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122 lines (105 loc) · 6.09 KB

File metadata and controls

122 lines (105 loc) · 6.09 KB


Unreleased [0.10.0]



2024-01-26 [0.9.0]


  • Languages can be marked as standalone and injectable in getMetadata static method
  • HTML Formatters now support tag and class prefix configuration via constructor $options parameter
  • _utils.scss file with few utilities useful for style writing, like prefix support etc.
  • Rules container now supports named rules
  • Kadet\Highlighter\Parser\Rule setters are now fluent
  • Kadet\Highlighter\Matcher\WordMatcher now has option to merge. subtract and retrieve options and words.
  • Kadet\Highlighter\Formatter\AbstractFormatter helper for creating formatters
  • You can now enable line-by-line mode in formatters via ['lines' => ['enabled' => true]] option.
  • *.json and json alias for highlighting json files using javascript highlihgter

  • XAML highlighting via Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Xaml instead of using XML
  • Shell languages now have better variable and flag matching
  • Twig highlighting via Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Twig based on django/jinja
  • C and C++ now highlights code in macros
  • Haskell highlighting via Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Haskell
  • Apache conf highlighting via Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Apache
  • Typescript highlighting via Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Typescript
  • Prolog highlighting via Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Prolog
  • Assembly highlighting via Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Assembler
  • Cobol highlighting via Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Cobol
  • Diff highlighting via Kadet\Highlighter\Language\UnifiedDiff
  • PHP now supports features from PHP 8.x


  • BC BREAK KeyLighter requires PHP 7.3+ now (instead of PHP 5.5 as previously)
  • BC BREAK LaTexFormatter and CliFormatter no longer have $styles in constructor, now you should set styles v via option styles ['styles' => [...]]
  • renamed Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Language::getAliases to getMetadata as it now stores not only aliases


  • PHP now correctly matches multi-line comments
  • XML now correctly matches closing tags with -
  • Java fix #4 - class names in declarations and instantiations are now highlighted correctly
  • Shell highlighting now matches parameters and paths with do correctly
  • JavaScript and TypeScript now correctly recognize JSDoc comments as docblock tokens
  • JavaScript and TypeScript now correctly highlight annotations inside JSDoc comments

2018-02-08 [0.8.3]


  • Java Now matches class names


  • Java now correctly matches its primitive types
  • Fixed PHP 7.2 deprecation

2016-09-16 [0.8.2]


  • Fixed #2 - symfony/console is now suggested dependency and required only in dev.

2016-07-07 [0.8.1]


  • Matching XML tags with - char
  • parent > injected language syntax in CLI application

2016-06-25 [0.8.0]


  • Kadet\Highlighter\Language\CommonFeatures helper with common language features like string handling
  • Kadet\Highlighter\Matcher\DelegateRegexMatcher class
  • Kadet\Highlighter\Parser\Rule::setMatcher and Kadet\Highlighter\Parser\Rule::getMatcher methods
  • Kadet\Highlighter\Parser\Context class for storing context related information
  • Kadet\Highlighter\Parser\Result::getStart method
  • $offset argument to Kadet\Highlighter\Parser\UnprocessedTokens methods
  • Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Language::by* factory methods
  • Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Language::getAliases static method, for language metadata
  • Kadet\Highlighter\Utils\Singleton::init singletons constructor
  • dev:generate-table and dev:aliases commands for cli application

  • C highlighting via Kadet\Highlighter\Language\C
  • Python highlighting via Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Python
  • Jinja/Django templates highlighting via Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Python\Django
  • Markdown highlighting via Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Markdown
  • C++ highlighting via Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Cpp
  • C# highlighting via Kadet\Highlighter\Language\CSharp
  • Java highlighting via Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Java
  • shell/bash/zsh highlighting via Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Shell
  • Go highlighting via Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Go
  • Ruby highlighting via Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Ruby
  • XML and HTML now highlights entities
  • CSS highlights web colors
  • PHP and few others, matches in-string expressions


  • Kadet\Highlighter\Parser\Result::__constructor($source, $tokens) -> Kadet\Highlighter\Parser\Result::__constructor($source, Token $start)
  • Processing is now handled with Kadet\Highlighter\Parser\Token\Token::process method
  • Kadet\Highlighter\Parser\Token\Token simplified
  • parameter token renamed to symbol.parameter
  • annotation token renamed to symbol.annotation
  • keyword.escape token renamed to operator.escape
  • For semantic reasons Kadet\Highlighter\Formatter\DebugFormatter now extends Kadet\Highlighter\Formatter\CliFormatter
  • CLI formatting styles now accept callables
  • Token offsetting is now handed by containers rather than factory
  • Completely rewritten console application - Now it's based on symfony/console
  • Console application now determines language based on filename


  • PHP now correctly matches multiple implemented interfaces
  • PHP now correctly matches variables as first token
  • PHP now correctly matches types in doc comments
  • PHP now correctly handles escape sequences in single quoted strings (see #1)
  • Languages injected inside injected languages are now handled correctly


  • Kadet\Highlighter\Parser\GreedyParser in favor of Kadet\Highlighter\Parser\Token\Token::process
  • Redundant Kadet\Highlighter\Parser\Token\Token::$index property
  • start and end from Kadet\Highlighter\Parser\Token\Tokens constructor $options, now they are handled by factory
  • Kadet\Highlighter\Parser\TokenFactory::getOffset and setOffset methods


  • More tests
  • About 10-15% performance improvement