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M^0 Protocol Security Review

Date: 08.03.24

Produced by Kirill Fedoseev (telegram: kfedoseev, twitter: @k1rill_fedoseev)


An independent security review of the M^0 Protocol was conducted by kfedoseev from 19.02.24 to 23.02.24. The fixes review was conducted from 26.02.24 to 08.03.24. The following methods were used for conducting a security review:

  • Manual source code review
  • Manual penetration testing
  • Manual audit fixes review


No security review can guarantee or verify the absence of vulnerabilities. This security review is a time-bound process where I tried to identify as many potential issues and vulnerabilities as possible, using my personal expertise in the smart contract development and review.

About M^0 Protocol

The core M^0 protocol is a coordination layer for permissioned actors to generate M. M is a fungible token that can be generated by locking Eligible Collateral in a secure off-chain facility. The protocol enforces a common set of rules and safety procedures for the management of M.

Observations and Limitations

  • M^0 Protocol security ultimately depends on the correctness of financial incentives established in the TTG governance module and active presence of at least one honest validator.
  • M^0 TTG is an immutable dual-token governance model, with voting rights being issued algorithmically to participating members over time.
  • M^0 TTG has a reset functionality, which redeploys all contracts related to accounting of voting rights.
    • Such extreme action effectively makes the old POWER token worthless.
    • Old POWER balances held in non-wallet (e.g. AMM / Lending pools) contracts are very likely being forfeited in the process.
    • Most recent old POWER token transfers may be left unaccounted in the new POWER deployment due to how epoch boundaries work.
  • M^0 TTG standard governor participants are financially incentivized to create and pass at least 1 proposal per epoch, so that POWER and ZERO rewards are not forfeited for them. This will likely cause appearance of end-of-epoch liveliness no-op proposals in all empty voting epochs.

Severity classification

Severity Impact: High Impact: Medium Impact: Low
Likelihood: High Critical High Medium
Likelihood: Medium High Medium Low
Likelihood: Low Medium Low Low

Impact - the economic, technical, reputation or other damage to the protocol implied from a successful exploit.

Likelihood - the probability that a particular finding or vulnerability gets exploited.

Severity - the overall criticality of the particular finding.

Scope summary

Reviewed commits:

Reviewed fixes commits:

Reviewed contracts:

  • common/src/**
  • protocol/src/**
  • ttg/src/**

Findings Summary

ID Title Severity Status
[H-01] Validator signatures can be double counted High Fixed
[M-01] Missing Approval event in permit implementation Medium Fixed
[M-02] Validator signatures allow for retrieval amounts to be manipulated Medium Acknowledged
[L-01] Incorrect max cap for the mint ratio Low Fixed
[L-02] Possible overflow in convertToBasisPoints Low Fixed
[L-03] Incorrect bound for return value of _getUnrealizedInflation Low Fixed
[L-04] Function _castVotes return value is inconsistent in ThresholdGovernor Low Acknowledged
[I-01] One of function isValidECDSASignature overloads is unused Informational Fixed
[I-02] Inconsistent error handling in _revertIfInvalidSignature Informational Fixed
[I-03] ERC20 metadata storage for name() and symbol() can be made immutable Informational Acknowledged
[I-04] Empty implementation of balanceOf in ERC20Extended Informational Fixed
[I-05] Typos, errors and duplicates in NatSpec comments Informational Fixed
[I-06] Redundant usage of min40IgnoreZero Informational Fixed
[I-07] Lack of key rotation mechanism for validators and minters Informational Acknowledged
[I-08] Redundant usage of _getDefaultIfZero Informational Fixed
[I-09] Proposal in ThresholdGovernance can be executed twice Informational Acknowledged
[I-10] Function _castVote for non-existent proposal reverts with different error Informational Fixed

Note: several low-severity and informational findings were identified but not included in the final report, as they were considered as duplicates from the prior audit reports available for M^0 Protocol and team has already acknowledged or accepted them earlier.

