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Releases: ni/nimi-python

nidigital 0.9.2 and 1.3.2 of other modules

18 Sep 18:41
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  • ALL

    • Changed

      • Fix #1491: import_attribute_configuration_buffer() fails intermittently when list or array.array is passed in.
      • Update "Driver Version Tested Against", in documentation, with latest versions installed on nimi-bot. The version is 20.5.0 for NI-DCPower, NI-SWITCH, and NI-DMM. no changes on other drivers.
  • nidcpower (NI-DCPower)

    • Added

      • API parity with NI-DCPower 20.5.0 by adding measurement autoranging threshold range support, for which the following properties are added:
        • autorange
        • autorange_aperture_time_mode
        • autorange_behavior
        • autorange_minimum_aperture_time
        • autorange_minimum_aperture_time_units
        • autorange_minimum_current_range
        • autorange_minimum_voltage_range
        • autorange_threshold_mode
  • niscope (NI-SCOPE)

    • Added

      • New methods for getting calibration information. - #1463
        • get_ext_cal_last_date_and_time
        • get_ext_cal_last_temp
        • get_self_cal_last_date_and_time
        • get_self_cal_last_temp
      • Measurement library methods. - #806
        • add_waveform_processing
        • clear_waveform_measurement_stats
        • clear_waveform_processing
        • fetch_array_measurement
        • fetch_measurement_stats
      • Measurement library properties.
        • meas_array_gain
        • meas_array_offset
        • meas_chan_high_ref_level
        • meas_chan_low_ref_level
        • meas_chan_mid_ref_level
        • meas_filter_center_freq
        • meas_filter_cutoff_freq
        • meas_filter_order
        • meas_filter_ripple
        • meas_filter_taps
        • meas_filter_transient_waveform_percent
        • meas_filter_type
        • meas_filter_width
        • meas_fir_filter_window
        • meas_high_ref
        • meas_low_ref
        • meas_mid_ref
        • meas_hysteresis_percent
        • meas_interpolation_sampling_factor
        • meas_last_acq_histogram_size
        • meas_other_channel
        • meas_percentage_method
        • meas_polynomial_interpolation_order
        • meas_ref_level_units
        • meas_time_histogram_high_time
        • meas_time_histogram_high_volts
        • meas_time_histogram_low_time
        • meas_time_hisogram_low_volts
        • meas_time_histogram_size
        • meas_voltage_histogram_high_volts
        • meas_voltage_histogram_low_volts
        • meas_voltage_histogram_size
    • Changed

      • Fix #1509: channel and record fields are swapped in waveform_info struct returned from niscope fetch methods
      • Fix #1510: record value in waveform_info struct returned from niscope fetch methods is wrong if record_number is non-zero

nidigital 0.9.1 and 1.3.1 of other modules

09 Jun 17:17
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  • ALL

    • Changed

      • Fix #1473: Unintentional dependency on pytest
      • Fix #1474: Requires hightime>=0.2.0

nidigital 0.9.0 and 1.3.0 of other modules

21 May 23:34
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  • ALL

    • Changed

      • Change the type of applicable properties and method parameters from datetime.timedelta to hightime.timedelta and from datetime.datetime to hightime.datetime. - #744, #1368, #1382, #1397
      • Update "Driver Version Tested Against", in documentation, with latest versions installed on nimi-bot. The version is 20.0.0 for all modules except nidigital, for which it is 19.0.1.
  • NI-DCPower

    • Added

      • API parity with NI-DCPower 20.0 by adding the following properties:
        • Session.serial_number
        • Session.actual_power_allocation
        • Session.requested_power_allocation
        • Session.power_allocation_mode
  • NI-Digital Pattern Driver

    • Added

      • 0.9.0 release:
        • Public API is considered complete, stable, and tested
        • Parity with public API for other ADEs supported in NI-Digital Pattern Driver 19.0.1
        • API reference documentation and example code are not complete
    • Changed

      • Changed initial_state parameters in apply_levels_and_timing to basic sequence types - #1391
      • Changed HistoryRAMCycleInformation.repr to include __module__ - #1426
      • Changed return type of get_time_set_period and get_time_set_edge to datetime.timedelta - #1397

    • Added

      • API parity with NI-SCOPE 20.0 by adding the following properties:
        • Session.end_of_acquisition_event_terminal_name
        • Session.end_of_record_event_terminal_name
        • Session.advance_trigger_terminal_name
        • Session.ref_trigger_terminal_name
        • Session.start_trigger_terminal_name
        • Session.ready_for_advance_event_terminal_name
        • Session.ready_for_ref_event_terminal_name
        • Session.ready_for_start_event_terminal_name

nidigital 0.5.0 and 1.2.1 of other modules

22 Apr 17:50
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  • ALL

    • Added

      • Support for chained repeated capabilities. This allows things like

        session.sites[0, 1].pins['PinA', 'PinB'].ppmu_voltage_level = 4

        The repeated capabilities will be expanded to 'site0/PinA,site0/PinB,site1/PinA,site1/PinB'

