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File metadata and controls

465 lines (349 loc) · 25 KB

Project file


modules: section lists all the modules in the project. You can use the * symbol as Glob pattern to include multiple directories.

Notation Description
- ./<relative path> Include the specified module directory. The directory must contain module.yaml file.
- ./<relative path>/* or Include all directories under the <relative path> that contain module.yaml file.


# include the `lib` and the `app` modules explicitly:
  - ../lib
  - ../app 
# include all direct subfolders in the `plugins` dir that contain `module.yaml` files:
  - ../plugins/*

Module file


product: section defines what should be produced out of the module. Read more about the product types.

Attribute Description
type: enum What type of product to generate.
platform: enum list What platforms to generate the product for.

Supported product types and platforms:

Product Type Description Platforms
lib A reusable library which could be used as dependency by other modules in the codebase. any
jvm/app A JVM console or desktop application. jvm
linux/app A native Linux application. linuxX86, linuxArm64
windows/app A native Windows application. mingwX64
macos/app A native macOS application. macosX64, macosArm64
android/app An Android VM application. android
ios/app An iOS application. device: iosArm64, simulators: iosX64, iosSimulatorArm64

Check the list of all Kotlin Multiplatform targets and level of their support.


# Short form, defaults to all supported platforms for the corresponding target:
product: macos/app
# Full form, with an explicitly specified platform
  type: macos/app
  platforms: [ macosArm64, macosArm64 ]
# Multiplatform Library for JVM and Android platforms 
  type: lib
  platforms: [ jvm, android ]


aliases: section defines the names for the custom code sharing groups. Aliases can be used as @platform qualifiers. Read more about aliases.


# Create an alias to share code between JVM and Android platforms.  
  type: lib
  platforms: [ jvm, android, iosArm64, iosSimulatorArm64 ]

  - jvmAndAndroid: [jvm, android]

# Dependencies for JVM and Android platforms:


variants: section defines the list of build variants for the product. Variant names can be used as @platform qualifiers. Read more about variants.


# Define two build variants: `debug` and `release`  
product: android/app

variant: [debug, release]

# Dependencies for the debug build variant:
# Define multi-dimensional variants   
product: android/app

  - [debug, release]
  - [paid, free]

  - ...

  - ...


module: section configures various aspects of the module, such as file layout.

Attribute Description Default
layout: enum (Gradle-based projects only) File layout of the module. Read more. default

Supported file layouts:

Attribute Description
default The default Amper file layout is used.
gradle-jvm The file layout corresponds to the standard Gradle JVM layout.
gradle-kmp The file layout corresponds to the Gradle Kotlin Multiplatform layout.

See more on the layouts in the documentation.


# Layout is not specified, default module layout is used
product: jvm/app
# Use Gradle Kotlin Multiplatform compatibility mode for the file layout 
  type: lib
  platforms: [ android, jvm ]

  layout: gradle-kmp


apply: section lists the templates applied to the module. Read more about the module templates

Use - ./<relative path> or - ../<relative path> notation, where the <relative path> points at a template file.


# Apply a `common.module-template.yaml` template to the module
product: jvm/app

  - ../common.module-template.yaml

Dependencies and test dependencies

dependecies: section defines the list of modules and libraries necessary to build the module. Certain dependencies can also be exported as part of the module API. Read more about the dependencies.

test-dependenceis: section defines the dependencies necessary to build and run tests of the module. Read more about the module tests.

Supported dependency types:

Notation Description
- ./<relative path>
- ../<relative path>
Dependency on another module in the codebase.
- <group ID>:<artifact ID>:<version> Dependency on a Kotlin or Java library in a Maven repository.
- $<catalog.key> Dependency from a dependency catalog.

Each dependency has the following attributes:

Attribute Description Default
exported: boolean Whether a dependency should be visible as a part of a published API. false
scope: enum When the dependency should be used. Read more about the dependency scopes. all

Available scopes:

Scopes Description
all The dependency is available during compilation and runtime.
compile-only The dependency is only available during compilation. This is a 'provided' dependency in Maven terminology.
runtime-only The dependency is not available during compilation, but available during testing and running.


# Short form for the dependency attributes
  - io.ktor:ktor-client-core:2.2.0                   # Kotlin or Java dependency 
  - org.postgresql:postgresql:42.3.3: runtime-only
  - ../common-types: exported                        # Dependency on another module in the codebase 
  - $                              # Dependency from the 'compose' catalog
# Full form for the dependency attributes
  - io.ktor:ktor-client-core:2.2.0
  - ../common-types:
      exported: true
      scope: all
  - org.postgresql:postgresql:42.3.3:
      exported: false
      scope: runtime-only

The dependencies: section could also be qualified with a platform or a build variant.


# Dependencies used to build the common part of the product
  - io.ktor:ktor-client-core:2.2.0

# Dependencies used to build the JVM part of the product
  - io.ktor:ktor-client-java:2.2.0
  - org.postgresql:postgresql:42.3.3: runtime-only


repositories: section defines the list of repositories used to look up and download the module dependencies. Read more about the dependency repositories.

