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Whitelabeling Manually

Nick Thompson edited this page Apr 29, 2019 · 1 revision

The whitelabeler does all of this work for you, but if for some reason you can't use it on your host, or you're just curious how it works, the files that are updated are show here.

Version 2.15.1

Company Name in the Universal Footer

In /app/bundles/CoreBundle/Views/Default/base.html.php

On lines 45-49:

<div class="col-xs-6 text-muted text-right small">v<?php
    /** @var \Mautic\CoreBundle\Templating\Helper\VersionHelper $version */
    $version = $view['version'];
    echo $version->getVersion(); ?>

Replace this with (or whatever else you'd like):

<div class="col-xs-6 text-muted text-right small">v<?php
    &copy; <?=date('Y');?> My Company Name

Company Name in the Page Titles

The company name is loaded into the page titles on a couple of templates. Then it's changed via JavaScript as you click around to different sections in Mautic. Therefore, we have to update the templates and the JavaScript file responsible for this.

In /app/bundles/CoreBundle/Views/Default/head.html.php

On line 17, Replace "Mautic" with whatever you'd like:

<?php echo $view['slots']->get('pageTitle', 'Mautic'); ?>

The company name also appears in the title tag of /app/bundles/UserBundle/Views/Security/base.html.php (the login screen), but that file also contains logos we want to replace, so we'll wait until that step for updating this.

In /app/bundles/CoreBundle/Assets/js/1a.content.js

On lines 118-121:

mQuery('title').html( currentModule[0].toUpperCase() + currentModule.slice(1) + ' | ' + currentModuleItem + ' | Mautic' );
} else {
//loading basic title
mQuery('title').html( mQuery('.page-header h3').html() + ' | Mautic' );

Replace "Mautic" on line 118 and line 121 with whatever you'd like.

Updating Logos

Sidebar Logo

In /app/bundles/CoreBundle/Views/LeftPanel/index.html.php

On lines 15-54, there are two SVG tags you'll see:

<!-- brand -->
<a class="mautic-brand<?php echo (!empty($extraMenu)) ? ' pull-left pl-0 pr-0' : ''; ?>" href="#">
    <!-- logo figure -->
    <svg version="1.1" class="mautic-logo-figure" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 128 128" enable-background="new 0 0 128 128" xml:space="preserve">
        <path class="circle" d="M64,119.843c-30.937,0-56.108-25.17-56.108-56.108C7.893,32.799,33.063,7.629,64,7.629
        <polygon class="m" points="88.545,57.987 79.807,67.055 84.664,87.332 95.621,87.332 "/>
        <polygon class="m-arrow" points="84.982,31.157 88.004,34.176 63.933,59.605 43.446,38.475 31.664,87.332 42.621,87.332
        49.122,60.198 63.933,76.399 95.699,41.815 98.738,44.875 101.75,27.784 "/>
    <!--/ logo figure -->
    <!-- logo text -->
    <svg version="1.1" class="mautic-logo-text mnl-3" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 260 65" enable-background="new 0 0 260 65" xml:space="preserve">
            <path class="m" d="M39.336,57.983V37.951c0-4.932-2.58-9.409-7.664-9.409
            <path class="a" d="M109.031,20.574h8.879v37.41h-8.728l-0.456-5.464
            c5.01,0,9.789,2.352,11.913,6.07L109.031,20.574z M86.569,39.24c0,7.134,4.934,11.384,11.079,11.384
            <path class="u" d="M133.101,20.574v19.578c0,5.69,3.11,10.016,9.03,10.016
            <path class="t" d="M182.123,10.026V20.65h10.319v7.967h-10.396V44.78
            <path class="i" d="M209.441,10.026c0,7.209-10.929,7.209-10.929,0 C198.513,2.818,209.441,2.818,209.441,10.026 M199.348,57.984h9.259V20.422h-9.259V57.984z"/>
            <path class="c" d="M247.803,53.203c-4.326,4.249-8.879,5.92-14.418,5.92
    <!--/ logo text -->

You can replace these lines with this:

<a class="mautic-brand<?php echo (!empty($extraMenu)) ? ' pull-left pl-0 pr-0' : ''; ?>" href="#">
    <img src="/images/sidebar_logo.png" style="width:100%; max-width:130px; margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;" />

Replace the image with your own. Change the inline CSS image max-width to whatever you'd like. Update the margins if you need additional spacing (0px 0px 0px 0px are margins in this order: top, right, bottom, left).

Login Logo

First, let's update the page title that we mentioned earlier.

On line 17:

<title><?php echo $view['slots']->get('pageTitle', 'Mautic'); ?></title>

Change "Mautic" to whever you'd like.

The logo is another SVG tag inside of a div tag on lines 33-44:

<div class="mautic-logo img-circle mb-md text-center">
    <svg version="1.1" class="mautic-logo-figure" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 128 128" enable-background="new 0 0 128 128" xml:space="preserve">
    <path class="circle" d="M64,119.843c-30.937,0-56.108-25.17-56.108-56.108C7.893,32.799,33.063,7.629,64,7.629
    <polygon class="m" points="88.545,57.987 79.807,67.055 84.664,87.332 95.621,87.332 "/>
    <polygon class="m-arrow" points="84.982,31.157 88.004,34.176 63.933,59.605 43.446,38.475 31.664,87.332 42.621,87.332
    49.122,60.198 63.933,76.399 95.699,41.815 98.738,44.875 101.75,27.784 "/>

Replace it with this:

<div class="mautic-logo img-circle mb-md text-center" style="width:200px;">
    <img src="/images/login_logo.png" style="width:200px; margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;" />

Update the image, width CSS values, and margins.

While we're here, we also need to update the footer on the login page.

Line 55:

<?php echo $view['translator']->trans('mautic.core.copyright', ['%date%' => date('Y')]); ?>

You can replace this line with:

&copy; <?php echo date('Y');?> My Company Name

Or whatever else you'd like!

Updating CSS Colors

Mautic colors are stored in two CSS files:




There are too many instances of CSS colors to list every single one here. Your best bet is to simply open these files (most styles are found in app.css) and do a search and replace for the colors you'd like to replace. You can also look at the template files in the repository for the whitelabeler and search for "{{" tags to see where the whitelabeler makes all of its changes. You'll see template tags like this:

.app-sidebar.sidebar-left {
  width: 230px;
  left: -230px;
  background-color: {{sidebar_bg}};

Regenerating Mautic Assets

After you're done making all of these changes, you have to run the Mautic command line console in order to generate the production assets from the source assets (CSS and JavaScript that is optimized and minified).

Navigate into Mautic's "app" folder via SSH and enter this command:

sudo -u www-data php console mautic:assets:generate


sudo -u www-data php console cache:clear


sudo -u www-data php console cache:warmup

You're finished. And your changes should show up in Mautic (clear your browser's cache).

If you don't have SSH Access

You can try replacing the CSS and JavaScript in these files instead of what was previously mentioned. This will be harder to do since the files are minified, but you can search for relvant tags and still find them:

/media/js/app.js /media/css/app.css /media/css/libraries.css