Security & Economic Findings

[H-01] Validator signatures can be double counted

Recent refactoring in MinterGateway introduced the vulnerability in the signature validation mechanism. Function _verifyValidatorSignatures is supposed to check that enough signatures from the given array belong to the correct set of distinct validators. Validators and signatures must be validated to go strictly in the increasing order, however the order is not validated for validators not approved by the TTG, allowing for correct signatures to be double counted.

See the following unit test in MinterGateway.t.sol for more details:

function test_updateCollateral_invalidSignatureOrder() external {
    _ttgRegistrar.updateConfig(TTGRegistrarReader.UPDATE_COLLATERAL_VALIDATOR_THRESHOLD, 2);

    uint256 collateral = 100;
    uint256[] memory retrievalIds = new uint256[](0);
    uint256 timestamp = block.timestamp;

    bytes memory signature1_ = _getCollateralUpdateSignature(

    address[] memory validators = new address[](3);
    validators[0] = _validator1;
    validators[1] = address(0xdead);
    validators[2] = _validator1;

    bytes[] memory signatures = new bytes[](3);
    signatures[0] = signature1_;
    signatures[1] = new bytes(0);
    signatures[2] = signature1_;

    uint256[] memory timestamps = new uint256[](3);
    timestamps[0] = timestamp;
    timestamps[1] = timestamp;
    timestamps[2] = timestamp;


    _minterGateway.updateCollateral(collateral, retrievalIds, bytes32(0), validators, timestamps, signatures);


Revert back the refactoring made in _verifyValidatorSignatures preventing the correct address order validation.

[M-01] Missing Approval event in permit implementation

Implementation of permit contradicts EIP-2612 as it does not emit the Approval event.


Emit Approval event every time a successful permit is used to set an allowance.

[M-02] Validator signatures allow for retrieval amounts to be manipulated

Validators are signing the digest for collateral updates calculated in _getUpdateCollateralDigest. The digest depends on the retrieval ids but not on the retrievals themselves. There is also no any built-in delay between potential calls to proposeRetrieval and updateCollateral, which makes the following manipulation possible:

  1. Minter with 1,000 collateral submits a retrieval for 100 units. Retrieval is assigned id #1.
  2. Minter request the collateral update attestation from the validators.
  3. Validators quickly sign the digest off-chain and provide the minter with the signatures, attesting for a new collateral value of 900 and resolution of retrieval id #1.
  4. Network re-orgs the transaction from minter with proposeRetrieval call due to a deep block re-org.
  5. Minter quickly replaces their transaction with proposeRetrieval call with a new retrieval for 500.
  6. Minter call updateCollateral with collateral value of 900 and resolution of retrieval id #1 for 500. Previously given validator signatures are accepted as the digest haven't changed along with the retrieval amount.
  7. Updated minter state now records 900 remaining collateral, while 500 collateral is subject to redemption based on the observed RetrievalCreated and RetrievalResolved events.


Include individual or total retrieval amounts in the signed digest to make such validator signature re-use not possible.

[L-01] Incorrect max cap for the mint ratio

Value of mintRatio() set in the TTG is stored uncapped, while the actual value being used in the MinterGateway is capped to prevent overflow when multiplying uint240 by it.

The correct cap seems to be 65_000 in basis points, which is equal to 650%. The SIXTY_FIVE constant incorrectly sets it to 650_000 though.


