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rjrudin edited this page Dec 14, 2017 · 9 revisions

Exporting data to a file

New in 3.3.0, ml-gradle provides a task named "mlExportToFile" for exporting data from MarkLogic to a single file:

gradle mlExportToFile -PwhereCollections=example

This tasks requires that a "where" property, as documented on the DMSDK Tasks page, specify which documents to export. "whereCollections", "whereUriPattern", and "whereUrisQuery" are the current supported properties, e.g.:

gradle mlExportToFile -PwhereUriPattern=*.xml
gradle mlExportToFile -PwhereUrisQuery="cts:element-value-query(xs:QName('hello'), 'world')"

By default, this will write to a file "build/export.xml". You can easily change this:

gradle mlExportToFile -PexportPath=path/to/file.xml -PwhereCollections=example

This export capability is simply wrapping existing DMSDK functionality, particularly the ExportToWriterListener class. So you can utilize some of the properties on that class, e.g.:

gradle mlExportToFile -PrecordPrefix="<wrapper>" -PrecordSuffix="</wrapper>" -PwhereCollections=example

Similar to recordPrefix and recordSuffix, you can also specify content to be written to the beginning and end of the file:

gradle mlExportToFile -PwhereCollections=example -PfilePrefix="<results>" -PfileSuffix="</results>"

Exporting data to CSV

And you can reference a REST API transform, which enables exporting data to CSV - i.e. write a transform that converts a document to the exact CSV that you want (and of course you can load that transform with ml-gradle):

gradle mlExportToFile -Ptransform=my-csv-transform -PwhereCollections=example

You can use ml-gradle to stub out that transform first:

gradle mlCreateTransform -PtransformName=my-csv-transform -PtransformType=sjs|xqy|xsl
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