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Tutorials on Civo Cloud K8s offering


Civo Cloud Kube100 Program

Civo-Cloud is building the world's first managed Kubernetes service powered by k3s. This service is in beta phase and they have introduced kube100 program where they offer free credits to test out this service.

Enrollment Process

  • Apply for kube100 program here, where they go through your profile and decide whether to enroll you.
  • Once enrolled they will send you an invite to join there community slack channel where you can ask questions and give feedback.
  • You can't singup to the slack channel, but you can join only if you got the invitation after enrolling in kube100 program.

Creating your first kubernetes cluster

  • Once you got the invitation to join the slack channel and access to the kube100 program, go ahead and join the slack community; sign in to your civo cloud account to create your first k8s cluster.
  • There are two ways to create your k8s cluster.
    1. Using Web UI
    2. Using command line

Using Web UI

  • This is what you see after sign in.


  • Click on create cluster and fill-in the details like the cluster name, no. of k8s nodes and the size of machines as shown below.


  • Now select the applications you want to be pre-configured inside your k8s cluster ans click create as shown below.


  • Your cluster should be ready now, download the kubeconfig file and play with it.


Using command line

  • You can interact with civo cloud through command line tool.
  • To install the civo cli follow below steps:
- Install ruby
- Install civo-cli : gem install civo_cli
  • Verify civo is installed
$ civo version
You are running the current v0.5.9 of Civo CLI
  • To interact with civo cloud you need apikey. The key can be retrieved by following these steps.
  • Add the apikey
$ civo apikey add demokey Sd82njaowcyskmof873h63mow7n4n2saf20fnscvaro3fqp0c7
Saved the API Key Sd82njaowcyskmof873h63mow7n4n2saf20fnscvaro3fqp0c7 as demokey
The current API Key is now demokey
$ civo apikey list
| Name    | Key                                                | Default? |
| demokey | Sd82njaowcyskmof873h63mow7n4n2saf20fnscvaro3fqp0c7 | <=====   |
  • To create kubernetes cluster use civo kubernetes create command.
$ civo kubernetes help create
  civo kubernetes create [NAME] [...]

                                                                   # Default: g2.medium
                                                                   # Default: 3
              [--wait=wait until cluster is running], [--no-wait]
              [--save], [--no-save]
              [--switch], [--no-switch]
  apps, app, application, [--applications=APPLICATIONS]

  Create a new Kubernetes cluster with name (randomly assigned if blank), instance size (default: g2.medium),

  Optional parameters are as follows:
   --size=<instance_size> - 'g2.medium' if blank. List of sizes and codes to use can be found through `civo sizes`
   --nodes=<count> - '3' if blank
   --version=<version> - our latest k3s version if blank
   --applications=name1,name2 - optional, use names shown by running `civo applications`
   --remove-applications=name1,name2 - optional, remove default application names shown by running `civo applications`
   --wait - wait for build to complete and show status. Off by default.
   --save - save resulting configuration to ~/.kube/config (requires kubectl and the --wait option)
   --switch - switch context to newly-created cluster (requires kubectl and the --wait and --save options, as well as existing kubeconfig file)
  • The create command is self-explanatory.
$ civo kubernetes create --size=g2.medium --nodes=2 --applications=Traefik,Helm,kubernetes-dashboard --wait --save --switch
Building new Kubernetes cluster demo: Done
Created Kubernetes cluster demo in 03 min 11 sec
  • The command will create the k8s cluster and save the kubeconfig file in ~/.kube/config. You should be ready to run kubectl commands.
$ civo kubernetes show demo
                ID : 3a5c1291-12ba-42bf-bcfc-fa418b626bd8
              Name : demo
           # Nodes : 2
              Size : g2.medium
            Status : ACTIVE
           Version : 1.0.0
      API Endpoint :
      DNS A record :

| Name             | IP             | Status |
| kube-master-343b | | ACTIVE |
| kube-node-4981   |                | ACTIVE |

Installed marketplace applications:
| Name                 | Version    | Installed | Category     |
| kubernetes-dashboard | v2.0.0-rc7 | Yes       | management   |
| Helm                 | 2.14.3     | Yes       | management   |
| Traefik              | (default)  | Yes       | architecture |

$ kubectl.exe get nodes
NAME               STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
kube-master-343b   Ready    master   30m   v1.16.3-k3s.2
kube-node-4981     Ready    <none>   30m   v1.16.3-k3s.2
  • You can also scale the cluster.
$ civo kubernetes scale demo --nodes=3
Kubernetes cluster demo will now have 3 nodes
  • You can add more applications to the cluster.
$ civo applications add cert-manager --cluster=demo
Added cert-manager v0.11.0 to Kubernetes cluster demo
  • Tearing down the cluster.
$ civo kubernetes remove demo
Removing Kubernetes cluster demo

$ civo kubernetes show demo
No Kubernetes clusters found for 'demo'. Please check your query.
  • To play more with civo-cli, follow this.