Update the SIXTY_FIVE constant definition:

-/// @dev 10,000% in basis points.
-uint32 public constant SIXTY_FIVE = 65 * uint32(ONE);
+/// @dev 650% in basis points.
+uint32 public constant SIXTY_FIVE = 65_000;

Update the NatSpec comment in maxAllowedActiveOwedMOf interface definition:

 * @notice The max allowed active owed M of minter taking into account collateral amount and retrieval proposals.
 * @dev    This is the only present value that requires a `uint256` since it is the result of a multiplication
-*         between a `uint240` and a value that has a max of `1,000,000` (the mint ratio).
+*         between a `uint240` and a value that has a max of `65,000` (the mint ratio).
function maxAllowedActiveOwedMOf(address minter) external view returns (uint256);

[L-02] Possible overflow in convertToBasisPoints

Function convertToBasisPoints uses an unsafe uint32 type conversion which may lead to a truncated result being used. As the rest of the code correctly assumes that the return type of convertToBasisPoints is uint40, consider changing the type used inside the function body.


Change the type used inside the function convertToBasisPoints to uint40:

 function convertToBasisPoints(uint64 input) internal pure returns (uint40) {
     unchecked {
-        return uint32((uint256(input) * BPS_SCALED_ONE) / EXP_SCALED_ONE);
+        return uint40((uint256(input) * BPS_SCALED_ONE) / EXP_SCALED_ONE);

Alternatively, consider using the uint32 return type alongside the following optimization in getSafeEarnerRate:

 uint256 expRate_ = (uint256(lnResult_) * ContinuousIndexingMath.SECONDS_PER_YEAR) / confidenceInterval_;

-if (expRate_ > type(uint64).max) return type(uint32).max;
+if (expRate_ > type(uint32).max * EXP_SCALED_ONE / BPS_SCALED_ONE) return type(uint32).max;

 // NOTE: Do not need to do `UIntMath.safe256` because it is known that `lnResult_` will not be negative.
-uint40 safeRate_ = ContinuousIndexingMath.convertToBasisPoints(uint64(expRate_));
+return ContinuousIndexingMath.convertToBasisPoints(uint64(expRate_));

-return (safeRate_ > type(uint32).max) ? type(uint32).max : uint32(safeRate_);

[L-03] Incorrect bound for return value of _getUnrealizedInflation

Function _getUnrealizedInflation upper bounds its return value at type(uint240).max two times within the unchecked block:

unchecked {
    uint256 inflatedBalance_ = uint256(balance_) + inflation_;

    // Cap inflation to `type(uint240).max`.
    if (inflatedBalance_ >= type(uint240).max) return type(uint240).max;

    uint256 newInflation_ = uint256(inflation_) + _getInflation(uint240(inflatedBalance_));

    // Cap inflation to `type(uint240).max`.
    if (newInflation_ >= type(uint240).max) return type(uint240).max;

    inflation_ = uint240(newInflation_); // Accumulate compounded inflation.

The first bound is incorrect since a relatively small value of inflation_ that leads to the uint240 overflow in inflatedBalance_ can lead to the returned inflation value of type(uint240).max.

The second bound is incorrect, since it may lead to the uint240 overflow whenever inflation is added to the balance in parent functions.

Returned inflation_ is then added to the account balance using _addUnchecked in _sync function and may lead to undesired overflow errors.


Instead of bounding the inflation_ at type(uint240).max, consider bounding it at type(uint240).max - balance_ so that the new balance value can't overflow.

[L-04] Function _castVotes return value is inconsistent in ThresholdGovernor

Functions from IBatchGovernor for casting multiple votes at once are supposed to return amount of cast votes. Natspec suggests that this amount is the same for all proposals. In ThresholdGovernor, however, this may not be the case if executed proposals were started during two different consecutive epochs. In such case, the return value is ambiguous.


Remove return values from functions _castVotes, castVotes and castVotesBySig.

Informational & Gas Optimizations

[I-01] One of function isValidECDSASignature overloads is unused

Function isValidECDSASignature(address signer, bytes32 digest, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) overload is not used in the rest of the codebase, except unit tests. Therefore, it can be safely removed.