  • NI-Digital Pattern Driver

    • Added

      • get_pattern_pin_names - #1292
      • Support for instruments repeated capability in the following properties - instrument_firmware_revision, serial_number, and timing_absolute_delay - #1228
      • load_specifications_levels_and_timing that allows loading of multiple specs, levels, and/or timing files in a single call - #1392
      • get_channel_names - #1386
    • Changed

      • Change the type of applicable method parameters and properties to enums - #1066
      • get_site_pass_fail returns dictionary where each key is a site number and value is a bool indicating pass/fail - #1297
      • burst_pattern returns dictionary where each key is a site number and value is a bool indicating pass/fail, if wait_until_done is specified as True - #1296
      • Update enum types to match the API in other ADEs - #1330:
        • Update the names of many enum types. See #1330 for the full list.
        • Added WriteStaticPinState enum type and changed the parameter type of write_static method to the newly added enum.
        • Added SoftwareTrigger enum type and changed the parameter type of send_software_edge_trigger method to the newly added enum.
      • Update fetch_history_ram_cycle_information, get_history_ram_sample_count, and is_site_enabled to use sites repeated capability - #1337
      • Rename parameter time_set to time_set_name in applicable time set methods - #1396
      • Modified unload_specifications to allow unloading of one or more specs files in a single call - #1392
      • In load_pin_map, changed parameter name pin_map_file_path to file_path - #1393
    • Removed

      • get_pattern_pin_list, get_pattern_pin_indexes and get_pin_name - #1292
      • get_site_results_site_numbers method and SiteResultType enum - #1298
      • reset_attribute - #1364
      • clear_error - #1366
      • clock_generator_initiate - #1370
      • load_specifications, load_levels, and load_timing - #1392
      • get_channel_name and get_channel_name_from_string - #1386
  • NI-TClk

    • Changed

      • Version updated to 1.2.1 to match other released nimi-python modules

nitclk 1.0, nidigital 0.4, and 1.2 of other modules

07 Mar 00:34
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  • ALL

    • Added

      • Zip file per driver for all examples and any helper files
      • Link to zip file on examples documentation
      • Support for Python 3.8
    • Changed

      • import_attribute_configuration_buffer() now accepts list of numbers that are integers less than 255, array.array('b'), bytes, bytearray for configuration buffer - #1013
      • export_attribute_configuration_buffer() now returns bytes as the buffer type - #1013
    • Removed

  • NI-DCPower

    • Added

      • create_advanced_sequence() - #504
        • Instead of a list of attribute IDs, you pass in a list of property names as strings
        • Includes example to see how to use it
        • Additional methods and properties that were made public (rather than private)
          • create_advanced_sequence_step()
          • delete_advanced_sequence()
          • active_advanced_sequence
          • active_advanced_sequence_step

    • Added

      • nifgen.Session.import_attribute_configuration_file()
      • nifgen.Session.import_attribute_configuration_buffer()
      • nifgen.Session.export_attribute_configuration_file()
      • nifgen.Session.export_attribute_configuration_buffer()
      • nifgen.Session.get_channel_name()
    • Changed

      • nifgen.Session.send_software_edge_trigger() now takes two parameters - trigger and trigger_id
        • See documentation on how to call this function
        • Calling the previous way will log a DeprecationWarning to the warning subsystem
        • #1300
  • NI-Digital Pattern Driver

    • Added

      • conditional_jump_triggers and pattern_opcode_events repeated capabilities - #1191, #1192
    • Changed

      • write_source_waveform_site_unique() now supports numpy.array and list as site waveform types
      • fetch_history_ram_cycle_information method now supports fetching multiple History RAM samples in a single API call - #1071
      • Update methods that require pin_list to be passed in, such that pin_list can be passed in via pins repeated capability - #1294
    • Removed

      • Removed redundant (redundant because corresponding properties can be used instead) API methods - #1065
      • Removed programmatic pin map creation API - #1124
      • Removed fetch_history_ram_cycle_pin_data and fetch_history_ram_scan_cycle_number. They are not needed since fetch_history_ram_cycle_information
        was updated to return class instances that contains cycle pin data and scan cycle number - #1071
  • NI-TClk

    • Changed

      • Method parameters and properties that are time based now take or return a datetime.timedelta object
    • Removed

      • Ability to pass an integer as a session / session reference
      • nitclk.SessionReference.script_trigger_master_session removed - repeated capabilities not supported on nitclk attributes - #1221

Fix Linux support, Update "Driver Version Tested Against" in documentation

22 Nov 21:13
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  • ALL

    • Changed

      • Fix #1140: Linux support was accidentally broken.
      • Update "Driver Version Tested Against", in documentation, with latest versions installed on nimi-bot.

