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107 lines (70 loc) · 3.2 KB

File metadata and controls

107 lines (70 loc) · 3.2 KB


  • Point Cloud render by OpenGL
  • Mouse control view
  • Point Cloud + Color Render (PCLPointCloud2 + Qt3D Renderer) => quite stupid method
  • PCL PointCloud + OpenGL Render
  • Improve camera control interface
  • SfM plugin (GTSAM SfM/SimpleSfM)
  • Update app Usage


  • OpenCV 4
  • Ceres Solver 2.0
  • Eigen3
  • Qt5.15.2


mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j8

Use case

  • Record bag file screen
  • Load bag file and process screen (with some config input)

App demo




  • Config file format
images_path : "/home/lacie/Data/COLMAP/gerrard-hall/images"
database_path : "/home/lacie/Data/COLMAP/gerrard-hall/gerrard-hall.db"

SIFTextractor.max_image_size : 3200
SIFTextractor.num_features   : 8024
# 0 for L1_ROOT, 1 for L2, 2 for ROOT_SIFT
SIFTextractor.normalization  : 0

# 0 for sequential match, 1 for brute match, 2 for vacabulary tree match(not support now)
SIFTmatch.match_type :  0
# if descriptor is normalizing, then distance between two descriptors in range [0.0, 2.0].
# so, lower max distance with higher correct matches rate but less number of matcher, vice versa.
SIFTmatch.max_distance : 0.7
# distance_ratio may be from 0.5 to 1.0, lower distance ratio with higher correct matches rate but less number of matcher, vice versa.
SIFTmatch.distance_ratio : 0.8
# 0 for not use cross_check, 1 for use cross_check
SIFTmatch.cross_check : 1

# Camera Parameters. Adjust them!

# Camera calibration and distortion parameters (OpenCV) 
Reconstruction.Camera.fx: 3838.27
Reconstruction.Camera.fy: 3737.22 2808 1872

Reconstruction.Camera.k1: -0.110339
Reconstruction.Camera.k2: 0.079547
Reconstruction.Camera.p1: 0.000116211
Reconstruction.Camera.p2: 0.00029483

Reconstrction.output_path : "./gerrard-hall"
Reconstruction.is_visualization : 1


  • Careful with the Qt3D version, it may cause some error with Qt and OpenCV version



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[2] Wu C. Towards Linear-Time Incremental Structure from Motion// International Conference on 3d Vision. IEEE Computer Society, 2013:127-134.

[3] Schönberger J L, Frahm J M. Structure-from-Motion Revisited// Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. IEEE, 2016.

[4] 3dv_tutorial

[5] Mastering OpenCV with Practical Computer Vision Projects

[6] OpenCV Viz