[I-02] Inconsistent error handling in _revertIfInvalidSignature

Implementation of EIP712 has 3 function overloads for handling error in invalid signatures:

function _revertIfInvalidSignature(address signer_, bytes32 digest_, bytes memory signature_) internal view {
    if (!SignatureChecker.isValidSignature(signer_, digest_, signature_)) revert InvalidSignature();

function _revertIfInvalidSignature(address signer_, bytes32 digest_, bytes32 r_, bytes32 vs_) internal pure {
    _revertIfError(SignatureChecker.validateECDSASignature(signer_, digest_, r_, vs_));

function _revertIfInvalidSignature(address signer_, bytes32 digest_, uint8 v_, bytes32 r_, bytes32 s_) internal pure {
    _revertIfError(SignatureChecker.validateECDSASignature(signer_, digest_, v_, r_, s_));

The first function overload reverts only with the InvalidSignature error, despite a more specific error may be identified in the underlying functions. This behaviour is also inconsistent with remaining _revertIfInvalidSignature overloads, which throw an exact reason the signature was deemed invalid for.

[I-03] ERC20 metadata storage for name() and symbol() can be made immutable

Although solidity does not directly allow immutable values of dynamic types (e.g. string), these can be still made immutable if stored as bytes32 instead. See as an example implementation of such approach.

Consider implementing a similar optimization, if gas usage of name() and symbol() accessors and contract deployment is worth the increase in code complexity.

[I-04] Empty implementation of balanceOf in ERC20Extended

Contract ERC20Extended contains the following implementation of balanceOf:

/// @inheritdoc IERC20
function balanceOf(address account_) external view virtual returns (uint256) {}

It's not recommended to leave such empty implementations in the abstract contracts, as they can lead to incorrect behaviour in downstream contracts, if not properly overridden.

Consider to keep implementation missing, similar to how it's done for totalSupply:

/// @inheritdoc IERC20
function totalSupply() external view virtual returns (uint256);

[I-05] Typos, errors and duplicates in NatSpec comments

In the IMinterGateway.sol:

-/// @notice The timestamp after which an additional penalty for a missed update interval will bee charged.
+/// @notice The timestamp after which an additional penalty for a missed update interval will be charged.
 function collateralPenaltyDeadlineOf(address minter) external view returns (uint40);

In the IMinterRateModel.sol:

-/// @notice The base rate of the Earner Rate Model.
+/// @notice The base rate of the Minter Rate Model.
 function baseRate() external view returns (uint256);

In the MinterGateway.sol:

  * @notice Deactivates an active minter.
- * @dev    MUST revert if the minter is not an approved minter.
+ * @dev    MUST revert if the minter is still approved.
  * @dev    MUST revert if the minter is not active.
  * @param  minter        The address of the minter to deactivate.
  * @return inactiveOwedM The inactive owed M for the deactivated minter.
 function deactivateMinter(address minter) external returns (uint240 inactiveOwedM);

In the IEpochBasedVoteToken.sol, error AmountExceedsUint240 is unused:

-/// @notice Revert message when an number being casted to a uint240 exceeds the maximum uint240 value.
-error AmountExceedsUint240();

In the IStandardGovernor.sol:

  * @notice Sends the proposal fee for proposal `proposalId` to the vault, if it is Defeated or Expired.
- * @param  proposalId The minimum amount of tokens the caller is interested in buying.
+ * @param  proposalId The unique identifier of the proposal.
 function sendProposalFeeToVault(uint256 proposalId) external;

In the IRegistrar.sol and Registrar.sol:

-/// @title A book of record of SPOG-specific contracts and arbitrary key-value pairs and lists.
+/// @title A book of record of TTG-specific contracts and arbitrary key-value pairs and lists.

