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Dockerized JWT key server with auth0/node-jsonwebtoken.

  • load signature keys (X.509 RS256 key pair) and users JSON from file system
    /config/jwt_private.pem, /config/jwt_public.pem, /config/users.json
    compatible with docker secret and config
  • does not support secured connection
    relies on the network layer (reverse proxy, VPC or secure overlay network) for security
  • listens on port 8000 by default
  • supports svg-captcha MFA
    client must use /captcha or /captcha.html and solve the captcha first
    temp sessions will be created with techfort/LokiJS
  • Captcha is disable by default
    use --captcha and Docker COMMAND to enable
  • Compare with bcrypt hashed password
    helper script password_hash.js
    use --plaintext to disable hashed match (NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PRODUCTION)


All [time] configs accept formats supported by vercel/ms.

ENV variable Description
DEBUG Debug flag (dotenv and server)
EXPIRY [time] JWT expiry period
SESSION_TTL [time] Captcha expiry period
PUBLIC_KEY_PATH Path for X.509 RS256 public key
PRIVATE_KEY_PATH Path for X.509 RS256 private key
USERS_PATH Path for users.json

JWT RS256 Key Pair

Sample RS256 key pair is in sample/, DO NOT use them in production.

RSA key pair creation commands:

openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 \
  -keyout jwt_private.pem -out jwt_public.pem

TODO: add Node.js instructions (with crypto.generateKeyPairSync())

User Credentials

Sample user_plaintext.json/users.json are in sample/, DO NOT use them in production.
Hashed password can be created with:

cd context/app/
./password_hash.js pa$$w0rd  # single password
./password_hash.js users_plaintext.json > user.json  # hash all `password` fields JSON file

scope field is added to the claim, it is compatible to Hapi's authorization convention

Starting server

# local development, configured to load `../../sample/`
cd context/app/
yarn start
# docker staging, using mount
docker run -it --rm --name docker-auth-server -p 8000:8000 \
  -v $PWD/sample:/configs \
  -v $PWD/context/app:/pwd -w /pwd \
  --entrypoint bash \
# docker, using docker secret and config
cd sample/    # or your deployment config
docker secret create jwt_private ./jwt_private.pem
docker secret create users ./users.json
docker config create jwt_public ./jwt_public.pem

docker service create --name docker-auth-server -p 8000:8000 \
  --secret source=jwt_private,target=/configs/jwt_private.pem \
  --secret source=users,target=/configs/users.json \
  --config source=jwt_public,target=/configs/jwt_public.pem \


# getting JWT
xh -b POST http://localhost:8000/ username=admin password=admin
xh -b POST http://localhost:8000/ username=user password=user

# validating JWT
TOKEN=$(xh -b POST http://localhost:8000/ username=admin password=admin)
xh -b "http://localhost:8000/verify/$TOKEN"

# validating JWT with captcha enabled
# get and solve captcha at `http://localhost:8000/captcha.html` first
TOKEN=$(xh -b POST http://localhost:8000/ username=admin password=admin sessionId=Xe7OiAoluOSLhyVtPD8S9 captcha=ZQJR)
xh -b "http://localhost:8000/verify/$TOKEN"