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In-depth Descriptions of Mappers, Filters, and Modifiers

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Key Concepts for Processing
  3. Example YAML Configuration for Processing
  4. Using Custom Mappers
  5. Factory Functions
  6. Running the Processing Pipeline
  7. Setting Up a Ray Cluster
  8. Sample Workflows


This document provides detailed descriptions of the key concepts involved in the data processing pipeline of the DCLM framework, including mappers, filters, and modifiers. It also includes instructions on setting up and running the processing pipeline using Ray clusters.

Before starting, ensure you have the necessary environment variables and configurations for AWS and Ray clusters as explained here.

Key Concepts for Processing


Local operations applied to individual pages.

  • Example Operations: Lowercasing text, removing HTML tags.
  • Code Location: baselines/mappers/


Operations that keep or remove pages based on certain criteria.

  • Example Operations: Removing pages with low word count.
  • Code Location: baselines/filters/


Operations that modify the content within a page.

  • Example Operations: Replacing specific words or phrases.
  • Code Location: baselines/modifiers/


Operations that add metadata to a page JSON.

  • Example Operations: Language identification (LID) prediction.
  • Code Location: baselines/enrichers/

Global Functions

Operations that depend on all pages in the dataset.

  • Example Operations: Deduplication, calculating global statistics like percentiles for perplexity scores.
  • Code Location: baselines/global_functions/

Aggregation Functions

While the majority of the processing is done independently per page, in some situations, it is useful to get some high-level view of results on a per-shard basis (i.e. a set of pages contained in one jsonl). For example, after performing language detection enrichment, you may want to examine the distribution of detected languages by computing a histogram of the classifications. Specifically, aggregators can compute summary stats based on the value of a chosen key (within a single shard).

For this purpose, we provide a few default aggregation functions including percentiles and histogram (categorical or continuous). We also support a transformation function for the value associated with the enriched key in each page before it is passed to the aggregation function. As in the mappers case, you can supply custom transform and aggregation functions as well.

To apply these functions, you add the _aggregate key to a step, and then name each aggregation function and provide a dict of arguments to pass to it. For example, the c4 pipeline contains this step:

    - func: detect_lang_whole_page_enricher
      model: langdetect
      key_prefix: language_id_whole_page
      seed: 0
          type: histogram
          transform: threshold_transform
          threshold: 0.99
          default: "unknown"

This will have the following effect:

  1. It will run the language detection enrichment phase on each page, and store the result (a dict from language to confidence) as the value corresponding to the language_id_whole_page_langdetect key.
  2. It will then run each such result through the threshold_transform transformation function with threshold=0.99, thus outputting the argmax language, given that it is above 99%, otherwise outputting unknown. The _aggreagte key maps to a dict, where the keys are the enriched keys in the shard to aggregate over, and the values are list of transformations and aggregation functions.
  3. Finally, all detected languages will be pooled into a list and will be transferred to the histogram aggregation function, which will output a histogram of the languages detected, storing it in the shard's stats file.

Example YAML Configuration for Processing

Below is an example of a YAML configuration file that defines a sequence of processing steps:

  - name: lowercase
    type: mapper
  - name: remove_html
    type: mapper
  - name: filter_length
    type: filter
      min_length: 100
  - name: enrich_language_id
    type: enricher

Using Custom Mappers

By default, the pipeline configuration YAML can reference any mapper defined under mappers, as detailed here. If you wish to use a custom mapper, you can specify it in the func argument by providing a relative path from the working directory, separated with dots ('.'), and including the mapper function name. For example, if you define a module custom_mappers/ with a mapper named foo_filter, you would set func: custom_mappers.my_filters.foo_filter in the YAML file.

Factory Functions

Factory functions are used to create instances of mappers, filters, modifiers, and enrichers where some initialization needs to be done once and then reused for every application of the mapper. For example, when using regexes, they should be compiled once. Similarly, when using models, they should be loaded only once and not for every page. Factory functions are defined using the factory_function decorator. In the function itself, you can load any necessary resources ahead of time, define a filter_fn(page: Dict) -> List[Dict] with a closure, and return the filter_fn. For an example, see url_substring_filter in metadata_filters.

Running the Processing Pipeline

To process raw data using the DCLM framework, follow these steps:

  1. Define a Set of Processing Steps: Create a pipeline config YAML file specifying the operations as shown in the example above.
  2. Launch a Ray Cluster: Use an appropriate Ray cluster based on the size of your dataset and specific YAML configurations.
  3. Run the Processing Script:
ray attach <your_cluster_config>
cd dcnlp
export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)
python3 ray_processing/ \
  --source_ref_paths exp_data/datasets/raw_sources/CC_WET_april_2019.json \
  --readable_name c4_v4 \
  --output_dir s3://dcnlp-west/cc_wet_2019_april_baselines/c4_v4/ \
  --config_path baselines/baselines_configs/c4.yaml \
  --source_name cc_april_2019

Important Arguments:

  • source_ref_paths: Path to reference JSON for a particular source.
  • readable_name: Fills in the “name” field in the output JSON.
  • output_dir: Path on S3 folder which will store the processed JSONLs.
  • config_path: Path to the YAML specifying the desired processing steps.
  • source_name: Which source in the config_path YAML file to process.

