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Context Aware Config Client Integration

This provides SDK to interact with context-aware-config.


The rust client have a client factory that helps you work with multiple clients connected to different tenants

Client Factory Methods Reference

Create Client

Create a client in the factory. You can chose to use the result to check for errors faced by the Client Factory while creating your client, it is not mandatory to consume the Ok value.

Function definition
pub async fn create_client(
        tenant: String,
        polling_interval: Duration,
        hostname: String,
    ) -> Result<Arc<Client>, String>
Param type description Example value
tenant String specifies the tenants configs and contexts that will be loaded into the client at polling_interval from hostname mjos
polling_interval Duration specifies the time cac client waits before checking with the server for updates Duration::from_secs(5)
hostname String The URL of the superposition server

Get Client

Get a client

Function definition
pub async fn get_client(
        tenant: String
    ) -> Result<Arc<Client>, String>
Param type description Example value
tenant String specifies the tenant used during create_client mjos

Example Implementation

Below is the rust implementation to instantiate CAC client using the client factory.

use cac_client as cc;

let tenants: Vec<String> = ["dev", "test"];
//You can create a clientFactory
for tenant in tenants {
            update_cac_periodically,//flag for if you want to update cac config periodically
            polling_interval,//polling interval in secs, default is 60
            cac_hostname.to_string(),// superposition service host
        .expect(format!("{}: Failed to acquire cac_client", tenant).as_str());
//You can extract an individual tenant's client from clientFactory
let tenant = "dev".to_owned();
let cac_client = cc::CLIENT_FACTORY.get_client(tenant.clone()).map_err(|e| {
        log::error!("{}: {}", tenant.clone(), e);
        ErrorType::IgnoreError(format!("{}: Failed to get cac client", tenant))

CAC Client Methods Reference

After calling get_client method of Client Factory, you can do the following with the Client returned.

Run polling for updates from Superposition Service

the CAC client polls for updates from the superposition service and loads any changes done on the server. This means that configs changed in superposition are reflected on the client in the duration of polling_interval. run_polling_updates() should be run in a separate thread, as it does not terminate.

Function definition
pub async fn run_polling_updates()

Get Config

Get the full config definition of your tenants configuration from superposition. Config has the following information:

pub struct Config {
    contexts: Vec<Context>,
    overrides: Map<String, Value>,
    default_configs: Map<String, Value>,
Funtion Definition
pub fn get_full_config_state_with_filter(query_data: Option<Map<String, Value>>) -> Result<Config, String>

Get the last modified Time

CAC client lets you get the last modified time of your configs, in case you want to log it, etc.

Function Definition
pub fn get_last_modified() -> Result<DateTime<Utc>, String>

Evaluate Context to derive configs

Given a context, get overrides for a specific set of keys, if provided. If None is provided for filter_keys, all configs are returned.

Function Definition
pub fn get_resolved_config(context: Map<String, Value>, filter_keys: Option<Vec<String>>) -> Result<Map<String, Value>, String>
Param type description Example value
context Map<String, Value> The context under which you want to resolve configs {"os": "android", "merchant": "juspay"}
filter_keys Option<Vec> The keys for which you want the values. If empty, all configuration keys are returned Some([payment, network, color])

Get Default Config

The default config for a specific set of keys, if provided. If None is provided for filter_keys, all configs are returned.

Function Definition
pub fn get_default_config(filter_keys: Option<Vec<String>>) -> Result<Map<String, Value>, String>
Param type description Example value
filter_keys Option<Vec> The keys for which you want the values. If None, all configuration keys are returned Some([payment, network, color])


Adding the clients to your project


Add the following to your inputs

crane.url = "github:ipetkov/crane/54b63c8eae4c50172cb50b612946ff1d2bc1c75c";
crane.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "common/nixpkgs";
superposition = {
    url = "github:juspay/superposition";
    inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "common/nixpkgs";
    inputs.crane.follows = "crane";

then, add the following to your imports section in outputs:

imports = [

then add the libraries to your project.cabal file:


