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Common Triage Issue

Joseph Finney edited this page Oct 18, 2023 · 27 revisions


Issue Description Status
#21642 Add shortcuts to individual PowerToys on Start etc. Proposed


Category Issue Description Status
Text #671 Enhanced Clipboard Proposed
Text #907 Change text Case Proposed
Text #1758 Text Snippets Proposed
Files #3098 Paste as Files Proposed
Files #23018 Image Compression Proposed
Network #828 Network speed is task bar Proposed
Windows #269 Alt+Drag or Windows+Drag to move windows Proposed
Windows #1084 Make windows Acrylic / Transparent Proposed
Windows #13035 Fade other windows Proposed
Taskbar #264 Grouping Taskbar Icons Proposed
Windows Virtual Desktops #16 Move Window to specific virtual desktop Proposed
Windows Virtual Desktops #19 Jump to specific virtual desktop Proposed
Windows Virtual Desktops #24 Assign app. to specific virtual desktop Proposed
Windows Virtual Desktops #32 Remember last virtual desktop Proposed
Windows Virtual Desktops #3737 Taskbar widget to view currently selected virtual desktop Proposed
Keyboard #981 Show what keys are pressed Proposed

Always On Top:

Issue Description Status
#15476 Always On Top keeps windows on top even if switched off again Proposed
#28072 Transparent and On top Proposed
#28120 Always on Top, frame still remain Proposed


Issue Description Status
#11996 Icon tells the state Proposed
#27790 Working Hours only Proposed

Color Picker:

Issue Description Status
#11585 Incorrect color Profiles Proposed

Fancy Zones:

Issue Description Status
#4 Full window manager including specific layouts for docking and undocking laptops Proposed
#8 Window auto-alignment/snap/magnet to other windows and screen edges Proposed
#254 Auto resizing of windows placed side-by-side Proposed
#279 Maximize/Full Screen window within a zone (virtual monitor) Proposed
#348 Choose apps to open up for a specific layout Proposed
#376 Make Fancy Zones touch friendly. Proposed
#463 allow manual coordinates (absolute and relative) Proposed
#492 Map keyboard shortcuts to zones directly to zone windows quicker Proposed
#4235 Add default launch zones per application Proposed
#2830 Custom Dragging Key, use ctrl, use right click Proposed
#18814 Move newly created windows to the last known zone issue/broken Proposed
#25220 Not filling the zones Proposed
#25719 Show a thumbnail of the fancy zones during drag and drop Proposed

Keyboard Manager:

Issue Description Status
#1460 "Multi-Keyboard Support" in the Keyboard Manager Won't Fix
#1556 Use KBM to launch keys w/ arguments Proposed
#1881 Swappable Profiles Proposed
#3326 Caps Lock as a modifier Proposed
#3364 Remap Key to Mouse Click Proposed
#3350 Launch apps with keyboard shortcuts Proposed
#3481 Allow users to have a shortcut not end with a modifier key Proposed
#3826 Support mapping to use certain symbols (Unicode) Proposed
#3936 Adding ability to input Triple modifier shortcuts Proposed
#4452 Exporting and loading Key remap file / presets Proposed
#4467 Keyboard Rebind to ASCII Characters (i.e. Alt + XYZ) Proposed
#4508 Chord / Dead key support Proposed
#4879 Toggle key for Keyboard Manager Proposed
#5074 Using KBM to replace text Proposed
#5670 Remap shortcuts without action keys (i.e. Alt + XYZ) Proposed
#5722 Allow a remap to engage multiple shortcuts Proposed
#6756 App-specific remapping for single Keys Proposed
#6223 Specify multiple targets applications Proposed


Issue Description Status
#26143 Use just space Proposed
#26146 Preview within Zip Proposed
#26210 Preview Office Files Proposed


Issue Description Status
#9755 Convert case / uppercase, lowercase, etc. Proposed
#8484 variable pattern notation for parent folder Proposed

Powertoys Run:

Issue Description Status
#1605 Option to Run as different user Implemented
#1912 List browser tabs for running processes 3rd party plugin
#2408 Ability to execute system/OS commands like shutdown Implemented
#2451 Implement exact phrase Implemented
#3082 Search programs based on context Implemented
#3046 Close windows through WindowWalker Won't Fix
#3229 Power Toys Run should remember frequently used apps Implemented
#3233 Add settings to only enable currently running apps Proposed
#3311 Add ability to include/exclude certain drives/folders from PowerToys Run Proposed
#3309 Add dictionary Proposed
#3245 Be able to launch a web search Implemented
#3347 Have special characters to filter/change PowerToys Run behavior Implemented
#3311 Add ability to include/exclude certain drives/folders from PowerToys Run Proposed
#3357 Rethink integration of window walker into launcher Proposed
#3386 Add control panel applets to Powertoys run Implemented
#3540 Power Toys Run: option to change position of the search box Proposed
#3884 Explicitly start new program instance with modifier key Proposed
#4203 Allow using a single key as a trigger Proposed
#4285 Add keyboard shortcuts to execute search result Proposed
#4599 Add support for time/time zone conversions Proposed
#4544 Allow for indexing of network drives Proposed
#4931 Support audio input Proposed
#4950 Support for Run commands Implemented
#5104 Exclude unwanted file extensions Proposed
#5273 Plugin management section (enable / disable, ...) Implemented
#5531 Add possibility to filter running processes Proposed
#5712 Search for folders only Proposed

Shortcut Guide:

Issue Description Status
#129 Show All Application Shortcuts Proposed
#15405 PowerToys Shortcuts in Shortcut Guide Proposed

Quick Accent:

Issue Description Status
#20312 Customize characters Proposed
#20393 Customize characters Proposed
#20618 ¿ and ¡ with ? and ! keys instead of , Proposed
#20958 Change activation key Proposed
#22205 Global enable/disable Proposed
#28723 Hold Key, better experience Proposed