nidigital improvements and bug fixes, Python 3.8 support, nise to 1.1.4

19 Nov 16:58
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  • ALL

    • Added

      • Support for Python 3.8
      • ViUInt8 is now a valid type in APIs
  • NI-Digital Pattern Driver

    • Added

      • fetch_capture_waveform() - returns dictionary { site: data, site: data, ... }
      • write_source_waveform_site_unique() - takes waveform_name and dictionary { site: data, site: data, ... }
      • pins is now a valid repeated capability
    • Changed

      • Fix get/set properties - #1062
      • Removed array-size parameter from apply_tdr_offsets() and write_source_waveform_broadcast_u32() methods - #1070
      • Renamed write_source_waveform_broadcast_u32() to write_source_waveform_broadcast()
      • get_pin_results_pin_information() - returns namedtuple PinInfo(pin_indexes, site_numbers, channel_indexes)
  • NI Switch Executive

    • Changed

      • Version updated to 1.1.4 to match other released nimi-python modules

NI-TClk initial release, niSwitchExecutive to 1.0, correctly identify phase, other minor fixes

21 Oct 22:05
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1.1.3 - 2019-10-21

  • ALL

    • Changed

      • The development status in will be based on the module version:
        • version >= 1.0
          • .devN or .aN - Alpha
          • .bN, .cN or .rcN - Beta
          • <nothing> or .postN - Stable
        • version < 1.0 and version >= 0.5 - Beta
        • version < 0.5 - Alpha
      • Improved installation instructions by not putting a version to pin to. This is confusing in master (what read the docs shows by default) since that version doesn't exist yet.
  • NI-DCPower

    • Changed

      • Fix type of sequence_step_delta_time_enabled property - #1015

    • Removed

      • configure_custom_fir_filter_coefficients() - #996 - Should have been removed as part of - #891

    • Added

      • cable_sense_signal_enable, cable_sense_voltage, cable_sense_mode properties and associated enum
      • enabled_channels, product_code properties
      • glitch_condition, glitch_polarity, glitch_width properties and associated enums
      • runt_high_threshold, runt_low_threshold, runt_polarity, runt_condition, runt_time_high_limit, runt_time_low_limit properties and associated enums
      • width_condition, width_high_threshold, width_low_threshold, width_polarity properties and associated enums
  • NI Switch Executive

    • Changed

      • Update to 1.0 - now ready for production use
  • NI-Digital Pattern Driver

    • Added

      • Initial support
      • Very basic at this point and subject to change
      • Looking for any testing and/or feedback
      • get_channel_name_from_string()
    • Changed

      • New enums:

        Enum name Where used
        DigitalEdge digital_edge_conditional_jump_trigger_edge, digital_edge_start_trigger_edge
        ApertureTimeUnits ppmu_aperture_time_units, ppmu_configure_aperture_time(units)
        PPMUOutputFunction ppmu_output_function
        SelectedFunction selected_function
        TDREndpointTermination tdr_endpoint_termination
        Signal export_signal(signal)
      • [Source Breaker] No longer return the "actual size" from functions that use 'ivi-dance-with-a-twist'. This only affects nidigital.

    • Removed

      • Should be private - get_session_state(), get_desired_attribute_*(), ppmu_measure_cached(), read_static_cached(), configure_ref_clock(), disable(),
        get_number_of_vectors(), get_pattern_file_path(), get_pin_type(), get_time_set_compare_edges(), get_time_set_drive_edges(),
        is_pattern_file_modified_since_load(), load_levels_internal(), load_pattern_internal(), load_timing_internal(), uncommit()
      • Need to determine how to generate this function - fetch_capture_waveform_u32()
  • NI-TClk

    • Added

      • Initial support

Minor bug fixes

06 Jun 15:39
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  • ALL

    • Changed

      • Switched to slightly different metadata format - Actual True/False instead of strings
      • New internal process for generating metadata

    • Changed

      • Enum values for HardwareState were incorrect - fix to match niFgen.h

    • Changed


Bug fixes and updated metadata

25 Oct 21:03
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  • ALL

    • Changed

      • Updated generated metadata
      • Updated "Driver Version Tested Against"
      • Update visatype definitions to work on Linux as well as Windows - #911
  • NI-DMM

    • Added

      • import_attribute_configuration_file function
      • export_attribute_configuration_file function
      • import_attribute_configuration_buffer function
      • import_attribute_configuration_buffer function
  • NI-DCPower

    • Added

      • import_attribute_configuration_file function
      • export_attribute_configuration_file function
      • import_attribute_configuration_buffer function
      • import_attribute_configuration_buffer function

    • Added

      • import_attribute_configuration_file function
      • export_attribute_configuration_file function
      • import_attribute_configuration_buffer function
      • import_attribute_configuration_buffer function