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Opt-in requirements

  • Type: Design proposal
  • Authors: Alexander Udalov, Mikhail Glukhikh
  • Previously known as: Experimental API support
  • Discussion and feedback: KEEP-95

This proposal describes a mechanism that will allow library authors to provide API that requires explicit opt-in from their clients. The proposed mechanism makes it possible to declare that the API requires opt-in, and to opt in to that API at the call site. Without such explicit consent from the user, a warning or an error is reported on usages.

An example use case is experimental API which, although publicly released as a part of the library, may break at any moment and its usages will need to be recompiled. The ultimate goal is to allow library authors to release APIs earlier and more frequently without fear of the necessity to support an incorrectly designed API for a long time because of source and/or binary compatibility.

Use cases

  • In the Kotlin standard library
    • Annotations for type inference (@Exact, @OnlyInputTypes, etc.): we'd like to publish them, but don't want to commit to never changing semantics (see KT-13138, KT-13198)
    • Bitwise operations for small integer types.
    • Certain features for kotlin-reflect, that we're not sure about (see KT-15987, KT-15992)
    • New functions that get added to the standard library (@ExperimentalStdlibApi) for public preview.
  • Other libraries
    • Experimental declarations for public preview.
    • Internal declarations that should not be used outside of the library, but are public for some other reason.
    • Fragile or delicate APIs that need a lot of expertise to use and thus require an explicit opt-in.


  • Clear opt-in required for all users whose code may be broken by changes to the API.
  • Granularity: one should be able to mark a small part of an API so that only the users of that part are required to opt in.
  • Smooth graduation: if the API doesn't need to be changed as soon as it graduates (i.e. no longer requires opt-in), just unmark it, and all clients remain binary compatible.
  • Garbage collection upon graduation: when the API graduates, the opt-in flags/markers are highlighted as warnings (and subsequently, errors) so that clients know to remove them.

Initial observations

  • One solution for the experimental API use case would be to use whole packages for experimental declarations, e.g. kotlin.experimental, kotlin.jvm.experimental, ... However, this is not granular enough and smooth graduation is not possible, because even if the API was completely fine from the start, it's going to be moved to a non-experimental package eventually, which will break binary clients.

This solution was originally used for coroutines, originally placing them into kotlin.coroutines.experimental package and is still used for some bitwise operators in kotlin.experimental package.

  • A more natural solution would involve some explicit binary-retained annotation on each declaration. This way, the compiler can check each call and each class usage, and report a warning/error if that symbol requires opt-in but no consent to using it has been given by the user. However, just one annotation isn't enough, because we'd like to force the user to opt in to each API (= group of declarations) separately. This is why we propose a design below where each API declares its own marker annotation, which must be used at call sites.
    • We've explored the possibility of using a “string tag” argument instead of custom marker annotations (e.g. @RequiresOptIn(“kotlin.ExperimentalTypeInference”) ...) but discarded it because it's not as clean, involves more typing and reading, requires not to make typos, and complicates the implementation, especially in the IDE.
  • There's a number of ways to express the opt-in to use an API, but a source-retained annotation (“local” opt-in) and a command line argument (“global” opt-in) would seem the most natural choices.


We propose to add the following declarations to the standard Kotlin library:

package kotlin

annotation class RequiresOptIn(
    val message: String = "",
    val level: Level = Level.ERROR
) {
    enum class Level { WARNING, ERROR }

annotation class OptIn(
    vararg val markerClass: KClass<out Annotation>

The RequiresOptIn annotation is applied to an annotation class, and it makes that class an opt-in requirement marker. There are two sets of use cases where markers are used:

  1. If a declaration is annotated with the marker, it requires opt-in to that marker and can use other API with that same marker in its body.
  2. If a declaration or an expression is annotated with @OptIn(Marker::class), it can use other declarations that use the selected marker, but it does not require opt-in itself (its clients will not have to opt in).

The first option of usage of opt-in requirement markers is called a propagating opt-in (the annotation effectively causes propagation of the requirement), and the second — a non-propagating opt-in. The user is free to choose whichever option is preferable in each scenario.


// Library code:

annotation class ShinyNewAPI

// Class Foo requires opt-in with marker ShinyNewAPI
class Foo { ... }

// Function bar requires opt-in with marker ShinyNewAPI
fun = ...

// Usage:

// Function shinyNewFeature() uses API marked with ShinyNewAPI
// and thus is also, conceptually, a part of ShinyNewAPI and so it is marked as such.
fun shinyNewFeature() = Foo().bar()

// Function doSomething uses API marked with ShinyNewAPI and is also
// required to use the OptIn marker annotation. 
// Here, we choose a non-propagating opt-in, because the
// API is used in the function body and it should not concern our clients
fun doSomething() {
    val foo = Foo()

Note that by opting into the API with the propagating opt-in, shinyNewFeature effectively requires opt-in itself (with the same marker annotation). In theory, we could distinguish initial introduction of the API and its propagating usages, but it would complicate the proposal a bit and there doesn't seem to be much value in doing that.

