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379 lines (323 loc) · 31.5 KB

File metadata and controls

379 lines (323 loc) · 31.5 KB

Table of contents
  1. 1. Prepare FASTQ files of interest for processing and analyses
    1. Footnotes
      2. Defining a function such as error_and_return
      3. The body of the function error_and_return
      4. Variables
      5. The ${HOME} variable
      6. Wrapping variables in curly braces {} and double quotes ""
      7. Associative arrays (hash maps)
      8. Logical commands (true, false) assigned to "flag variables" (flags)
      9. if statements
      10. Conditional checks for directories (-d), files (-f), and logical negation (!)
      11. Calls to ln
      12. Calls to ls
  2. 2. Adapter- and quality-trim the FASTQ files
    1. a. Install Atria and dependencies
      1. Footnotes
        1. Breaking down the function update_shell_config
          1. Positional arguments
          2. Local variable scoping
          3. Redirection: >> versus >
          4. Calls to grep
          5. Return values
        2. Breaking down the function check_mamba_installed
          1. if statement with negation
          2. Redirection: &> /dev/null
          3. Redirection: &>, 1>, 2>, and more
          4. On data streams: stdin, stdout, stderr
        3. Breaking down the function check_env_installed
          1. Declaration of the function
          2. Local variable declaration, e.g., local env_name="${1}"
          3. The Conda/Mamba command conda env list
          4. The pipe (|) and grep commands: ... | grep -q "^${env_name} "
          5. Regular expressions and the caret (^) symbol:
          6. Escape characters and \":
          7. On the function's "control flow"
    2. b. Adapter- and quality-trim the FASTQ files using Atria
      1. Footnotes
        1. Calls to unset
        2. Calls to typeset/declare
        3. Common options for typeset/declare
        4. More on operators, particularly the logical operators && and ||
          1. && Operator (Logical AND)
          2. || Operator (Logical OR)
          3. How && and || work together
          4. Other relevant operators: ; and ! (logical NOT)
          5. Best Practices
          6. Summary
  3. 3. Align trimmed FASTQ files
    1. a. Generate a concatenated annotated assembly of the S. cerevisiae and S. pombe genomes
      1. Footnotes
        1. Breaking down the call to mkdir -p, which makes use of brace expansion

1. Prepare FASTQ files of interest for processing and analyses


Notes: 1. Prepare FASTQ files of interest for processing and analyses

Comments (#)

The lines starting with # are comments. Comments are used to explain what the code does, but they are not executed. They're there to help anyone reading the code understand it better.

For example, # Define functions =========================================================== is a header comment, letting readers know that functions are defined below it. The next comment explains what the function error_and_return does.

Defining a function such as error_and_return

function error_and_return() starts the definition of a function named error_and_return. A function is a block of code that performs a specific task. Functions facilitate the reuse of the same code multiple times without having to write it out each time.

The body of the function error_and_return

Inside the function, we have the following code:

  • echo "Error: ${1}" >&2
    • echo is a command used to display text.
    • "Error: ${1}" is the text to be displayed. Here, ${1} is a placeholder for the first argument passed to the function. This means that whatever text is provided when calling error_and_return will be displayed after "Error: ".
    • >&2 means that the error message is redirected to the standard error stream (stderr). This is typically used to output error messages.
  • return 1
    • return 1 exits the function and returns a value of 1. In Unix, Linux, and MacOS, returning a non-zero value generally indicates an error or abnormal condition. So, when error_and_return is called, it indicates that something went wrong.


Variables (e.g., dir_base) are used to store and retrieve data (e.g., dir_base="${HOME}/tsukiyamalab"). They are like placeholders for values that can change over time. Variables make scripts flexible and reusable. For example, changing dir_base (to, say, dir_base="${HOME}/Desktop") will update the base directory used throughout the script.

The ${HOME} variable

The ${HOME} variable is an environmental variable that refers to the home directory of the current user. In Unix and Unix-like operating systems (e.g., MacOS), every user is assigned a unique directory where they can store personal files, configurations, and scripts. This directory is commonly referred to as the "home directory."

  • In scripts and command lines, ${HOME} is often used as a shorthand to access the user's home directory. For example, cd ${HOME} would change the current directory to the user's home directory.
  • If the username is john, the home directory might be /home/john on Linux or /Users/john on macOS. In this case, ${HOME} would be equivalent to /home/john or /Users/john, respectively.
  • Using ${HOME} makes scripts more portable and user-independent, as it automatically resolves to the home directory of the user running the script, without needing to hard-code the full path.

