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zolia edited this page May 25, 2018 · 21 revisions

Welcome to the Mysterium Network node wiki!

Mysterium Network node is VPN management software written in Go. Our goal is to facilitate a growth of VPN network which could provide better privacy and anonymity. We strive to develop a toolkit which would allow programmers to incorporate VPN service into their dApps. Easily and securely access distributed network of Mysterium Network nodes, providing security and anonymity for their users. Node is just one element in a toolkit. Currently we develop and maintain VPN api, we call Tequila API, which is a part of node project. This Tequila API can be used in different VPN clients that need access to Mysterium Network. We also develop one such client to proof the concept. We call it Mysterion and it is also completely open-sourced. You can get its source here.

We encourage everyone to take node software and try it out.


Node operation

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