Attribute Description Default
url: string The url of the repository.
id: string The ID of the repository, used for to reference it. repository url
credentials: object Credentials for the authenticated repositories. empty

Read more on the repository configuration Credentials support username/password authentication and have the following attributes:

Attribute Description
file: path A relative path to a file with the credentials. Currently, only *.property files are supported.
usernameKey: string A key in the file that holds the username.
passwordKey: string A key in the file that holds the password.


# Short form
# Full form
  - url:
  - id: jitpack
# Specifying the credentials
  - url: https://my.private.repository/
      file: ./
      usernameKey: my.private.repository.username
      passwordKey: my.private.repository.password  

Settings and test settings

settings: section configures the toolchains used in the build process. Read more about settings configuration.

test-settings: section controls building and running the module tests. Read more about the module tests.


settings:kotlin: configures the Kotlin language and the compiler.

Attribute Description Default
languageVersion: enum Provide source compatibility with the specified version of Kotlin.
apiVersion: enum Allow using declarations only from the specified version of Kotlin bundled libraries.
allWarningsAsErrors: boolean Turn any warnings into a compilation error.
suppressWarnings: boolean Suppress the compiler from displaying warnings during compilation.
verbose: boolean Enable verbose logging output which includes details of the compilation process.
progressiveMode: boolean Enable the progressive mode for the compiler.
optIns: enum list Enable usages of API that requires opt-in with a requirement annotation with the given fully qualified name.
freeCompilerArgs: string list Pass any compiler option directly.
debug: boolean (Only for native targets) Enable emitting debug information. true
serialization: object | enum Configure the Kotlin serialization.

serialization: attribute could an object or an enum corresponding to the format: attribute:

Attribute Description Default
format: enum none to disable serialization, JSON to enable serialization in JSON format none


# Set Kotlin language version and opt-ins
    languageVersion: 1.8
# Enabling Kotlin Serialization 
    serialization: json
# Enabling Kotlin Serialization 
    serialization: json


settings:jvm: configures the JVM platform-specific settings.

Attribute Description Default
release: enum The minimum JVM release version that the code should be compatible with. This enforces compatibility on 3 levels. First, it is used as the target version for the bytecode generated from Kotlin and Java sources. Second, it limits the Java platform APIs available to Kotlin and Java sources. Third, it limits the Java language constructs in Java sources. If this is set to null, these constraints are not applied and the compiler defaults are used. 17
mainClass: string (Only for jvm/app product type) The fully-qualified name of the class used to run the application. auto-detected


settings:android: configures the Android toolchain and platform.

Attribute Description Default
applicationId: string The ID for the application on a device and in the Google Play Store. Read more.
namespace: string A Kotlin or Java package name for the generated R and BuildConfig classes. Read more.
compileSdk: int The API level to compile the code. The code can use only the Android APIs up to that API level. Read more.
targetSdk: int The target API level for the application. Read more.
minSdk: int Minimum API level needed to run the application. Read more.
maxSdk: int Maximum API level on which the application can run. Read more.


settings:ios: configures the iOS toolchain and platform.

Attribute Description Default
teamID: string A Team ID is a unique string assigned to your team by Apple.
It's necessary if you want to run/test on a Apple device.
Read how to locate your team ID in Xcode, or use KDoctor tool (kdoctor --team-ids)
framework: object (Only for the library product type Configure the generated framework to share the common code with an Xcode project.

settings:ios:framework: configures the generated framework. By default, a dynamically linked framework with the name of the module is generated

Attribute Description Default
basename: string The name of the generated framework. kotlin
isStatic: boolean Whether to create a dynamically linked or statically linked framework. false


settings:compose: configures the Compose Multiplatform framework. Read more about Compose configuration.

Attribute Description Default
enabled: boolean Enable Compose runtime, dependencies and the compiler plugins. false
version: string The Compose plugin version. 1.5.10


# Short form
  compose: enabled
# Full form
    enabled: true
    version: 1.5.10


settings:junit: configures the JUnit test runner on the JVM and Android platforms. Read more about testing support.

By default, JUnit 4 is used.

Value Description
junit-5 JUnit 5 dependencies and the test runner are configured.
junit-4 JUnit 4 dependencies and the test runner are configured.
none JUnit is not automatically configured.


(Gradle-based projects only) settings:kover: configures Kover for code coverage. Read more about Kover

Attribute Description Default
enabled: boolean Enable code overage with Kover false

settings:kover:html configures HTML reports

Attribute Description Default
title: string The title for the coverage report module name
reportDir The directory (relative to project root) to store coverage reports in null
onCheck Run html report on check task false
charset Charset to pass to kover null

settings:kover:xml configures XML reports

Attribute Description Default
reportFile The file (relative to project root) to store coverage reports in null
onCheck Run html report on check task false


    enabled: true
      title: "A title"
      reportDir: build/report
      onCheck: true
      onCheck: true
      reportFile: build/report.xml