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388 lines (293 loc) · 15.4 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

0.10.1 - 2024-08-12


  • Library grib
    • Complex packing decoder now strictly checks that original field values are floating-points. (#95)


  • Library grib
    • Fixed a possible issue that decoders returned wrong values when nbit is 0 and D is not 0, although no such data have been found so far. (#96)

0.10.0 - 2024-07-04


  • Library grib
    • Support for regular Gaussian grids (Template 3.40). (#85, #90)
    • New method SubMessage::grid_shape() to access the grid shape without iteration. (#80)
    • New method FixedSurface::unit() to access the unit string defined for the type of the surface, if any. (#81)
    • New method GridDefinitionTemplateValues::short_name() to return the short name defined for the grid, based on ecCodes gridType strings. (#87)
    • New utility function grib::utils::compute_gaussian_latitudes() to compute Gaussian latitudes. (#92)
  • Others
    • GRIB2 viewer web app for demo using the crate is now available. (#79, #83, #84)
    • Now that example code in has been subject to testing, we can know any update omissions. (#89)


  • Library grib
    • SubMessage::latlons() now strictly returns an error for quasi-regular latitude/longitude grids as unsupported. (#86)
    • LatLonGridIterator has been renamed to RegularGridIterator. (#88)


  • Thanks for sharing the data that cannot be processed.
    • @BruAPAHE (#85)

0.9.2 - 2024-05-24


  • Library grib
    • Support for first-order spatial differencing in the complex packing decoder. (#78)
    • Support for Code Table 5.6 (order of spatial differencing). (#78)


  • Thanks for sharing the data that cannot be processed.
    • @animus27 (#77)

0.9.1 - 2024-04-03


  • Library grib
    • Fix FixedValueIterator crash after iteration completion. (#75, #76)


  • Thanks for reporting a bug and providing its fix.
    • @shastro (#75, #76)

0.9.0 - 2024-02-04


  • Library grib
    • New feature gridpoints-proj to compute coordinates of grid points using proj crate. (#69)
    • Support for Code Table 3.2 (shape of the reference system). (#70)
    • Support for Code Table 3.5 (projection centre). (#73)
    • Support for Template 3.20 (polar stereographic). (#73)
      • Feature gridpoints-proj needs to be enabled to use this support.
    • Support for Template 3.30 (Lambert conformal). (#69, #71, #72)
      • Feature gridpoints-proj needs to be enabled to use this support.
    • Grid point index iterator API to allow users to use grid point indices. (#67)
    • Support for building WASM. (#65)


  • Library grib
    • Improved the module structure to make the source code a little more readable and easier to contribute. (#66)
  • Others
    • Improved descriptions on template support in README. (#74)

0.8.0 - 2023-11-11


  • Library grib
    • Support for GRIB files with non-GRIB byte sequences between messages. (#60)
    • Support for Code Table 5.5 (missing value management for complex packing). (#61)
    • Support for Template 5.2/7.2 (PNG format). (#62)
    • New example scripts:
      • examples/
  • Others
    • The project has begun using GitHub Discussions as a forum. (#58)


  • Library grib
    • Due to support for the input with non-GRIB byte sequences between messages, the reader now behaves differently (#60):
      • If non-GRIB byte sequences are included in the input, the reader used to return an error, but now it skips those sequences and try to find the next GRIB message in the input.
      • If there is no GRIB data in the input byte sequence, the reader used to return an error, but now it successfully reads empty data.
    • Non-API changes:
      • Users are now suggested to run git submodule update --init in build failure. (#57)


  • Library grib
    • Fixed an issue that the decoder returned wrong values when nbit is 0 in Template 5.3/7.3 (complex packing and spatial differencing). (#63)


  • Thanks for letting us know about the need for the forum.
    • Tom Clark
  • Thanks for sharing the data that cannot be processed.
    • @sapiennervosa (#59)

0.7.1 - 2023-04-20


  • Library grib
    • Support for Template 5.41/7.41 (PNG format). (#53, #55)
  • Others
    • GRIB tools from ecCodes are now mentioned in a section on comparison of GRIB processors in the cookbook. (#52)


  • Library grib
    • Fixed an issue that size_hint() results do not change after consuming iterator items. (#50, #54)

