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CRUD Entities From JSON

kevindelord edited this page Jun 28, 2016 · 2 revisions

To CRUD new entities from a JSON you need to have your data inside a NSDictionary object.

If your models are correctly configured, the functions primaryPredicateWithDictionary: and updateWithDictionary:inContext: will be called. The manager will either create a new entity or update an existing one.

And then use one of the following functions:

The completion block posses two parameters:

  • entity: AnyObject?: the CRUDed plane entity
  • state: DKDBManagedObjectState: the state of the object (created, updated, saved or deleted).


let planeJSON = ["origin":"Paris", "destination":"London"]
Plane.crudEntityWithDictionary(planeJSON, inContext: savingContext, completion: { (entity: AnyObject?, state: DKDBManagedObjectState) in

	// The CRUDed plane is referenced in the `entity`.
	// Its actual state is described as follow:
	switch state {
	case .Create:	// The entity has been created, it's all fresh new.
	case .Update:	// The entity has been updated, its attributes changed.
	case .Save:		// The entity has been saved, nothing happened.
	case .Delete:	// The entity has been removed.

If you do not need the completion block and if you assume that the entity will not be deleted, you can use:

let planeJSON = ["origin":"Paris", "destination":"London"]
let plane = Plane.crudEntityWithDictionary(planeJSON, inContext: savingContext)

If the entity has been deleted, the returned value is nil.

If you have multiple entities inside one array use:

let planesJSON = [["origin":"Paris", "destination":"London"], ["origin":"Tokyo", "destination":"Sydney"]]
let planes = Plane.crudEntitiesWithArray(planesJSON, inContext: savingContext)