Both opt-in mechanisms allow to use the API for the selected markers anywhere in the parse tree lexically under the annotated element.

Using OptIn with annotations that are not opt-in requirement markers has no effect and yields a compilation warning. (Note that this must not be an error because user code should not break once an annotation is no longer an opt-in requirement marker.) Using OptIn with no arguments has no effect and yields a warning as well.

Opt-in requirement message

When using an API that requires opt-in without the said opt-in, the compiler reports a warning or an error depending on the specified level. It's possible to specify a custom message in RequiresOptIn, that will be reported by the compiler. If no message is given (i.e. if message is empty), the compiler will report that the API is experimental:

test.kt:22:9: error: this declaration requires an explicit opt-in annotation marker to be used. Please read and understand the caveats in the documentation of `ShinyNewAPI` first.
If you are willing to use it, mark the usage with '@ShinyNewAPI' to propagate opt-in marker requirement to further users or with '@OptIn(ShinyNewAPI::class)' to hide this usage as an implementation detail.'

Opt-in for whole modules

Annotating every usage of some API might quickly become annoying, especially for application modules, where the developer does not care about the clients of the code simply because application modules have no clients. In such cases, it'd be useful to have a module-wide switch to opt in to the API.

We introduce a new CLI argument to kotlinc,, where is a fully qualified name of the opt-in requirement marker, which enables the corresponding API for the module. It's as if the whole module was annotated with @OptIn(

The compiler will check the value of -opt-in in the same way it checks the argument of the @OptIn annotation. In particular, if any of the annotations mentioned in the -opt-in are deprecated, the compiler is going to report a warning or error, depending on the deprecation level.

In a previous version of this proposal, we discussed the possibility of introducing another argument,, to use the propagating opt-in on the whole module (i.e. mark the whole module as "experimental" in terms of that proposal). The implementation of that feature turned out to be unexpectedly complicated, and it wasn't widely used, so we've decided not to add it at this point.

Opt-in requirement of RequiresOptIn/OptIn themselves

Annotations RequiresOptIn and OptIn are proposed to be added to the Kotlin standard library. Since we're not yet sure that this design is optimal, we would like to test it first, and see if we can finalize it. Therefore, we would like to keep this whole feature experimental itself, in the sense that we may change something incompatibly, and the client code must be aware of it.

Therefore, we will require each user of RequiresOptIn to provide at least one -opt-in compiler argument, which would mean that the user understands the risks of using this experimental functionality. It can be either -opt-in=... with any opt-in requirement marker, or the magic predefined argument -opt-in=kotlin.RequiresOptIn which doesn't allow using any API by itself, yet merely allows using RequiresOptIn and OptIn in the source code. Unless one of these arguments is provided, the compiler will report a warning on each usage of RequiresOptIn or OptIn (but not on usages of the markers!).

Besides, we will also prohibit any usages of RequiresOptIn, OptIn and markers that do not aim to make use of the functionality declared in this proposal. The goal is to minimize the number of binary compatibility problems of user-compiled code if we decide to change something incompatibly. For example, you won't be able to use these classes as types:

// Error! RequiresOptIn cannot be used as a type
fun get(e: RequiresOptIn) = ...

In particular, this means that:

  1. RequiresOptIn and OptIn may only be used as annotations (but not as arguments to other annotations), as references in the import statement, or as qualifiers (to be able to access nested classes, e.g. RequiresOptIn.Level)
  2. Markers may only be used as annotations, as references in the import statement, or as a left-hand side to ::class literal in OptIn or WasExperimental (see below) arguments

RequiresOptIn, experimental declarations in the standard library and SinceKotlin

For declarations in the standard library, as soon as a declaration is released, it'll have to be annotated with @SinceKotlin(X), where X is the earliest version, since which there have been no incompatible changes to the declaration. However, the -api-version compatibility argument will have no knowledge of how that declaration looked before it was released, i.e. the declaration will not be visible with -api-version Y for Y < X, even if it was present in the version Y and the opt-in was given by the user.

We don't intend to solve this problem completely because this would require us to know how the declaration looked in each release before it finally graduated (remember that experimental declarations can undergo binary-incompatible changes). To fix this at least partially, we'll add an internal standard library annotation WasExperimental:

package kotlin

internal annotation class WasExperimental(
    vararg val markerClass: KClass<out Annotation>

Usages of declarations annotated with WasExperimental are allowed even if the API version requirement is not satisfied, provided that the opt-in to all mentioned markers is given.