Wrapping variables in curly braces {} and double quotes ""

In shell scripting, it's considered good practice to wrap variables in curly braces ({}) and double quotes ("") for clarity and to prevent potential errors. This practice has several benefits:

  • Curly braces help in clearly defining the boundary of a variable name. This is particularly useful when a variable is followed by text that could be misinterpreted as part of the variable name. For example, ${var}_suffix clearly separates var from _suffix.
  • Curly braces facilitate the concatenation of variables with strings. For instance, ${var}value appends value to the contents of var.
  • Enclosing variables in double quotes prevents word splitting and globbing. Word splitting can lead to unexpected behavior when variables contain spaces or newlines. For example, in echo ${var}, if var contains file1 file2, it will be split into two arguments. echo "${var}" would treat it as a single argument, preserving the intended behavior.
  • When a variable is empty or undefined, using double quotes ensures that the script doesn't break or behave unpredictably. For example, echo "${nonexistent}" will safely print nothing, whereas echo ${nonexistent} might lead to unintended script behavior.
  • Example:
    • With braces: echo "${user}file" makes it clear that user is the variable being referenced, and the string "file" is being appended to its contents.
    • Without braces: echo "$userfile" is misread as if there were a variable named userfile.

The use of curly braces and double quotes enhances the readability and reliability of shell scripts, making them less prone to errors.

Associative arrays (hash maps)

Associative arrays (or hash maps) are collections of key-value pairs where each key is unique. They allow for more complex data structures, enabling you to map a unique key to a specific value. In the above chunk, keys are original file name stems and values are the new name stems for the symbolic links. For example, file_fastqs["6336_G1_in_S15"]="in_G1_Hho1_6336" maps an original file name stem, "6336_G1_in_S15", to a new one, "in_G1_Hho1_6336".

Logical commands (true, false) assigned to "flag variables" (flags)

Flags are variables used to control the flow of the script. check_variables, check_array, check_operations and run_operations are flags. When set to true, they trigger specific operations like echoing commands or creating symbolic links. Conversely, setting them to false skips these operations.

if statements

if statements are used for the conditional execution of code. They allow the script to make decisions and execute different blocks of code based on whether a condition is true or false. They follow the following logic: "if a given condition is true, execute a specific code block; else (optionally) execute a different code block or do nothing." For example, if [[ -d "${directory}" ]]; then echo "Directory exists"; fi.

Conditional checks for directories (-d), files (-f), and logical negation (!)

  • [[ -d ... ]]: Checks if a directory exists.
  • [[ -f ... ]]: Checks if a file exists.
  • !: Negates a condition, e.g., [[ ! -d ... ]] checks if a directory does not exist.

Calls to ln

The ln -s command creates symbolic links (symlinks), which are pointers to original files. The command format is ln -s original_file symlink_file. Using ln like this maintains the integrity of raw data while simplifying access under new names.

Calls to ls

The ls command lists directory contents. Flags used include:

  • -l: Long format with detailed information.
  • -h: Human-readable file sizes.
  • -a: Includes hidden files.
  • -F: Appends a character indicating file type.
  • -G: Colorizes output.

For more details on ls flags and shell commands in general, visit ShellCheck.

2. Adapter- and quality-trim the FASTQ files

a. Install Atria and dependencies


Notes: 2.a. Install Atria and dependencies

#TODO Carefully explain all concepts in the above chunk.
#TODO Carefully test the code in the above chunk.

Breaking down the function update_shell_config

Positional arguments

When a function is called, you can pass data to it via "arguments". In this function, ${1} is a placeholder for the first argument, i.e., the argument in "the first position"; ${2} is a placeholder for the second argument passed, i.e., the argument in "the second position". The values passed to positional arguments ${1} and ${2} are assigned to the "local" variables config_file and stem, respectively.

Local variable scoping

The local command is used to declare variables that are "local" to the function. This means these variables (config_file, stem, line_to_add) only exist within update_shell_config and can't be accessed outside of it. This means the "scope" of these variables are "local" to the function. Local variable scoping helps prevent conflicts with variables of the same name elsewhere in the script.

Redirection: >> versus >
  • >> appends the output (stdout) of a command or operation to a file. If the file doesn't exist, then it's created. If it does exist, then the new output is added at the end of the file.
  • Contrast that with >, which redirects output to a file, overwriting its current contents. Again, if the file doesn't exist, then it's created.