0.7.0 - 2023-02-09


  • Library grib
    • Support for computation of latitudes and longitudes of grid points (for the lat/lon grid (Template 3.0)). (#39, #41, #43)


  • Library grib
    • Now most module hierarchies in the crate have been removed from API and all types except code tables are available directly under the crate root. This makes it easier to import types and get a full picture of the types in the crate via API references. Note that type names are not changed in this release. (#44, #47)
    • Non-API changes:
      • Cleaned up superfluous use statements. (#45)
  • CLI application gribber built on the top of the Rust library
    • The "decode" subcommand now prints grid points' lat/lon values as well as data. (#40)
  • Others
    • Now includes example code to show the usage of the API. (#48)
    • The word "surface" used in and elsewhere to describe a submessage is now replaced with "layers". (#49)


  • Library grib
    • Fixed an issue that wrong offset values are stored in reading a message starting from a non-zero position, which may result in incorrect value output, panics, etc. (#38, #42)
    • Fixed an issue that wrong Section 0 and 1 information is linked with submessages returned from iterators for multi-message data. (#37, #46)


  • Thanks for reporting issues fixed in this release:
    • @LafeWessel (#37, #38)

0.6.1 - 2023-01-29


  • Library grib
    • Support for zero width groups in Template 5.3/7.3 decoder. (#31)
    • Support for the number of spatial differencing extra descriptors other than 2 in Template 5.3/7.3 decoder. (#33, #36)
    • Support for cases where nbit is 0 in following decoders (#35):
      • Template 5.3/7.3 (complex packing and spatial differencing)
      • Template 5.40/7.40 (JPEG 2000 code stream format)
  • CLI application gribber built on the top of the Rust library
    • New subcommand "completions" to generate shell completions.


  • Library grib
    • Verify that encoding parameter values are supported before decoding the data encoded with complex packing.
  • CLI application gribber built on the top of the Rust library
    • The version of clap used is now 4.1 (no change in behavior except for messages).


  • Library grib
    • Fixed a panic with an assertion failure (with a message "assertion failed" in Template 5.3/7.3 decoder. (#29, #31)
      • Correctly use spatial differencing extra descriptors in Template 7.3.
      • Correct offset bit calculation in handling non-zero width groups.
    • Fixed a panic with an index out-of-bounds error (with a message "range end index 4 out of range for slice of length 3") in Template 5.3/7.3 decoder. (#32, #35)


  • Thanks for reporting issues concerning this release:
    • @LafeWessel (#29, #32)

0.6.0 - 2022-11-13


  • Library grib
    • Multi-message data support in Grib2 using newly introduced iterator-based parsers internally.
    • New method Grib2::len() for submessage list length checking.
    • New Grib2SubmessageDecoder, which returns an iterator of decoded values in a submessage. (#27)
    • New experimental parser API Grib2SubmessageStream, which parses GRIB2 data as an iterator. Currently this is experimental and users cannot use decoders with this API.
  • CLI application gribber built on the top of the Rust library
    • Multi-message data support. (#21)


  • Library grib
    • Grib2 is now re-exported at the crate root.
    • Unnecessarily strong trait boundaries for Grib2::iter(), Grib2::submessages(), and Grib2::sections() are removed.
    • Grib2::sections() now return an iterator instead of a slice.
    • Identification::ref_time() now returns Result instead of directly returning chrono::DateTime. So, this method will not panic even if the reference time in the GRIB file is invalid. (#28)
    • SubMessageIterator is renamed as SubmessageIterator.
    • Non-API changes
      • Development version of the library's API documentation is now available on GitHub Pages. (#22)
  • CLI application gribber built on the top of the Rust library
    • The application now uses anyhow for error handling instead of a custom error type in order to reduce boilerplate code.
    • The version of clap used is now 4.0. (#26)
    • User-invisible changes
      • Duplication in test code for CLI has been eliminated so that commonalities and differences between test cases get clarified.
      • Test code for CLI has been reorganized for better accessibility.
  • Others
    • Source code for CLI has been separated from the "grib" library package as "grib-cli" for the separation of dependencies. (#23)
    • Cookbook has been migrated from mdBook to rustdoc so that the code in the documentation is now always tested against the library's API. (#25)
    • aarch64-apple-darwin is added to the target architecture list in nightly building.
    • Enabled link time optimization and symbol stripping in release builds to improve runtime performance and reduce the size of builds.