This feature allows us to release new standard library API in patch releases, further graduating it in a minor release. For example, suppose a function foo appears in the standard library as experimental in Kotlin 1.4.30. Since it's not yet graduated, it's not annotated with SinceKotlin:

// kotlin-stdlib 1.4.30

fun foo(s: String) {}

where ExperimentalStdlibAPI is an opt-in requirement marker for experimental API in the standard library, introduced in Kotlin 1.3.40:

annotation class ExperimentalStdlibAPI

In Kotlin 1.5, the function is graduated (hence SinceKotlin(“1.5”)) and therefore is no longer annotated with ExperimentalStdlibAPI. To allow users to opt in to it on 1.4.30 however, we also annotate it with WasExperimental so that for example the CLI argument -opt-in=ExperimentalStdlibAPI would work. (Of course, it also makes it possible to use it on 1.4.0...1.4.29, where there was no such function and linkage errors would arise, but we explicitly decide not to solve this problem.)

// kotlin-stdlib 1.5

fun foo(s: String) {}

OptIn markers and overridden declarations

As a general rule, marker annotation should present either at base and overridden declarations together, or at an overridden declaration only, or at none of them. Using marker on base declaration only provokes error or warning on overridden declaration, depending on marker RequiresOptIn.level.

open class Base {
    open fun foo() {}

    open fun foooo() {}

    open fun baz() {}

class Derived {
    override fun foo() {} // OK!

    override fun foooo() {} // OK!

    // Overriding experimental declaration
    override fun baz() {} // ERROR/WARNING (depending on ShinyNewAPI level)

OptIn marker contagiousness (type usages)

In Kotlin 1.5.30 we introduced contagiousness rules based on type usages. As a rule of thumb, all places which break if some experimental type disappear from a library should receive opt-in usage warning/error, even if this experimental type is used implicitly.

Some class-based type is considered "requiring opt-in annotation marker" if its class requires opt-in marker, and/or any of its type arguments requires opt-in marker. For example, using MyClass<MyArg> requires opt-in marker if either MyClass or MyArg require this marker. So class with opt-in marker annotation makes all types using it "requiring opt-in marker", as well as all types using its nested/inner classes.

Consider the following example

class Shiny

fun foo(): Shiny = Shiny()

fun bar(arg: Shiny = Shiny()) {}

fun Shiny?.baz() {}

fun use() {
    // Three implicit usages of 'Shiny' type
    val s = foo()

All three calls foo(), bar() and baz() inside fun use() use Shiny type implicitly, thus all three should receive opt-in usage warning/error. We can negate it using either @ShinyNewAPI or @OptIn(ShinyNewAPI::class) at fun use() itself. Pay attention that @OptIn(ShinyNewAPI::class) at foo, bar, baz declarations does not help here. To understand this better, rewrite your code like

fun use() {
    val s: Shiny = foo()
    (null as Shiny?).baz()

OptIn marker contagiousness (lexical scopes)

In Kotlin 1.6.20 we also introduced contagiousness rules based on lexical scopes. The basic rule of thumb remains the same: all places which break if some experimental type disappear from a library should receive opt-in usage warning/error. Here we consider the same rule for type usage in dispatch receiver position.

To obey this rule, OptIn marker is considered contagious in lexical scope, so in the example below both fun foo and class Nested are counted as part of ShinyNewAPI.

class Base {
   // Effectively 'fun foo' has the marker
   fun foo() {}
   // Effectively 'class Nested' also has the marker
   class Nested

fun useBase(
  // requires opt-in
  base: Base
) {
  // also requires opt-in
  // also requires opt-in

When foo is in use, the real dispatch receiver type is taken into account. If foo is called on a derived class without marker, the call does not require opt-in.

class Derived : Base() 

fun useDerived(derived: Derived) {
    // Ok: dispatch receiver is 'Derived' (not 'Base'!) and it has OptIn

Limitations for marker annotations

  • Targets EXPRESSION, FILE and TYPE are not possible for marker annotations, because these annotations operate on the declaration level, and these targets aren't declarations in Kotlin. The compiler will report an error on the marker annotation if it declares one of these targets.
  • Target TYPE_PARAMETER is also forbidden for marker annotations. Type parameter can be used only in scope of owner class/function/property, so it makes no sense to declare it experimental.
  • Although targets VALUE_PARAMETER, LOCAL_VARIABLE and FIELD aren't forbidden directly when a marker annotation is declared, they are forbidden at use-sites. Marker annotation can't be applied to local variable or value parameter because they can be used in local scope only. Also they can't be applied to property fields or getters, please apply them to owner property instead. However, property setter can be annotated separately to point out that writing to (but not reading from) this property requires opt-in.
  • Marker annotations must have BINARY or RUNTIME retention, otherwise the compiler will report an error. SOURCE retention is not enough because it wouldn't allow the compiler to read annotations from compiled code, and RUNTIME retention is not necessary because the fact that a declaration requires opt-in should not have any effect on how that declaration is visible at runtime through reflection.
  • As mentioned earlier, marker annotations must have no parameters, otherwise the compiler will report an error.

Known issues

  • Once the API has been released, its call sites are still using the marker annotation, which means that the annotation class will need to go through the deprecation cycle, which is somewhat inconvenient.