for placement on the stack.

Additionally, as of version 3.0.4, an optional variable name can be appended after the number portion of the variable.
Everything after the number will be ignored for compilation and follows no specific syntax other than it has to append to the number portion and shouldn't start with a number itself.

Notation Description
$unk0 A value, that persists through multiple scripts.
$local0 A value, that persists only in the function it was set in.
$object0 A value, that persists only in the function it was set in.
$param0 A value, that exclusively holds input parameters to the function.
$global0 A value, that persists through multiple functions only in the script it was set in.



Type Description
10 Yields back into the script engine to execute logic outside the script and continues the method at the next instruction.
11 Returns from a function at that moment of execution. Can set the return value of the function.
return value;
12 Exits the script, that is currently executed, completely.


Type Description
20 Calls any function from any currently loaded script in the engine, either by name or by its CRC32/CRC16 checksum.
$local1 = call("MyOtherFunction"h, arg1, arg2, ...);
$local1 = call("MyOtherFunction", arg1, arg2, ...);
$local1 = MyOtherFunction(arg1, arg2, ...);


Type Description
30 If the value equates to true, jump to the label in the current function.
if 1 goto "Label1"h;
if $variable0 goto "Label1"h;
31 Unconditionally jump to the label in the current function.
goto "Label1"h;
33 If the value equates to false, jump to the label in the current function.
if 0 goto "Label1"h;
if $variable0 goto "Label1"h;

Basic assignments and operations

Type Description
100 Sets a literal value or variable to another variable.
$local1 = 0;
$local1 = $local2;
110 Sets the bit complement of a literal value or variable to another variable.
$local1 = ~0;
$local1 = ~$local2;
112 Sets the negation of a literal value or variable to another variable.
$local1 = -0;
$local1 = -$local2;
140 Adds 1 to a variable and sets to another variable.
$local1 = $local2 + 1;
141 Subtracts 1 from a variable and sets to another variable.
$local1 = $local2 - 1;
150 Adds a literal value or variable to another variable and sets to another variable.
$local1 = $local2 + 30;
$local1 = $local2 + $object1;
151 Subtracts a literal value or variable from another variable and sets to another variable.
$local1 = $local2 - 30;
$local1 = $local2 - $object1;
152 Multiplies a literal value or variable with another variable and sets to another variable.
$local1 = $local2 * 30;
$local1 = $local2 * $object1;
153 Divides a variable by a literal value or another variable and sets to another variable.
$local1 = $local2 / 30;
$local1 = $local2 / $object1;
154 Modulates variable by a literal value or another variable and sets to another variable.
$local1 = $local2 % 30;
$local1 = $local2 % $object1;
240 Increments a variable by 1.
241 Decrements a variable by 1.
250 Adds a literal value or variable to another variable.
$local1 += 30;
$local1 += $object1;
251 Subtracts a literal value or variable from another variable.
$local1 -= 30;
$local1 -= $object1;
252 Multiplies a literal value or variable to another variable.
$local1 *= 30;
$local1 *= $object1;
253 Divides a variable by a literal value or variable.
$local1 /= 30;
$local1 /= $object1;
254 Modulates a variable by a literal value or variable.
$local1 %= 30;
$local1 % = $object1;

Bit operations

Type Description
160 Bitwise and two literal values or variables and sets to another variable.
$local1 = 33 & 32;
$local1 = $local2 & 32;
$local1 = $local2 & $local3;
161 Bitwise or two literal values or variables and sets to another variable.
$local1 = 33 | 32;
$local1 = $local2 | 32;
$local1 = $local2 | $local3;
162 Bitwise xor two literal values or variables and sets to another variable.
$local1 = 33 ^ 32;
$local1 = $local2 ^ 32;
$local1 = $local2 ^ $local3;
170 Bitwise shift left a literal value or variable by another literal value or variable and sets to another variable.
$local1 = 33 << 2;
$local1 = $local2 << 2;
$local1 = $local2 << $local3;
171 Bitwise shift right a literal value or variable by another literal value or variable and sets to another variable.
$local1 = 33 >> 2;
$local1 = $local2 >> 2;
$local1 = $local2 >> $local3;
260 Bitwise and a variable with a literal value or another variable.
$local1 &= 32;
$local1 &= $local3;
261 Bitwise or a variable with a literal value or another variable.
$local1 |= 32;
$local1 |= $local3;
262 Bitwise xor a variable with a literal value or another variable.
$local1 ^= 32;
$local1 ^= $local3;
270 Bitwise shift left a variable with a literal value or another variable.
$local1 <<= 32;
$local1 <<= $local3;
271 Bitwise shift right a variable with a literal value or another variable.
$local1 >>= 32;
$local1 >>= $local3;


