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Install Nodel as a serviced (Ubuntu post 15.04) process

mcartmel edited this page Apr 20, 2017 · 22 revisions

The latest Nodel JAR contains entry-points to allow use with JSVC.

Copy Nodel files into place. Replace with your nodel version.

sudo mkdir /opt/nodel
sudo cp nodelHost-<nodelversion>.jar /opt/nodel/nodel.jar

Install JSVC

sudo apt-get install jsvc

Test for installation of Java

java -version

If you do not see the Java version number, or the Java version is not 8 (1.8), install Java.

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre-headless

Repeat the test above to verify installation.

Run on the console (for testing):

cd /opt/nodel
sudo java -jar nodel.jar

After running this test, you should be able to view Nodel in a browser.

Run on the console using jsvc (for testing):

sudo /usr/bin/jsvc -cwd /opt/nodel -home  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64 -pidfile /var/run/ -cp /opt/nodel/nodel.jar:/usr/share/java/commons-daemon.jar org.nodel.nodelhost.Service

After running this test, you should be able to view Nodel in a browser.

If the computer is multi-homed (has two or more active network interfaces) then you will need to create a bootstrap.json file before proceeding. Check _example_bootstrap.json for details. NOTE: fixed in new releases.

Create daemon startup script:

sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/nodel.service 

Copy and paste the following code into the editor. You may want to modify the 'user' parameter to run Nodel as a different user (root by default).

As root Nodel carries privileges to, for example, restart the system remotely. This also carries restrictions on the ability to externally access the associated directories.

Create service as root


ExecStart=/usr/bin/jsvc \
            -cp /usr/share/java/commons-daemon.jar:/opt/nodel/nodel.jar \
            -cwd /opt/nodel \
            -user root \
            -java-home ${JAVA_HOME} \
            -pidfile /var/run/ \
            -errfile SYSLOG \
            -outfile SYSLOG \

ExecStop=/usr/bin/jsvc \
            -pidfile /var/run/ \
            -stop \


Create service as user

  • Create new directory for .pid

sudo mkdir /var/run/nodel

  • Set user permissions for new directory

sudo chown -R user.usergroup /var/run/nodel

  • Set user permissions for Nodel directory

sudo chown -R user.usergroup /opt/

  • Edit nodel.service to to reflect user and pidfile changes.

-user user \

-pidfile /var/rur/nodel/ \

Press ctrl-x to exit and save the file

Add to startup

sudo systemctl enable nodel.service

Reboot and Nodel should start automatically

sudo shutdown -r now