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Node Lessons

Lesson 8: Add Authentication

Description Handling Authentication is probably the most critical part of most applications. Every error or bug where authentication is involved could lead to a hack or the website or a leak of private / sensible information. Managing all required steps to properly secure an application is not straightforward and involves many battle tested techniques which are important to learn.

In this lesson we will build an Authentication system using Json Web Tokens (JWT).

The first step is to build a module (i.e. a file) which will handle the JWT creation and validation. For this purpose we will use the jsonwebtoken library.

Our Authentication system will then be composed of two parts:

  1. In the login route, after validating the user credentials in a login validation middleware, a new token must be created and added to the response as Authentication header
// services/sessions/middlewares/login.validation.js

module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
  // Get email and password from the request body
  // Fetch the User by email by using the UserRepo
  // Check the password is correct via the 'bcrypt' package

  // If the User exists, save user into the req object (see suggestions)
// services/sessions/sessions.router.js'/', loginValidation, (req, res) => {
    // Get user id from the req object and create token using 'jsonwebtoken' (see suggestions)

    res.set('Authorization', `Bearer ${token}`);

    // Send back the User data as json response

this will be read and stored by the client and sent back to each subsequent request to the server. The response will send back the data of the logged in User

  1. A middleware which acts on each protected route (i.e. each route which needs an authenticated user to be accessed) will check whether the request has a valid token.
// services/sessions/middlewares/auth.check.js

module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
  // Check whether the Authorization header is present
  // Verify the token via
  let payload;
  try {
      payload = jwtManager.verify(token);
    } catch(error) {  
      // TODO Return error via res.json()
  // Save the userId in the req object (see suggestions)


  • Build a (POST) /sessions API Endpoint to perform User login. A Json Web Token (JWT) must be returned upon successful authentication
  • All /users routes must be now private, i.e. only authenticated users can access them

Allowed Npm Packages

  • axios: http client used to perform http requests
  • bcryptjs: password hasher
  • body-parser: Express middleware to parse the body requests
  • express: web server
  • jsonwebtoken: create and verify Json Web Tokens
  • moment: date manager
  • mongoose: MongoDB client
  • nconf: configuration files manager
  • validator: string validation library
  • winston: logger


  • The results must be saved in userdata/data.json

  • The logs must be saved under storage/logs/nodeJobs.log

  • The Data Logger must reside into libraries/dataLogger.js

  • The File Logger must reside into libraries/fileLogger.js

  • The MongoDB configuration variables must reside into config/secrets.json, which MUST be gitignored

  • A config/secrets.json.example file must be provided, with the list of supported keys and example values of the config/secrets.json file

  • Configuration values must be loaded by using nconf directly at the beginning of the index.js

  • The Mongoose configuration must reside into a mongoose.js file, loaded directly from the index.js

  • The Mongoose client must be made available in Express under the mongooseClient key

  • The Users Model must be saved into models/users.js and have the following Schema :

    • username: String, required, unique
    • email: String, unique
    • password: string, required
  • The Users Model must be made available in Express under the usersModel key

  • The /users routes must be defined in the services/users/users.router.js file by using the Express router

  • Middlewares used in the /users endpoints must reside in the services/users/middlewares/ folder

  • Optionally use only async / await instead of pure Promises in all /services/ files

  • User input validation errors must return a 422 Json response with { hasError: 1/0, error: <string>} as response data (payload)

  • User passwords must be bcrypt hashed before being saved into the database

  • JWT management (creation and verification) must be handled in libraries/jwtManager.js, which must export a Javascript Class. It must be available in Express under the jwtManager key

  • The Secret Key used to create the tokens must be stored in the secrets.json file

  • /sessions routes must be defined in services/sessions/sessions.router.js

  • /users API Endpoints must check for authenticated users through the use of a services/sessions/middlewares/auth.check.js middleware

  • HTTP Status Codes must be coherent: 401 if no authentication is provided (i.e. token not found in the Authorization header, 403 if the token is expired or invalid


  • Exporting a class is quite easy
const package = require('package');

class MyClass
   * @param {string} myvariable
  constructor(myvariable) {
    this.myvariable = myvariable

    // Code

   * @param {string} myparameter
  myMethod(myparameter) {
    // variable is available under this.myvariable
    // package is available inside methods

    // Code

module.exports = function (myvariable) {
  return new MyClass(myvariable);
  • When creating a new token, remember to save the userId into the sub payload field. It can be set with the subject key in the options parameter of the sign() method of the jsonwebtoken package
// jwt.sign(payload, secretOrPrivateKey, [options, callback])
const newToken = jwt.sign({
  data: {}
}, 'my secret key stored in /config/secrets.json', {
  expiresIn: '4h',
  subject: <User id> // The User Id, as defined by MongoDB, should be stored here
  • When checking for login validation, in case of success it is useful to save the authenticated user id and user data into the request, so that it is available later
// services/sessions/middlewares/login.validation.js

module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
  if (!req.context) {
    req.context = {};

  [...] // Perform Login Validation and retrieve the user data = user._id;
  req.context.user = {
    id: user._id,
    username: user.username,
    admin: user.admin || false

// services/sessions/sessions.router.js

[...]'/', (req, res) => {
  // req.context.user is now available here!


  • Let's save the user id also in the auth check function
// services/sessions/middlewares/auth.check.js

module.exports = async (app, data, context) => {
  [...] // Check whether the user is authenticated = userId;