Haskell CAC client functions reference

Create a client

Create a new client in the Client Factory

Function Definition
createCacClient:: Tenant -> Interval -> Hostname -> IO (Either Error ())
Param type description Example value
Tenant String specifies the tenants configs and contexts that will be loaded into the client at Interval from Hostname mjos
Interval Duration specifies the time cac client waits before checking with the server for updates, in seconds 10
Hostname String The URL of the superposition server

Get a client

Create a new client in the Client Factory

Function Definition
getCacClient :: Tenant -> IO (Either Error (ForeignPtr CacClient))
Param type description Example value
Tenant String specifies the tenants configs and contexts that will be loaded into the client at Interval from Hostname mjos

Run polling for updates from Superposition Service

the CAC client polls for updates from the superposition service and loads any changes done on the server. This means that configs changed in superposition are reflected on the client in the duration of Interval. cacStartPolling should be run in a separate thread, as it does not terminate.

Function definition
cacStartPolling :: Tenant -> IO ()
Param type description Example value
Tenant String specifies the tenants configs and contexts that will be loaded into the client at Interval from Hostname mjos

Get Config

Get the full config definition of your tenants configuration from superposition. Config has the following information:

    contexts: [Context],
    overrides: Map String Value,
    default_configs: Map String Value,
Funtion Definition
getFullConfigStateWithFilter :: ForeignPtr CacClient -> Maybe String -> Maybe [String] -> IO (Either Error Value)
Param type description Example value
context Maybe (String) Specifies the context for which you want the configurations, If empty, all contexts are returned Just {"os": "android", "merchant": "juspay"}
prefix Maybe([String]) The keys for which you want the values. If empty, all configuration keys are returned Just ([payment, network, color])

Get the last modified Time

CAC client lets you get the last modified time of your configs, in case you want to log it, etc.

Function Definition
getCacLastModified :: ForeignPtr CacClient -> IO (Either Error String)

Evaluate Context to derive configs

Given a context, get overrides for a specific set of keys, if provided. If Nothing is provided for filter_keys, all configs are returned.

Function Definition
getResolvedConfig :: ForeignPtr CacClient -> String -> Maybe [String] -> IO (Either Error Value)
Param type description Example value
context String The context under which you want to resolve configs {"os": "android", "merchant": "juspay"}
filter_keys Maybe([String]) The keys for which you want the values. If empty, all configuration keys are returned Just ([payment, network, color])

Get Default Config

The default config for a specific set of keys, if provided. If Nothing is provided for filter_keys, all configs are returned.

Function Definition
getDefaultConfig :: ForeignPtr CacClient -> Maybe [String] -> IO (Either Error Value)
Param type description Example value
filter_keys Maybe([String]) The keys for which you want the values. If Nothing, all configuration keys are returned Just ([payment, network, color])

Sample Integration

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Main (main) where

import           Client             (getResolvedConfig, createCacClient, getCacClient,
                                     getFullConfigStateWithFilter, getCacLastModified, cacStartPolling, getDefaultConfig)
import           Control.Concurrent
import           Prelude

main :: IO ()
main = do
    createCacClient "dev" 10 "http://localhost:8080" >>= \case
        Left err -> putStrLn err
        Right _  -> pure ()
    threadId <- forkOS (cacStartPolling "dev")
    print threadId
    getCacClient "dev" >>= \case
        Left err     -> putStrLn err
        Right client -> do
            config          <- getFullConfigStateWithFilter client Nothing Nothing
            lastModified    <- getCacLastModified client
            overrides       <- getResolvedConfig client "{\"country\": \"India\"}" $ Just ["country_image_url", "hyperpay_version"]
            defaults        <- getDefaultConfig client $ Just ["country_image_url", "hyperpay_version"]
            filteredConfig  <- getFullConfigStateWithFilter client (Just "{\"os\": \"android\"}") $ Just ["hyperpay"]
            print config
            print lastModified
            print overrides
            print defaults
            print filteredConfig
            threadDelay 1000000000
    pure ()