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Natural Person, Contract, Legal Proceeding, Legal Order : Import definitions ipfs://bafybeicr4fju6cvlv62tb4vme2eeg2lmi3xvvmqhtxiockn4uanvp43haq/

Designated Blockchain as Ethereum, Smart Contract, NFT, Multisignature Wallet as Multisig, Account as Ethereum Account : Import definitions ipfs://bafybeicrajuuvz5c5zuvje2y5qewdugdcpkkqpvoajhr24qschuwplyrxe/

Decentralized Autonomous Organization : Import definitions ipfs://bafybeidnxw4c3dg5fjsuvmq7ke7tlrva7gfurrbucyaw3rv2f4pkh4mqfa/

NATION : Import definitions ipfs://bafybeig27rf3y3t53gn7nilq7ljvdnofciyi6k4dbb5ywbnl2kcfa7wqte/

Constitution : This document.

Manifesto :

DAO : Decentralized Autonomous Organization governed by Citizens pushing forward the vision outlined in the Manifesto, running on Ethereum at address [%DAO Agent Address].

Citizen : Natural Person owning a Passport after entering a Nation3 Jurisdiction Agreement with the Nation3 DAO to honor the terms outlined in this Constitution.

Passport : A Smart Contract running on Ethereum at address [%Passport Address] tracking the issuance of NFTs.

Minimum Passport Balance : The minimum token balance required for the issuance and maintenance of a valid Passport, as declared by the DAO on the Designated Smart Contracts.

veNATION : ERC20 Token living in Ethereum at address [%veNATION Address].

veNATION Holder : Natural Person holding veNATION in their Ethereum Account.

Jurisdiction : Internet space bound by this Constitution and the laws enacted by the DAO, which are ultimately enforced by the Supreme Court.

Jurisdiction Agreement : Contract governed by the laws of the Nation3 Jurisdiction.

Supreme Court : Dispute resolution system running on Ethereum, abiding by this Constitution and the laws enacted by the DAO and operated by one of the Designated Smart Contracts at [%Arbitrator Contract Address].

Nested Court : Dispute resolution system ultimately governed by the Nation3 DAO and whose judgement can be appealed and ultimately taken for consideration to the Supreme Court.

Supreme Court Multisig : Multisig authorized to submit judgements to the Supreme Court, composed of lawfully elected Citizens who are legal professionals, each of which are bound by a Nation3 Jurisdiction Agreement with the DAO.

Supreme Court Judge : Member of the Supreme Court Multisig.

Guardian Guild : Multisig responsible for overseeing fund allocation and other administrative governance tasks, composed of lawfully elected Citizens, each of which are bound by a Nation3 Jurisdiction Agreement with the DAO.

Meta Guild : Multisig deployed at [%Meta Guild Address] responsible for overseeing fund allocation and other administrative governance tasks until the Guardian Guild is operative.

Agent Smart Contract : Smart contract able to interact with other Smart Contracts and thus represent the DAO in Ethereum.

DAO Agent : Agent Smart Contract on [%DAO Agent Address]

DAO Critical Agent : Agent Smart Contract on [%DAO Critical Agent Address]

Designated Smart Contracts : Every Smart Contract that governs and/or is governed by DAO Agent and DAO Critical Agent.

Material Adverse Exception Event : If one or more of the following has occurred, is occurring or would reasonably be expected to occur (i) a Consensus Attack adversely affecting the results or operations of the Designated Smart Contracts; (ii) the Designated Smart Contracts having become inoperable, inaccessible or unusable, including as the result of any code library or repository incorporated by reference into the Designated Smart Contracts or any other Smart Contract or oracle on which the Designated Smart Contracts depends having become inoperable, inaccessible or unusable or having itself suffered a Material Adverse Exception Event, mutatis mutandis; (iii) a material and adverse effect on the use, functionality or performance of the Designated Smart Contracts as the result of any bug, defect or error in the Designated Smart Contracts or the triggering, use or exploitation (whether intentional or unintentional) thereof (it being understood that for purposes of this clause "(iii)", a bug, defect or error will be deemed material only if it results in a loss to a Citizen or the DAO of at least 50% percent of such Citizen's distributable interest in the DAO Property and/or 50% percent of the DAO Property); (iv) any unauthorized use of an administrative function or privilege of the Designated Smart Contracts, including any use of any administrative credential, key, password, account or address by a person who has misappropriated or gained unauthorized access to such administrative credential, key, password, account or address.