Type Description
130 Compares if two literal values or variables are equal and to another variable.
$local1 = 1 == 2;
$local1 = $local2 == 2;
$local1 = $local3 == $local4;
131 Compares if two literal values or variables are not equal and sets the result to another variable.
$local1 = 1 != 2;
$local1 = $local2 != 2;
$local1 = $local3 != $local4;
132 Compares if one literal value or variable is greater or equal to another literal value or variable and sets to another variable.
$local1 = 1 >= 2;
$local1 = $local2 >= 2;
$local1 = $local3 >= $local4;
133 Compares if one literal value or variable is smaller or equal to another literal value or variable and sets to another variable.
$local1 = 1 <= 2;
$local1 = $local2 <= 2;
$local1 = $local3 <= $local4;
134 Compares if one literal value or variable is greater than another literal value or variable and sets to another variable.
$local1 = 1 > 2;
$local1 = $local2 > 2;
$local1 = $local3 > $local4;
135 Compares if one literal value or variable is smaller than another literal value or variable and sets to another variable.
$local1 = 1 < 2;
$local1 = $local2 < 2;
$local1 = $local3 < $local4;


Type Description
120 Converts a literal value or variable to boolean and negate it.
$local1 = not $local2;
121 Converts two literal values or variables to boolean and boolean and them.
$local1 = true && true;
$local1 = $local2 && true;
$local1 = $local2 && $local3;
122 Converts two literal values or variables to boolean and boolean or them.
$local1 = true || true;
$local1 = $local2 || true;
$local1 = $local2 || $local3;


Type Description
500 Was originally used to log a message in developement. Is a no-op in published games.
$local1 = log("This is a message.");
501 Formats a string with placeholder values.
$local1 = format("Formatted message %s", $local2);
503 Get a substring from another string.
$local1 = substring("This message", 5);


Type Description
530 Creates a new multi-dimensional array.
$local1 = new[2];
$local1 = new[2][1];
531 Gets a reference to the indexed element in an array.
$local1 = $local2[0];
$local1 = $local2[2];

The array index notation can be used in all shorthand assignments of type 240 - 271. They can not be directly used in operations of type 110 - 171. You need to use operation 531 to get an array element and set it to another variable to use them in those operations.


Type Description
40 Gets the base type of a variable.
$local1 = typeof($local2);
511 Casts a literal value or variable to int.
$local1 = (int)$local2;
512 Casts a literal value or variable to bool.
$local1 = (bool)$local2;
513 Casts a literal value or variable to float.
$local1 = (float)$local2;


Type Description
600 Gets the absolute representation of a literal value or variable and sets to another variable.
$local1 = math_abs($local2);
601 Gets the square root of a literal value or variable and sets to another variable.
$local1 = math_sqrt($local2);
602 Rounds a literal value or variable to the next integer towards negative infinity and sets to another variable.
$local1 = math_floor($local2);
603 Rounds a literal value or variable to the nearest integer and sets to another variable. .5 and upwards rounds towards positive infinity.
$local1 = math_round($local2);
604 Rounds a literal value or variable to the next integer towards positive infinity and sets to another variable.
$local1 = math_ceiling($local2);
605 Gets the smaller of two literal values or variables and sets to another variable.
$local1 = math_min($local2, $local3);
606 Gets the greater of two literal values or variables and sets to another variable.
$local1 = math_max($local2, $local3);
607 Clamps the first literal value or variable between a minimum and maximum literal value or variable and sets to another variable.
$local1 = math_clamp($local2, $local3, $local4);
610 Gets the sin of a literal value or variable and sets to another variable.
$local1 = math_sin($local2);
611 Gets the cos of a literal value or variable and sets to another variable.
$local1 = math_cos($local2);
612 Gets the tan of a literal value or variable and sets to another variable.
$local1 = math_tan($local2);
620 Gets the inverse tan of a literal value or variable and sets to another variable.
$local1 = math_asin($local2);
621 Gets the inverse tan of a literal value or variable and sets to another variable.
$local1 = math_acos($local2);
622 Gets the inverse tan of a literal value or variable and sets to another variable.
$local1 = math_atan($local2);

Advanced operations

Type Description
510 Gets the amount of parameters into the function.
$local1 = parameter_count();
520 Gets a random value from 0 to a mximum defined by a literal value or variable and sets to another variable.
$local1 = random(5);
$local1 = random($local2);
521 Gets the CRC32 from a literal value or variable and sets to another variable.
$local1 = crc32($local2);
522 Gets the CRC16 from a literal value or variable and sets to another variable.
$local1 = crc16($local2);
523 Remaps the value of a variable to another literal value or variable or sets a default.
$local1 = switch $local2
1 => 99
2 => $object1
3 => $local3
_ => 0