When processing a single shard (a jsonl file with multiple pages), the output result will be stored as a corresponding jsonl file with the same name and same relative path to the output dir as the input json to the source root, with a _processed suffix in the name. Additionally, each processed shard will have corresponding _stats.jsonl file which will contain information on each step such as how many pages were processed in this step, how many were filtered out, how much time it took, etc. This file also allows to continue processing a shard if it was interrupted in the middle, from the last commit step (each commit will result in flushing the current state of the processed shard into storage). When processing multiple shards, there will also be computed a global_stats file that will merge the stats of all shards.

Setting Up a Ray Cluster

Modify Cluster Config File

cluster_name: my-cluster
min_workers: 1
max_workers: 10
upscaling_speed: 1.0
  image: "rayproject/ray:latest"
  container_name: "ray_container"
  pull_before_run: True
initial_workers: 3
autoscaling_mode: default
  InstanceType: m5.large
  ImageId: ami-0abcdef1234567890
  InstanceType: m5.large
  ImageId: ami-0abcdef1234567890
  - pip install -U "ray[default]"
  - pip install boto3
  - pip install git+<branch>#egg=dcnlp --user --extra-index-url https://<PAT>
  - pip install git+<branch>#egg=dcnlp --user --extra-index-url https://<PAT>

Launch the Cluster

ray up <your_cluster_config>

Attach to the Head Node and Run Processing

ray attach <your_cluster_config>
cd dcnlp
export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)
screen -S processing
python3 ray_processing/ \
  --source_ref_paths exp_data/datasets/raw_sources/CC_WET_april_2019.json \
  --readable_name c4_v4 \
  --output_dir s3://dcnlp-west/cc_wet_2019_april_baselines/c4_v4/ \
  --config_path baselines/baselines_configs/c4.yaml \
  --source_name cc_april_2019

Monitor Progress and Tear Down

  • Check progress via global_stats.jsonl in the output directory.
  • Tear down the cluster after processing:
ray down <your_cluster_config>

Sample Workflows

Fasttext Filtering

Running model-based filtering with our processor typically involves using two mappers. First is an enricher that handles the model inference and adds quality scores to each page. Second is a filter that thresholds these scores and removes documents.

See this for an example that corresponds to the specific OH2.5 + ELI5 classifier that we use for DCLM-Baseline. Notably, the steps involved are.

    - func: classify_fasttext_hq_prob_enricher
      model_filename: fasttext_oh_eli5.bin  # Change this to the name of your model file
      key: fasttext_oh_eli5_vs_rw_v2_prob   # Change this to the name of the desired key
    - func: quality_filter
      key: fasttext_oh_eli5_vs_rw_v2_prob   # Make sure this matches with the key from the enricher
      threshold: 0.018112                   # Chnage this to your chosen threshold.

Important Notes:

  • In many scenarios, such as when you wish to tune the threshold, it may make sense to save the outputs of the first enriching step as an intermediate dataset to avoid having to repeatedly run inference on the same pages. This can be done by placing these two mappers in separate processing pipelines (i.e., yaml files) instead of the same one.
  • It is assumed that the fasttext model has been downloaded and available in baselines/mappers/enrichers/quality_prediction_enrichment_models on all nodes prior to invoking the baselines processor If setting up a ray cluster, a natural strategy would be to place model downloads within the setup_commands of your ray cluster config. As an example, our contains code for downloading the OH2.5 + ELI5 classifier from HuggingFace so we simply add python install as one of our setup_commands steps.
  • You may need to increase --ray_num_cpus to be avoid running into memory issues (since this mapper involves loading/running a fasttext model which can be multiple GBs). We use --ray_num_cpus 2 with EC2 i4i.4xlarge ndoes.
  • Do not use --ray_use_working_dir when running this step or your ray tasks may have trouble accessing the model binary.
  • For filtering, we currently share the threshold used in the DCLM-Baseline. A (global) function for aggregating scores and dynamically computing percentile-based thresholds will be coming soon.

Training your own fasttext classifiers: A simple script for training fasttext classifiers can be found here. This is a basic wrapper over the fasttext package's train_supervised function. For example, the following command

python --input your_train_data.txt --name your_model_name --wordNgrams 2

will produce a model called your_model_name.bin and saved in the default directory /mappers/enrichers/quality_prediction_enrichment_models/. Here, we add --wordNgrams 2 to indicate that we wish to use both word-level unigrams and bigrams as features. Other fasttext hyperparameters are also supported by our script but we did not deviate from their default values for our OH2.5 + ELI5 classifier.

As described in the fasttext documentation, the file your_train_data.txt must be a text file where each line corresponds to one training example and which starts with the the label denoted by prefix __label__. In our codebase, we assume the label space must be __label__hq for "high-quality" and __label__cc for "low-quality". Thus, the training data would follow the following format.

__label__hq this is a good sentence
__label__cc this is a bad sentence