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Face anti-spoofing based on projective invariants

An implementation Geoemetric Face anti-spoofing algorithm based on the paper

Naitsat, Alexander, and Yehoshua Y. Zeevi. "Face anti-spoofing based on projective invariants." 
2018 IEEE International Conference on the Science of Electrical Engineering in Israel (ICSEE). IEEE, 2018.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


  • OpenFace (face landmark detection)
  • opencv (OpenFace dependency)
  • dlib (OpenFace dependency)


To run the algorithm clone OpenFace into OpenFace-master and replace the following files by files from the repository root

  • FaceLandmarkVidMulti.cpp -> OpenFace-master\exe\FaceLandmarkVidMulti\FaceLandmarkVidMulti.cpp
  • LandmarkDetectorUtils.h -> OpenFace-master\lib\local\LandmarkDetector\include\LandmarkDetectorUtils.h
  • LandmarkDetectorUtils.cpp -> OpenFace-master\lib\local\LandmarkDetector\src\LandmarkDetectorUtils.cpp


  • Compile OpenFace with the replaced files.
  • Use Visual Studio solution fiel on windows platforms. (Tested with Visual Studio 2015).
  • On other platforms use OpenFace cmake file

Running the Demo

  1. Connect two RGB cameras and run OpenFace-master\x64\Release\FaceLandmarkVidMulti.exe
  2. Use the following keys to control the demo
  • Space bar to start recording. After the recording is finished results are displayed and saved in file according to given flags
  • Press 'g' and 's' to label recorded videos as "genuine" and "spoofed" videos, respectively.
  1. Use the following command line flags to control the algorithm
  • '-record_video' to save recording of each camera in a separate avi file in exe\FaceLandmarkVidMulti\videos
  • '-load_video' to load stereo video stream from avi files listed in \exe\FaceLandmarkVidMulti\video_names_camera0.txt, video_names_camera1.txt
  • '-annotation' to display classification results after each recording
  • '-show_angle' to display Euler angles of the head pose.

Visualization and analysis