Calls to grep

grep is a command-line utility for searching plain-text data for lines that match a regular expression. Here, grep -q "${line_to_add}" "${config_file}" checks if the line_to_add is already in config_file. The -q flag makes grep operate in quiet mode, so it doesn't output anything and instead just returns a success (0) or failure (1) status.

Return values

In shell scripting, the command return exits the function. return 0 typically signifies success, and return 1 (or any non-zero value) signifies failure or an error. These values can be used by other parts of the script to determine if the function succeeded or failed.

Breaking down the function check_mamba_installed

This function does the following: #TODO.

if statement with negation
  • if statements (e.g., see the code starting with if ! type mamba &> /dev/null; then) check a condition and execute code based on whether the condition is true or false.
  • The ! before a command negates its success status.
  • So, if type mamba &> /dev/null is successful and returns an exit code of 0, then the ! in ! type mamba &> /dev/null would convert that exit code of 0 to an exit code of 1.
  • With that in mind, checking for the mamba command works in the following way:
    • ! type mamba &> /dev/null returns 0 if mamba is not actually in the PATH (as ! converts 1 to 0).
    • Otherwise, ! type mamba &> /dev/null returns 1 (as ! converts 0 to 1), thereby skipping the block of code within the if statement and leading to the return 0 command.

Redirection: &> /dev/null

&> /dev/null redirects both the standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr) to /dev/null, effectively silencing all the command's output. /dev/null is a special file unique to Unix and Unix-like operating systems that discards all data written to it. This makes /dev/null useful for suppressing unwanted output from commands or scripts.

Redirection: &>, 1>, 2>, and more

In shell scripting, redirection operators are used to control where the output of commands goes.

  • Standard output redirection: > or 1>
    • This operator redirects the standard output (stdout) of a command to a file or another command.
    • In shell scripting, 1 represents the file descriptor for standard output. Since it's the default, > is equivalent to 1>.
    • For example, echo "Hello, World" > file.txt writes "Hello, World" to file.txt.
  • Standard error redirection: 2>
    • This operator redirects the standard error (stderr) of a command to a file or another command.
    • In shell scripting, 2 represents the file descriptor for standard error.
    • For example, ls non_existent_file 2> error.txt redirects any error messages from the ls command to error.txt.
  • Combined stdout and stderr redirection: &>
    • This operator redirects both standard output and standard error to the same place.
    • It is useful to capture all output from a command, regardless of whether it is normal output or error messages.
    • For example, command &> output.txt will redirect both the output and any error messages of command to output.txt.
  • Appending stdout redirection: >>
    • This operator appends the standard output of a command to the end of an existing file, rather than overwriting it like > does.
    • For example, echo "World" >> file.txt will add "World" to the end of file.txt without removing any existing content.
  • Redirecting stderr to stdout: 2>&1
    • This operator redirects the standard error to the same destination as the standard output.
    • 2>&1 is often used in combination with other redirections; for example, command > output.txt 2>&1 will redirect both stdout and stderr to output.txt.

On data streams: stdin, stdout, stderr

In computing, particularly in the context of Unix and Unix-like operating systems, data streams are channels through which data flows. The three standard streams are:

  1. Standard input (stdin): This is the data stream used for input. Typically, stdin is what you type into the terminal. By default, stdin is "attached to" or associated with the keyboard. To visualize this, imagine a natural stream (body of water) whose source is underground water; similarly, the keyboard acts as the source of "signals" or "data" (like the water), initiating a "data stream" (stdin). This stream "flows" into programs or commands, carrying the input (data) they require.
  2. Standard output (stdout): This stream is used to output the data produced by a program. For example, when you run a command in the terminal that prints something, that output is being sent to stdout. By default, stdout is displayed on the screen. In the context of a terminal, the river's banks are the screen where output of commands are viewed. In engineering, people might direct a river through channels or pipes to specific locations. Similarly, stdout can be redirected to files, other programs, or even other devices. This redirection is akin to building a canal or pipeline to guide the river's flow to a desired destination.
  3. Standard error (stderr): This is a separate stream used specifically for outputting error messages or diagnostics from a program. It is distinct from stdout, which allows error messages to be handled or redirected separately from standard output. By default, stderr is also displayed on the screen. Engineers often design separate drainage systems to handle waste or overflow. Similarly, stderr can be redirected independently of stdout. This is like having a separate set of pipes or channels (e.g., a sewage system) to manage waste water, ensuring it doesn’t pollute the main water supply.
  4. Taking it all in:
    • For example, in nature, water can be directed using various natural formations like canyons and gorges, or man-made structures like dams, sluice gates, and reservoirs. In "*nix" operating systems (e.g., Unix, Linux, MacOS), operators like >, >>, 2>, |, and others are used as tools to redirect and control these data streams. They act like, for example, sluice gates or pipes (|) (to redirect flow), dams (to stop and store data), or even filters (to process and change data).
    • So, the stdin, stdout, and stderr streams are fundamental in *nix environments for data input and output. Just as water can be filtered, stored, or channeled into different paths (like irrigation systems, hydroelectric plants, or through filtration systems), data streams can be manipulated and redirected in numerous ways. The use of commands and scripts to manipulate these streams is akin to using sophisticated control systems in engineering to manage water flow, ensuring each drop goes exactly where it's needed, when it's needed.