North Star Metrics : Objectively measurable metrics set forth via a Law Proposal. They can be modified only one time per Natural Calendar Quarter.

Meta Proposal : Proposal that modifies this Constitution.

Law Proposal : Proposal for the DAO to pass a law within the Nation3 Jurisdiction.

Expense Proposal : Proposal to transfer a Token outside of the DAO's treasury, with the expectation that it flows outside of its control.

Parameter Change Proposal : Proposal to modify the Designated Smart Contracts.

Treasury Management Proposal : Proposal to perform an on-chain treasury management operation.

Custodial Treasury Management Proposal : Proposal to perform a treasury management operation, with the DAO keeping the legitimate ownership over the assets but holding them through a third-party entity.

Governance Proposals : Any of Meta Proposal, Law Proposal, Expense Proposal, Parameter Change Proposal, Treasury Management Proposal or Custodial Treasury Management Proposal.

Critical Impact Proposals : Meta Proposals, Law Proposals and all Governance Proposals that originate an Ethereum transaction from DAO Critical Agent.

Voting Platform : Snapshot, accessible at or

Proposal Voting Support : 50%

Critical Impact Proposal Voting Support : 66%

Critical Impact Proposal Quorum Support : 10%

Supreme Court Judge Elections Day : 5th of November

Guardian Guild Elections Day : 5th of May

Natural Calendar Quarter : Any of the three-month periods January 1 through March 31; April 1 through June 30; July 1 through September 30; and October 1 through December 31.

Reasonable Dispute Resolution Time : 30 days

Proposal Dispute Period : 2 days

Voting Period : 2 days

Ratification Period : 2 days

Opt-out Window for New Laws : 30 days

veNATION Address : 0xF7deF1D2FBDA6B74beE7452fdf7894Da9201065d

Passport Address : 0x3337dac9F251d4E403D6030E18e3cfB6a2cb1333

DAO Agent Address : nation3agent.dao.eth

DAO Critical Agent Address : nation3.dao.eth

Arbitrator Contract Address : 0x1dBEFF62DFa113f7254AaB5772F1AC6E66F94e7e

Meta Guild Address : 0x7fFf737ae9FdDD6E28Fe8B8F0F4dE69Bb8e7a885

Universal Declaration of Human Rights : ipfs://bafybeidcky6g64m6fcjc7i4xkfno3v7g3rmtsryczni3nekuamcb7rwrba/

Universal Declaration of Animal Rights : ipfs://bafybeidtfbaz5ltszhunvf5m7ypdq5vyvhb6jakzncjfyp2eqxe4dj6p6m/

Constitution of Nation3


The Republic and the Constitution

Nation3 is a sovereign constitutional republic governed by its Citizens, who constitute the Nation3 DAO.


a) Nation3 is a sovereign constitutional republic. #) Nation3 DAO shall be the embodiment of Nation3 and its nexus with the Citizens. #) Nation3 DAO shall live as a Smart Contract and never surrender its sovereignty to any other jurisdiction.

Legal Standing

a) The legal personality of Nation3 shall be that of a sovereign nation state. #) The Nation3 DAO is not intended to, and shall not be deemed to, be a legal person or have a legal personality under any other jurisdiction. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the DAO is not intended to be, and shall not be deemed to be, a partnership.

Default Blockchain

All blockchain addresses in the Constitution refer to addresses within Ethereum, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Supremacy of Constitution

This Constitution is the supreme law of Nation3 and no other law shall contravene it.

Amendment of Constitution

This Constitution might be amended by following the Governance Process, but never suspended.

Fundamental Freedoms and Rights

Nation3 adheres to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Universal Declaration of Animal Rights. Their contents shall be considered as a part of this Constitution.

