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Application to store messages to Historian

MQTT Client for Historian

It makes sense to have the historian connect only to the corporate / cloud instance since the factory doesn't necessarily need the history of all messages. The historian should subscribe to '#' or the first level <enterprise>/#' topic wildcard. However if it is needed for your specific scenario you can easily deploy a historian at the factory level. If you need to scale and reduce the load on broker multiple instanced of this client can be deployed with separate topic wild cards

Ensure that each instance is subscribing to it's unique topic and not causing any overlaps

Deploying and running TimescaleDB

There are a number of ways to deploy and run your TimescaleDB instance locally. I chose to run this as a docker instance to ease the setup and portability.

Detail Guide

Important Note: Remember to update the passwords being passed to the docker run command for the postgres user (i.e. -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<postgres user pwd>) Quick command reference

# install docker
sudo snap install docker
# add current user to docker group so that we don't need to sudo for docker executions
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
# you might need to reboot here
# install the postgres client
sudo apt install postgresql-client-common postgresql-client-12 postgresql-doc-12

# install & run postgres db
docker run \
    --name uns_timescaledb  \
    -p 5432:5432  \
    -v $HOME/timescaledb/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
    -d \
    -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=uns_historian \
# =--name : name given to your container
# -p : provide ports of operation
# -v : volume to persist data
#- d : run the container detached
#-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=uns_historian \ #<super user password>. REMEMBER to update the password

#create DBA
docker exec -ti uns_timescaledb bash -c "su postgres -c 'createuser --createdb --createrole --login -e uns_dba -P'"
# Manually enter the password for the dba

#create application user (to be used in the configuration by the application)
docker exec -ti uns_timescaledb bash -c "su postgres -c 'createuser --login -e uns_dbuser -P'"
#Manually enter the password for application user

# Create the db and enable the timescaledb extension
psql -U postgres -h localhost -f './sql_scripts/01_setup_db.sql'

# create the hypertable with the application user
psql -U uns_dbuser  -h localhost -d uns_historian -f './sql_scripts/02_setup_hypertable.sql'

The key parameters you must update for your environment are :

  • <postgres password> : password for the super user which is passed to the docker command -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=
  • <dba password> : password for the DBA will be needed for db management activities
  • <application user password> : is the password needed to connect to the DB. Needs to also be updated in ./.secrets.yaml

Depending on your context you may need to change the other properties like container name, port, directories etc. Once the docker container is deployed you can start / stop it by the commands

docker start  uns_timescaledb #<container_name>
docker stop  uns_timescaledb #<container_name>

Key Configurations to provide

This application has two configuration file.

  1. settings.yaml: Contain the key configurations need to connect with MQTT brokers as well as timescale db

    key sub key description default value
    mqtt host* Hostname of the mqtt broker instant. Mandatory configuration None
    mqtt port Port of the mqtt broker (int) 1883
    mqtt topics Array of topics to be subscribed to. Recommend subscribing to a level +/# and spBv1.0 e.g. ["erp/#","spBv1.0/#"] ["#"]
    mqtt qos QOS for the subscription. Valid values are 0,1,2 1
    mqtt keep*alive Maximum time interval in seconds between two control packet published by the client (int) _60*
    mqtt reconnect*on_failure Makes the client handle reconnection(s). Recommend keeping this True (True,False) _True*
    mqtt version The MQTT version to be used for connecting to the broker. Valid values are : 5 (for MQTTv5), 4 (for MQTTv311) , 3(for MQTTv31) 5
    mqtt clean*session Boolean value to be specified only if MQTT Version is not 5 _None*
    mqtt transport Valid values are "websockets", "tcp" "tcp"
    mqtt ignored*attributes Map of topic & list of attributes which are to be ignored from persistence. supports wild cards for topics and nested via . notation for the attributes
    'topic1' : ["attr1", "attr2", "attr2.subAttr1" ],
    'topic2/+' : ["A", "A.B.C"],
    'topic3/#' : ["x", "Y"]
    mqtt timestamp_attribute the attribute name which should contain the timestamp of the message's publishing *"timestamp"_
    historian hostname* Mandatory. The db hostname of your TimescaleDB instance _None_
    historian port The port for the instance of your TimescaleDB instance 5432
    historian database* Mandatory. The database name to write to. See db script None
    historian table* Mandatory. The hypertable where the time-series of messages is stored. See db script None
    dynaconf_merge* Mandatory param. Always keep value as true
  2. .secret.yaml : Contains the username and passwords to connect to the MQTT cluster and the timescaledb This file is not checked into the repository for security purposes. However there is a template file provided .secrets_template.yaml which should be edited and renamed to .secrets.yaml