Breaking down the function check_env_installed

This function checks for the existence of a specified Conda environment. To achieve its goal, it uses "local variable scoping" (local env_name="${1}") with a single positional argument (${1}), a conditional statement (if, then, else), pattern matching (grep -q), a regular expression (the ^ in "^${env_name} "), and command piping (|).

Declaration of the function

function check_env_installed() { ... } defines a new function named check_env_installed

Local variable declaration, e.g., local env_name="${1}"
  • The local command restricts the variable's scope to the function.
  • env_name is a variable that holds the name of the environment to check.
  • "${1}" is the first positional argument passed to the function when it's called.

The Conda/Mamba command conda env list

conda env list command lists all Conda environments installed on the system.

The pipe (|) and grep commands: ... | grep -q "^${env_name} "
  • The pipe (|) takes the output of conda env list and passes it to the grep command, which searches for a specific pattern in the input it receives.
  • -q is an option for grep that makes it silent; with -q specified, grep doesn't output the matching lines; it returns an exit status (0 or a non-zero value).
  • "^${env_name} " is the pattern grep searches for.

Regular expressions and the caret (^) symbol:
  • The pattern "^${env_name} " includes a regular expression. Regular expressions are a way to match patterns in text.
  • ^ is a regular expression "anchor" that matches the start of a line.
  • ^${env_name} means grep looks for lines that start with the name of the environment—the value assigned to variable env_name.

Escape characters and \":
  • The backslash (\) is used as an "escape character". It changes the meaning of the character following it.
  • Here, it is used to include the double quotes literally in the output string, i.e., echo "Environment \"${env_name}\" is not installed." prints the environment name within quotes.

On the function's "control flow"
  • If the specified environment is found (that is, if the pattern is matched), grep -q returns a zero exit status (0), which indicates success. Consequently, the function also returns 0.
  • If the environment is not found (that is, if the pattern is not matched), grep -q returns a non-zero status. This means that the else block (i.e., the block of code following (below) the else operator) executes, printing a message and returning 1, which indicates failure.

b. Adapter- and quality-trim the FASTQ files using Atria


Notes: 2.b. Adapter- and quality-trim the FASTQ files using Atria

Calls to unset

  • The unset command is used to remove or "unset" variables or functions. It's like erasing something from a whiteboard—once you use unset, the variable or function is no longer available in the current session.
  • Let's say you have a variable named my_var and you want to remove it; to do so, simply type unset my_var. After this, my_var will no longer hold any value or be recognized by the shell.

Calls to typeset/declare

  • typeset (also known as declare) is used to declare shell variables and give them attributes or set certain properties. It's akin to setting up a box with specific characteristics (like size, color, or label) before putting something into it.
  • To declare a new variable with a specific attribute, you use typeset followed by options and the variable name. For example, typeset -i my_num declares my_num as an integer.

Common options for typeset/declare

  1. -a (array declaration):
    • Use this to declare a variable as an indexed array.
    • Example: typeset -a my_array makes my_array an indexed array, where you can store a list of values.
  2. -A (associative array declaration):
    • This is for declaring an associative array (similar to a dictionary in other languages), where each value is accessed with a unique key.
    • Example: typeset -A my_dictionary creates an associative array named my_dictionary.
  3. -i (integer declaration):
    • Declares a variable as an integer. This is useful when you want to ensure that a variable only stores whole numbers.
    • Example: typeset -i my_num makes count an integer variable called my_num.
  4. -r (read-only declaration):
    • This makes a variable read-only, meaning once you set its value, it cannot be changed or unset.
    • Example: typeset -r constant_var=5 creates a read-only variable constant_var with the value 5.