The adherence to these fundamental declarations of human and animal rights, or equivalent ones, may not be suspended under any circumstance. Any amendments to such fundamental declarations shall be in the form of additions or minor edits with the aim of expanding such freedoms and never deducting from them.

Binding Effect of Smart Contracts

a) In the event of any any conflict or inconsistency in a contract that is regulated by both a Smart Contract and a Nation3 Jurisdiction Agreement, the outcome enforced by a Smart Contract shall prevail. #) The outcome of a Nation3 Jurisdiction Agreement might prevail over the Smart Contract's only if there's a clause explicitly determining such behavior. In this case, the agreement shall specify the desired execution of the Smart Contract in its terms.


All Citizens consent to and agree to be vested with all rights and duties proceeding from this Constitution.


Each Citizen shall be uniquely identified by their Passport held on their Ethereum Account. Every Citizen shall use their Ethereum Account for interacting with the DAO.

Citizenship Rights

a) Citizens are the ultimate governors of the DAO, as determined by this Constitution and the Designated Smart Contracts. #) All Citizens are equal before the law. There is no privilege among them. #) Every Citizen shall have the right to privacy. Everyone shall be entitled to protection against any unlawful interference in their private affairs and against encroachments on their honor, dignity and reputation. #) Every Citizen shall have the right to access all services provided by Nation3. #) Every Citizen shall be entitled to a fair hearing with a binding resolution within [%Reasonable Dispute Resolution Time] before a Nested Court or the Supreme Court for the determination of their rights and obligations, or in the event of a Legal Proceeding within the Nation3 Jurisdiction involving them. #) Every Citizen shall have the right to legal defense whenever their rights or legitimate interests are violated or endangered. Every Citizen shall have the right to be accompanied by legal counsel when appearing before Nation3 authorities.

Citizenship Duties

a) Every Citizen shall uphold this Constitution. #) Every Citizen is expected to participate in governance, as their personal circumstances allow. #) Every Citizen shall, when entering Nation3 Jurisdiction Agreements, act in good faith and within the limits of Nation3 laws and this Constitution. #) Every Citizen shall vote on appeals raised by the parties of a Nation3 Jurisdiction Agreement to the DAO, provided that enough evidence is available to them to make an informed judgement, and ratify such appeals in the case that the outcome provided by the Supreme Court Multisig is unlawful or unconstitutional. #) If any Citizen becomes aware that there is a Material Adverse Exception Event, such Citizen shall deliver to the other Citizens a notice describing in reasonable detail the events, facts, circumstances and reasons forming the basis of such belief. #) No Citizen shall physically or verbally threat, harass, physically assault or perform a digital assault (such as hacking of personal devices or private data stealing) against another Citizen. #) No Citizen shall, without the prior written unanimous consent of the other Citizens, directly or indirectly take or attempt to take any of the following actions: i) Commence or continue any Legal Proceeding in a jurisdiction different than Nation3 Jurisdiction, assert any Claim or enforce any judgment or other Legal Order, in each case, that (1) is against or involves any other Citizens, (2) relates to this Constitution or the matters contemplated by this Constitution, the Designated Smart Contracts or the DAO, including, for the avoidance of doubt, any Legal Proceeding or Legal Order in rem pertaining to the DAO or any Legal Proceeding or Claim challenging the enforceability of any provision of this Constitution. #) Enter into any Contract that may obligate any Citizen or the DAO to: (1) create, perfect or enforce any Lien on, (2) pledge, hypothecate, grant an option or derivative security, swap or other instrument with respect to or (3) convey, sell, transfer or dispose of such DAO property or any right or interest of the DAO or any Citizen to or in such DAO property. #) Cause, assist, encourage or facilitate, a Material Adverse Exception Event.

Acquiring Citizenship

a) A Citizen is deemed as such if holding a Passport in their Ethereum Account and having cryptographically signed their agreement to be bound by this Constitution. #) The DAO might amend the processes to issue and distribute Passports by modifying the relevant Designated Smart Contracts.