    key sub key sub key description default value
    mqtt username The user id needed to authenticate with the MQTT broker None
    mqtt password The password needed to authenticate with the MQTT broker None
    mqtt tls Provide a map of attributes needed for a TLS connection to the MQTT broker. See below attributes None
    mqtt tls ca*certs fully qualified path to the ca cert file. Mandatory for an SSL connection _None*
    mqtt tls certfile fully qualified path to the cert file None
    mqtt tls keyfile fully qualified path to the keyfile for the cert None
    mqtt tls cert*reqs Boolean. If note provided then ssl.CERT_NONE is used. if True the ssl.CERT_REQUIRED is used. else ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL is used _None*
    mqtt tls ciphers Specify which encryption ciphers are allowed for this connection None
    mqtt tls keyfile*password Password used to encrypt your certfile and keyfile _None*
    mqtt tls insecure*cert Boolean. Skips hostname checking required for self signed certificates. _True*
    historian username* The user id needed to authenticate with TimescaleDB None
    historian password* The password needed to authenticate with TimescaleDB None
    historian sslmode Enables encrypted connection to TimescaleDB. valid values are disable, allow, prefer, require, verify-ca, verify-full None
    historian sslcert Specifies the file name of the client SSL certificate None
    historian sslkey Specifies the location for the secret key used for the client certificate None
    historian sslrootcert Specifies the name of a file containing SSL certificate authority (CA) certificate(s) None
    historian sslcrl Specifies the file name of the SSL certificate revocation list (CRL) None
    dynaconf_merge* Mandatory param. Always keep value as true

The Logic for persisting the message into the historian

The historian will be persisting all the MQTT messages in the raw format directly after extracting the timestamp from the message The message format is expected to be in JSON and should have an attribute timestamp The attribute key name is configurable in settings.yaml If this attribute is missing the application will use the current time


Setting up the development environment for this module

This sub module can be independently setup as a dev environment in the folder 04_uns_historian This has been tested on Unix(bash), Windows(powershell) and Mac(zsh)

python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install poetry
# Ensure that the poetry shell is activated
poetry shell
python -m pip install --upgrade pip poetry
poetry install
python ./src/uns_historian/

While importing the folder into VSCode remember to do the following steps the first time

  1. Open a terminal in VSCode

  2. Activate the poetry shell

    poetry shell
    python -m pip install --upgrade pip poetry
    poetry install
  3. Select the correct python interpreter in VSCode (should automatically detect the poetry virtual environment)

Running the python script

This function is executed by the following command with the current folder as 04_uns_historian Ensure that the configuration files are correctly updated to your MQTT broker and database instance

# Ensure that the poetry shell is activated
poetry shell
poetry install
python ./src/uns_historian/

Running tests

The set of test for this module is executed by

#run all tests excluding integration tests
poetry run pytest -m "not integrationtest" test/
# runs all tests
poetry run pytest test/

Deploying the docker container image created for this module

The docker container image for this module are built and store in the Dockerize module published to Github Container Registry

The way to run the container is

# docker pull<tag>
# e.g.
docker pull
# docker run --name <container name> -d s-v <full path to conf>/:/app/conf uns/historian:<tag>
docker run --name uns_mqtt_historian -d -v $PWD/conf:/app/conf

Note: Remember to update the following before executing

  • <container name> (optional): Identifier for the container so you can work with the same container instance using

    docker start <container name>
    docker stop <container name>
  • <full path to conf> (Mandatory): Volume mounted to the container containing the configurations. See Key Configurations to provide. Give the complete path and not relative path

  • If you are running this image on the host as the MQTT broker and/or timescaledb pass the flag --network host along with docker run to enure localhost services on the host are correctly resolved

Upgrade from postgres 14 to postgres 16

As part of upgrading to postgres16 there are a few steps needed to performed. The following guides provide information on proceeding with it. It is strongly recommended to backup your existing database before performing the upgrade. In case of your dev & test environment you can just delete the mount specified during Deploying TimescaleDB docker.


  1. Add and improve automated test coverage
  2. Currently all messages are stored in the same table. Should we create separate tables per topic or topic type?