Using typeset or declare helps you control your variables better. It's like specifying what type of content a folder should have in a filing cabinet, making your scripts more robust and less prone to errors.

There are other options available with typeset, such as -x for exporting a variable to child processes, or -f to list functions. The options available can vary slightly between different shell types (like Bash or Ksh), so it's always a good idea to check the manual (man bash or man ksh) for the specifics of your environment.

In summary, unset is a tool for removing variables or functions, while typeset/declare is like a Swiss Army knife for creating and managing variables with specific attributes or properties. They are fundamental tools in scripting, enhancing the control and predictability of how scripts behave.

More on operators, particularly the logical operators && and ||

&& Operator (Logical AND)
  • The double ampersand && operator allows you to execute a command or set of commands only if the previous command was successful (i.e., it returned an exit status of 0, which denotes success in *nix environments).
  • command_1 && command_2 means "run command_1, and if it is successful, then run command_2."
  • Don't confuse && with &: The single ampersand & is used to run a command in the background. For example, command_1 & runs command_1 and immediately returns control to the shell, allowing you to continue other work while command_1 runs in the background.

|| Operator (Logical OR)
  • The double vertical bar || operator lets you execute a command or set of commands only if the previous command failed (i.e., it returned a non-zero exit status). command_1 || command_2 means "run command_1, and if it fails, then run command_2."
  • Don't confuse || with |: The single vertical bar | is a pipe, which is used to pass the output of one command as input to another. For example, command_1 | command_2 takes the output of command_1 and uses it as input for command_2.

How && and || work together
  • You can chain these operators for more complex logic. For example, command_1 && command_2 || command_3 means "run command_1, and if it succeeds, then run command_2, but if command_1 fails, then run command_3."

Other relevant operators: ; and ! (logical NOT)
  • ; (semicolon): Used to run commands sequentially, regardless of the success or failure of the previous command. command_1; command_2 will, no matter what, run command_1 and then command_2.
  • ! (logical NOT): Inverts the exit status of a command. With !, if a command fails, then it's associated with 0 (success) exit code, and vice versa: if a command succeeds, then it's associated with a non-zero (failure) exit code.

Best Practices
  • Readability: Sometimes, especially for complex logic, it can be clearer to use if-then-else statements rather than chaining && and ||.
  • Error handling: Be mindful of how you use these operators in scripts, as they can affect the flow and error handling of your script. Always test how your script behaves in different scenarios.


&& and || are used to control the flow of commands based on their success (&&) or failure (||). They provide a way to build simple conditional logic directly into the command line. Just remember that they are different from the background operator & and the pipe |, both of which serve different purposes in scripting.

3. Align trimmed FASTQ files

a. Generate a concatenated annotated assembly of the S. cerevisiae and S. pombe genomes


Notes: 3.a. Generate a concatenated annotated assembly of the *S. cerevisiae* and *S. pombe* genomes

Breaking down the call to mkdir -p, which makes use of brace expansion

  1. [[ ! -d "${dir_genomes}" ]]: This checks if the directory "${dir_genomes}" does not exist. ! is used for negation, -d checks for the existence of a directory, and ${dir_genomes} is a variable that should hold the path of the directory you're checking.
  2. mkdir -p "${HOME}/genomes/"{"${dir_SP}","${dir_SC}"}/{fasta,gff3}: This command creates multiple directories in one go.
    • mkdir -p: The mkdir command is used to create directories, and the -p flag ensures that any necessary parent directories are also created (and also prevents an error if the directory already exists).
    • "${dir_genomes}/"{"${dir_SP}","${dir_SC}"}/{fasta,gff3}: This is an example of brace expansion. The mkdir -p command creates directories in the directory assigned to dir_genomes. For each of ${dir_SP} and ${dir_SC}, mkdir -p will create fasta and gff3 subdirectories. For example, if ${dir_SP} is "Schizosaccharomyces_pombe" and ${dir_SC} is "Saccharomyces_cerevisiae", the command will create the following directories:
      • ${HOME}/genomes/Schizosaccharomyces_pombe/fasta
      • ${HOME}/genomes/Schizosaccharomyces_pombe/gff3
      • ${HOME}/genomes/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/fasta
      • ${HOME}/genomes/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/gff3

#TODO To be continued after modularizing the above