Losing Citizenship

A Citizen will lose their status under one of the following conditions: a) Failing to keep their passport balance above Minimum Passport Balance. #) If, after a fair trial in the Nation3 Jurisdiction, the Citizen is ruled guilty of severely breaching this Constitution or laws in effect, not fulfilling the Citizenship Duties, or otherwise conducting harmful behavior against Nation3. #) By voluntarily revoking their own Passport.

Prohibition of Compulsory Military Service

Compulsory military service may never be introduced into law.

Prohibition of Military Mobilization

No Citizen shall be forced to participate in any military mobilization.

Prohibition of Taxation

a) All traditionally defined taxes such as income taxes, capital gains taxes, wealth taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, inheritance taxes and gift taxes shall be banned. #) The DAO reserves the right to charge fees for products and services offered by Nation3 or other third party entities inside the Nation3 Jurisdiction, where the use of such products and services will always be on an opt-in basis.

Prohibition of Monopoly Over Currency

a) No currency shall be deemed the sole legal tender of the Nation3 Jurisdiction. #) The DAO might choose to make the payment, staking or other financial interaction using NATION a requisite of interaction with the Designated Smart Contracts.


Status as a Citizen does not (and shall not be deemed to) create, and Citizenship Rights do not (and shall not be deemed to) include, any authority, right or power on the part of a Citizen to: a) Act as the agent, representative or attorney of or otherwise act on behalf of the DAO or any other Citizen, or to state, purport, imply, hold out or represent to any person that such Citizen or any other Citizen has any such authority, right or power, except where explicitly determined by the DAO. #) Bind the DAO or any other Citizen to any Contract or Liability or to Convey any DAO Property or any asset, right or property owned or held by or on behalf of the DAO or any Citizen.

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, no Citizen shall be deemed the partner of the DAO or any other Citizen.


a) Any Citizen may enter Nation3 Jurisdiction Agreements with any other Citizen, the DAO or any other entity possessing an Ethereum Account. The parties of a Nation3 Jurisdiction Agreement may only be rendered Liable for the assets present in such an agreement as determined by the Designated Smart Contracts. #) Unless explicitly determined in Nation3 Jurisdiction Agreements, no Citizen shall be (or shall be deemed to be) Liable for any Liability of the DAO or any other Citizen. #) Unless explicitly determined in Nation3 Jurisdiction Agreements, this clause shall not (and shall not be deemed to) create or imply any obligation of the DAO or any Citizen to indemnify or compensate any Citizen from, or hold any Citizen harmless against, any Liabilities incurred by such Citizen under any applicable law, in connection with the Citizen's participation in the DAO or otherwise.

Authorization and Enforceability

a) Every Citizen adhering to this Constitution has all necessary power, authority and capacity to enter into, agree to the terms and become bound by this Constitution and laws in effect. This Constitution has been duly entered into by the Citizen and constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Citizen, enforceable against the Citizen in accordance with its terms. #) In case of any dispute, controversy, difference, or claim arising out of or relating to this Constitution, they shall be referred to and finally resolved only by the Supreme Court or a Nested Court within the Nation3 Jurisdiction. Citizens of Nation3 renounce any action through other mechanisms or jurisdictions.

Reliance on Own Due Diligence

Every Citizen has received and carefully reviewed a copy of this Constitution, the laws in effect within the Nation3 Jurisdiction and all source code for the Designated Smart Contracts sufficiently in advance of becoming a Citizen to make an informed decision regarding becoming a Citizen. Every Citizen has been given a full and fair opportunity to: a) Ask questions to, and to receive answers from, other Citizens regarding this Constitution, the laws in effect within the Nation3 Jurisdiction and the Designated Smart Contracts. #) Obtain any additional information that is necessary to evaluate this Constitution and the matters contemplated thereby. The Citizen is a Natural Person who is, or in connection with this Constitution and the matters contemplated thereby has received the advice of persons who are, knowledgeable, sophisticated and experienced in making, and qualified to make, evaluations and decisions with respect to the quality, security and intended functionality of the Designated Smart Contracts and the other matters contemplated by this Constitution.