In the EpochBasedInflationaryVoteToken.sol:

- * @dev    Returns the balance of `account_` plus any inflation that in unrealized before `epoch_`.
+ * @dev    Returns the balance of `account_` plus any inflation that is unrealized before `epoch_`.
  * @param  account_ The account to get the balance for.
  * @param  epoch_   The epoch to get the balance at.
- * @return The balance of `account_` plus any inflation that in unrealized before `epoch_`.
+ * @return The balance of `account_` plus any inflation that is unrealized before `epoch_`.
 function _getBalance(address account_, uint16 epoch_) internal view virtual override returns (uint240) {

In the IPowerToken.sol, error DivideUpOverflow() is redundant, since z < x can't be without unchecked prior computation:

 function _divideUp(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
     if (y == 0) revert DivisionByZero();

     z = (x * ONE) + y;

-    if (z < x) revert DivideUpOverflow();

     unchecked {
         z = (z - 1) / y;

[I-06] Redundant usage of min40IgnoreZero

The only place in the code where min40IgnoreZero is used is _verifyValidatorSignatures. However, as timestamps are no longer allowed to be zero (due to ZeroTimestamp error check), min40IgnoreZero can be replaced with simpler min40. As timestamps are also pre-validated against uint40(block.timestamp) value, safe cast is also redundant. Finally, the min40IgnoreZero implementation itself can be pruned from the UintMath library as no longer used in the codebase.

-minTimestamp_ = UIntMath.min40IgnoreZero(minTimestamp_, UIntMath.safe40(timestamps_[index_]));
+minTimestamp_ = UIntMath.min40(minTimestamp_, uint40(timestamps_[index_]));

[I-07] Lack of key rotation mechanism for validators and minters

TTG registrar manages the list of whitelisted validators and minters. TTG registrar in its turn is controlled by a set of governance contracts implementing different token voting schemes. Despite being a good option from the security standpoint, this design lacks a speed of action in the event of key compromise of some validators or minters.

Although this can be managed on the implementation side of a specific validator/minter through various on-chain proxy structures, a good addition to the security of the protocol may be a set of function allowing entities themselves to rotate/forfeit their addresses and private keys. These emergency function may allow to act much faster compared to the regular governance process in the event of potential key compromise.

[I-08] Redundant usage of _getDefaultIfZero

As AccountSnap structs in _delegatees list can no longer contain address(0) value in the actual storage, the following usages of _getDefaultIfZero can be simplified in EpochBasedVoteToken.sol:

// in function _setDelegatee

-// `oldDelegatee_` will be `delegator_` (the default) if it was retrieved as `address(0)`.
-oldDelegatee_ = _getDefaultIfZero(latestDelegateeSnap_.account, delegator_);
+oldDelegatee_ = latestDelegateeSnap_.account;

// in function _getDelegatee

 // Keep going back until we find the first snap with a startingEpoch less than or equal to `epoch_`. This snap
-// has the account applicable to `epoch_`. If we exhaust the array, then the delegatee is address(0).
+// has the account applicable to `epoch_`. If we exhaust the array, then the delegatee is the `account_` itself.
 while (index_ > 0) {
     AccountSnap storage accountSnap_ = _unsafeAccess(delegateeSnaps_, --index_); 
-    if (accountSnap_.startingEpoch <= epoch_) return _getDefaultIfZero(accountSnap_.account, account_);
+    if (accountSnap_.startingEpoch <= epoch_) return accountSnap_.account;

[I-09] Proposal in ThresholdGovernance can be executed twice

In ThresholdGovernance, same proposal can be executed twice during 2 consecutive epochs, if two proposals with identical calldata are submitted during epochs N and N + 1, and then both reach the voting quorum during epoch N + 1. In such case, execute can be called twice with the same calldata.

No negative impact of such behaviour was identified. However, extra attention may be required if any on-chain contract integrations for proposals executions will be developed.

[I-10] Function _castVote for non-existent proposal reverts with different error

Whenever function _castVote is called for non-existent proposals, one may expect it to revert with ProposalDoesNotExist error or similar. However, in reality it will underflow in _proposals[proposalId_].voteStart - 1 within the unchecked block and then revert with NotPastTimepoint error while trying to call getPastVotes using 65535 as a timepoint.

Consider reverting with the correct ProposalDoesNotExist error instead.