  • Library grib
    • Grib2::scan() has been removed in favor of newly introduced iterator-based parsers.
    • Grib2::info() has been removed since it does not make sense for multi-message data.
    • Grib2::get_values() has been removed in favor of newly introduced Grib2SubmessageDecoder. (#24)
    • An enum variant GribError::ValidationError has been removed since its functionality is now included in GribError::ParseError.


  • CLI application gribber built on the top of the Rust library
    • Fixed an issue that "Something unexpected happend" is shown when a wrong message index is given to the "decode" subcommand

0.5.0 - 2022-07-10


  • Library grib
    • Support for Section 6 (Bit-map Section). (#19)


  • Library grib
    • There is a small change in arguments of decoders::dispatch().
  • CLI application gribber built on the top of the Rust library
    • The "list" subcommand now displays the number of grid points and ones whose values are NaN. (#20)
    • The version of clap used is now 3.2 (no change in behavior).


  • Thanks for sending PRs to this release:
    • @resistor (#18)

0.4.3 - 2022-01-15


  • CLI application gribber built on the top of the Rust library
    • The performance of the "decode" subcommand is improved for big-endian binary output.

0.4.2 - 2022-01-13


  • CLI application gribber built on the top of the Rust library
    • The performance of the "decode" subcommand is improved.
    • The version of clap used is now 3 (no change in behavior except for messages).

0.4.1 - 2022-01-03


  • Library grib
    • Simple and easy-to-use reading APIs from_reader()) and from_slice().

0.4.0 - 2021-12-29


  • Library grib
    • New method Grib2::iter() for iteration over submessages.
    • Support for GRIB2 Code Table 4.5.
    • Support for Template 5.40/7.40 (JPEG 2000 code stream format).
    • Support for cases where nbit is 0 in the Template 5.0/7.0 (simple packing) decoder.
  • Others
    • Documentation on comparison of GRIB2 data operations among tools.


  • Library grib
    • Reorganize APIs of code tables, data types and decoders.
    • datatypes::ForecastTime structs are now used for the data representation of forecast time instead of tuples.
  • Others
    • Update to the Rust 2021 Edition


  • Thanks for sending PRs to this release:
    • @Quba1
    • @crepererum
    • @mulimoen

0.3.0 - 2021-05-04


  • Library grib
    • New interfaces of surfaces (submessages).
    • New interfaces of code tables.
    • Support for GRIB2 Code Tables 0.0, 3.1, 4.0 to 4.4, and 5.0.
    • New example scripts (#1):
      • examples/
      • examples/


  • Library grib

    • All previous interfaces of code tables are now replaced by above-mentioned new ones. Old ones were just constant arrays and their features were limited.
    • Old submessage API is now replaced by above-mentioned new one. Old one only returned indices of relevant sections and was not useful.
    • Replace hard-coded GRIB2 Code Tables 1.1 to 1.4 with the latest ones from WMO's repository.
  • CLI application gribber built on the top of the Rust library

    • "inspect" now shows sections and templates used in each surface (submessage).
    • "list" now shows attributes of each surface, such as an element name and forecast time.

0.2.0 - 2021-01-24


  • Library grib
    • Support for Common Code Table C-11.
    • Support for Template 5.3/7.3 (complex packing and spatial differencing).
    • Support for non-16-bits values in the Template 5.0/7.0 (simple packing) decoder
    • Support for non-8-bits values in the Template 5.200/7.200 (run-length encoding) decoder


  • Library grib

    • Replace Code Table 1.0 with Common Code Table C-0.
  • CLI application gribber built on the top of the Rust library

    • Try to colorize even when using a pager.

0.1.0 - 2020-06-07


  • Initial release
  • Library grib
    • Ability to read and check the basic structure of GRIB2
    • Decoding feature supporting Templates 5.0/7.0 (simple packing) and 5.200/7.200 (run-length encoding)
  • CLI application gribber built on the top of the Rust library
    • 4 subcommands:
      • decode: data export as text and flat binary files
      • info: display of identification information
      • inspect: display of information mainly for development purpose such as template numbers
      • list: display of a list of sections (the style is still tentative)