Other than the representations and warranties of other Citizens expressly set forth in this section, the Citizen has not relied on any statement, information, representation or warranty including oral statements, due diligence presentations, etc., or any omission of any statement, information, representation or warranty, made by or on behalf of other Citizens in determining to enter into or perform this Constitution or otherwise making any evaluation or determination of the Designated Smart Contracts or any other matter contemplated by this Constitution. The Citizen understands that other Citizens have not made, and have not authorized any of its representatives to make, any representation, warranty or other statement intended to be relied upon or to give rise to any claim, obligation or liability based on the accuracy or completeness thereof, other than the representations and warranties of such Citizen expressly set forth in this section.


Every Citizen shall have the right to vote on Governance Proposals to: a) Amend this Constitution. #) Enact, amend and dismiss laws. #) Elect and dismiss members of the Guardian Guild and the Supreme Court Multisig. #) Operate DAO Agent and DAO Critical Agent on Ethereum.

Voting Weights

a) Each Citizen shall have a voting weight proportional to their veNATION holdings. #) Each Citizen shall be able to delegate such voting weight to another Ethereum Account of their choosing.

Alignment With Metrics

All Governance Proposals must clearly specify how they plan to increase the North Star Metrics.

Governance Process

a) Every Citizen shall be able to submit Governance Proposals. #) Governance Proposals shall be subject to a voting period of [%Voting Period] in which any Citizen can vote on them. Voting shall be conducted on Voting Platform. The required voting support will be [%Proposal Voting Support] and no minimum voting quorum will be imposed, except for Critical Impact Proposals. #) Governance Proposals approved by Citizens shall be ratified by veNATION Holders in the DAO. #) The Guardian Guild, following the will of the Citizens, shall be able to submit Governance Proposals created by Citizens to the Voting Platform and to the DAO. #) In the case of the Guardian Guild being technically unable to submit Governance Proposals to the Voting Platform and/or to the DAO, the Supreme Court Multisig shall be able to submit them to both.

Critical Impact Proposals

a) Critical Impact Proposals will be subject to a voting period that is three times of Voting Period. #) Critical Impact Proposals will be subject to a voting support of [%Critical Impact Proposal Voting Support] and a minimum voting quorum of [%Critical Impact Proposal Quorum Support].

Voting Outcomes

All Governance Proposals must adopt binary outcomes (yes or no).


a) The Supreme Court shall ensure the constitutionality of laws and actions pursued by the Nation3 DAO and Citizens. It shall provide the most fundamental checks and balances to ensure that all participants within the Nation3 Jurisdiction adhere to this Constitution and vision outlined in the Manifesto. #) The Supreme Court and each Nested Court shall resolve disputes within [%Reasonable Dispute Resolution Time] in accordance to the laws in effect in the Nation3 Jurisdiction.

Judicial Power

The Judicial power shall be vested in the Supreme Court and in the Nested Courts.

Constitution of Supreme Court

The Supreme Court consists of lawfully elected Supreme Court Judges.

Appointment of Supreme Court Multisig

a) The DAO shall elect Supreme Court Judges once a year on the [%Supreme Court Judge Elections Day]. The DAO reserves the right to set a different date and frequency of elections during the first year of the Supreme Court's existence. #) The DAO shall not elect or dismiss a Supreme Court Judge arbitrarily. #) The DAO shall dismiss a Supreme Court Judge in case of breach or finalization, as described in a Nation3 Jurisdiction Agreement between the DAO and the Supreme Court Judge. A new election shall be run to elect a new Judge to replace the dismissed one.

Specialized Courts

The DAO shall create specialized Nested Courts as deemed needed.


a) Parties of a Nation3 Jurisdiction Agreement might appeal the outcome ruled by the Supreme Court, after which the DAO shall intervene, review all evidence needed (which shall be made public after the appeal) and veto such outcome if it's ruled as wrong by the DAO. If vetoed, the Supreme Court shall put forward a new outcome. #) Appeals from the DAO to outcomes proposed by the Supreme Court shall not follow the standard Governance Process. Instead, appeals shall be proposed directly to the DAO on-chain.


The Legislative power shall be vested in the Citizens through the DAO.

Law Enforced by Designated Smart Contracts

The DAO might modify the Designated Smart Contracts, or incorporate new Smart Contracts to the Designated Smart Contracts, in order to enforce law on Ethereum.

Law Enforced by Court

a) The DAO may create, amend and dismiss legislation that will bound the Supreme Court in their rulings and thus the Citizens too. #) The DAO may not create legislation that contradicts this Constitution. #) The DAO may not create legislation with retroactive effect. #) An assessment of the impact and potential side effects of legislation shall accompany every creation, amendment or dismissal of laws. #) All creation, amendments or dismissal of laws shall argument how their enactment would increase the North Star Metrics. #) New legislations will entry into force of law [%Opt-out Window for New Laws] after they have been approved by the DAO, unless determined differently in they body. Citizens will only be legally bound by a law [%Opt-out Window for New Laws] after such law passes. If they wish to opt-out from being bound by such law, they shall renounce their Citizenship.


The Executive power shall be vested in the Citizens through the DAO. The DAO can, as deemed convenient, delegate executive powers to contributors.

All Expense Governance Proposals must follow this process: a) The DAO shall create a payment stream to the contributor, with the Guardian Guild being able to pause such stream. #) The Guardian Guild shall release funds from the stream, only after ensuring that the deliverables, as stated by the Contributor to the DAO, are indeed delivered. #) The Contributor might dispute the Guardian Guild’s judgment on the subject and take the matter to a Nested Court or to the Supreme Court.

Appointment of Guardian Guild members

a) The DAO shall elect Guardian Guild members once a year on the [%Guardian Guild Elections Day]. The DAO reserves the right to set a different date and frequency of elections during the first year of the Guardian Guild's existence. #) The DAO shall not elect or dismiss a Guardian Guild member arbitrarily. #) The DAO shall dismiss a Guardian Guild member in case of breach or finalization, as described in a Nation3 Jurisdiction Agreement between the DAO and the Guardian Guild member. A new election shall be run to elect a new member to replace the dismissed one.

Temporary role of Meta Guild

The Meta Guild will assume all roles and responsibilities assigned to the Guardian Guild within the Constitution until the Guardian Guild is operational and a Meta Proposal is passed to i) define the Guardian Guild Multisig Address ii) include the address in the Guardian Guild definition iii) remove this clause. Until then, the DAO and the Meta Guild shall do their best to oversee the work of contributors and handle their payments in the absence of funding streams.

Representation Powers

The DAO may appoint Citizens as Representatives of Nation3 in order to strengthen partnerships or diplomatic relations with other states or aligned projects. Any act of Representation shall be delimited to the scope determined by the DAO, and any actions taken by Representatives outside this scope shall be their individual responsibility.


a) Nation3 may acquire land on planet Earth or any other planet as deemed necessary. #) Nation3 may acquire sovereign land, land in Special Economic Zones, or land in other jurisdictions as deemed necessary. #) Nation3 may open local embassies or consulates in different jurisdictions. #) Nation3 and its Citizens have the right to defend themselves and others against invaders threatening Nation3's territorial and digital integrity.


English is the official language of Nation3.

Committed Amendments

The DAO commits to implement the following amendments to this Constitution and the Designated Smart Contracts, once technically possible and reasonable considering available development resources.

a) Removal of the Meta Guild and transition toward the Guardian Guild. #) Incorporation of an anonymous voting mechanism with binding enactment on Ethereum. #) Transferring the ratification power of veNATION Holders to Citizens. #) Allowing Citizens to enforce on Ethereum the election and dismissal of members of the Guardian Guild and the Supreme Court Multisig. This amendment shall be executed before June 2023. #) Making all Governance Proposals be subject to a period of [%Proposal Dispute Period] in which any Citizen might dispute their constitutionality or alignment with North Star Metrics in a Nested Court or the Supreme Court. Thus removing the permission of the Supreme Court Multisig to submit Governance Proposals. #) Allowing every Citizen to keep their citizenship private to the public, while allowing Nation3 to cryptographically prove its census of citizens.