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Nomad podman Driver

Many thanks to @towe75 and Pascom for contributing this plugin to Nomad!


  • Use the jobs driver config to define the image for your container
  • Start/stop containers with default or customer entrypoint and arguments
  • Nomad runtime environment is populated
  • Use Nomad alloc data in the container.
  • Bind mount custom volumes into the container
  • Publish ports
  • Monitor the memory consumption
  • Monitor CPU usage
  • Task config cpu value is used to populate podman CpuShares
  • Container log is forwarded to Nomad logger
  • Utilize podmans --init feature
  • Set username or UID used for the specified command within the container (podman --user option).
  • Fine tune memory usage: standard Nomad memory resource plus additional driver specific swap, swappiness and reservation parameters, OOM handling
  • Supports rootless containers with cgroup V2
  • Set DNS servers, searchlist and options via Nomad dns parameters

Building The Driver from source

This project has a go.mod definition. So you can clone it to whatever directory you want. It is not necessary to setup a go path at all. Ensure that you use go 1.13 or newer.

$ git clone [email protected]:hashicorp/nomad-driver-podman
cd nomad-driver-podman

Runtime dependencies

  • Nomad 0.12.9+
  • Linux host with podman installed
  • For rootless containers you need a system supporting cgroup V2 and a few other things, follow this tutorial

You need a 3.0.x podman binary and a system socket activation unit, see

Nomad agent, nomad-driver-podman and podman will reside on the same host, so you do not have to worry about the ssh aspects of the podman api.

Ensure that Nomad can find the plugin, see plugin_dir

Driver Configuration

  • volumes stanza:

    • enabled - Defaults to true. Allows tasks to bind host paths (volumes) inside their container.
    • selinuxlabel - Allows the operator to set a SELinux label to the allocation and task local bind-mounts to containers. If used with volumes.enabled set to false, the labels will still be applied to the standard binds in the container.
plugin "nomad-driver-podman" {
  config {
    volumes {
      enabled      = true
      selinuxlabel = "z"
  • gc stanza:

    • container - Defaults to true. This option can be used to disable Nomad from removing a container when the task exits.
plugin "nomad-driver-podman" {
  config {
    gc {
      container = false
  • recover_stopped (bool) Defaults to true. Allows the driver to start and resuse a previously stopped container after a Nomad client restart. Consider a simple single node system and a complete reboot. All previously managed containers will be reused instead of disposed and recreated.
plugin "nomad-driver-podman" {
  config {
    recover_stopped = false
  • socket_path (string) Defaults to "unix://run/podman/io.podman" when running as root or a cgroup V1 system, and "unix://run/user/<USER_ID>/podman/io.podman" for rootless cgroup V2 systems
plugin "nomad-driver-podman" {
  config {
    socket_path = "unix://run/podman/io.podman"

Task Configuration

  • image - The image to run. Accepted transports are docker (default if missing), oci-archive and docker-archive. Images reference as short-names will be treated according to user-configured preferences.
config {
  image = "docker://redis"
  • auth - (Optional) Authenticate to the image registry using a static credential.
config {
  image = "your.registry.tld/some/image"
  auth {
    username = "someuser"
    password = "sup3rs3creT"
  • entrypoint - (Optional) The entrypoint for the container. Defaults to the entrypoint set in the image.
config {
  entrypoint = "/"
  • command - (Optional) The command to run when starting the container.
config {
  command = "some-command"
  • args - (Optional) A list of arguments to the optional command. If no command is specified, the arguments are passed directly to the container.
config {
  args = [
  • working_dir - (Optional) The working directory for the container. Defaults to the default set in the image.
config {
  working_dir = "/data"
  • volumes - (Optional) A list of host_path:container_path strings to bind host paths to container paths.
config {
  volumes = [
  • tmpfs - (Optional) A list of /container_path strings for tmpfs mount points. See podman run --tmpfs options for details.
config {
  tmpfs = [
  • hostname - (Optional) The hostname to assign to the container. When launching more than one of a task (using count) with this option set, every container the task starts will have the same hostname.

  • Forwarding and Exposing Ports - (Optional) See Docker Driver Configuration for details.

  • init - Run an init inside the container that forwards signals and reaps processes.

config {
  init = true
  • init_path - Path to the container-init binary.
config {
  init = true
  init_path = /usr/libexec/podman/catatonit
  • user - Run the command as a specific user/uid within the container. See Task configuration
user = nobody

config {

  • memory_reservation - Memory soft limit (nit = b (bytes), k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes))

After setting memory reservation, when the system detects memory contention or low memory, containers are forced to restrict their consumption to their reservation. So you should always set the value below --memory, otherwise the hard limit will take precedence. By default, memory reservation will be the same as memory limit.

config {
  memory_reservation = "100m"
  • memory_swap - A limit value equal to memory plus swap. The swap LIMIT should always be larger than the memory value.

Unit can be b (bytes), k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes). If you don't specify a unit, b is used. Set LIMIT to -1 to enable unlimited swap.

config {
  memory_swap = "180m"
  • memory_swappiness - Tune a container's memory swappiness behavior. Accepts an integer between 0 and 100.
config {
  memory_swappiness = 60
  • bridge: (default for rootful) create a network stack on the default bridge
  • none: no networking
  • container:id: reuse another container's network stack
  • host: use the Podman host network stack. Note: the host mode gives the container full access to local system services such as D-bus and is therefore considered insecure
  • slirp4netns: use slirp4netns to create a user network stack. This is the default for rootless containers. Podman currently does not support it for root containers issue.
config {
  network_mode = "bridge"
  • cap_add - (Optional) A list of Linux capabilities as strings to pass to --cap-add.
config {
  cap_add = [
  • cap_drop - (Optional) A list of Linux capabilities as strings to pass to --cap-drop.
config {
  cap_add = [
  • sysctl - (Optional) A key-value map of sysctl configurations to set to the containers on start.
config {
  sysctl = {
    "net.core.somaxconn" = "16384"
  • tty - (Optional) true or false (default). Allocate a pseudo-TTY for the container.

Example job

job "redis" {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]
  type        = "service"

  group "redis" {
    network {
      port "redis" { to = 6379 }

    task "redis" {
      driver = "podman"

        config {
          image = "docker://redis"
          ports = ["redis"]

      resources {
        cpu    = 500
        memory = 256
nomad run redis.nomad

==> Monitoring evaluation "9fc25b88"
    Evaluation triggered by job "redis"
    Allocation "60fdc69b" created: node "f6bccd6d", group "redis"
    Evaluation status changed: "pending" -> "complete"
==> Evaluation "9fc25b88" finished with status "complete"

podman ps

CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                           COMMAND               CREATED         STATUS             PORTS  NAMES
6d2d700cbce6  docker-entrypoint...  16 seconds ago  Up 16 seconds ago         redis-60fdc69b-65cb-8ece-8554-df49321b3462

Rootless on ubuntu

edit /etc/default/grub to enable cgroups v2

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1 systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=1"

sudo update-grub

ensure that podman socket is running

$ systemctl --user status podman.socket
* podman.socket - Podman API Socket
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/user/podman.socket; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
     Active: active (listening) since Sat 2020-10-31 19:21:29 CET; 22h ago
   Triggers: * podman.service
       Docs: man:podman-system-service(1)
     Listen: /run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock (Stream)
     CGroup: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/[email protected]/podman.socket

ensure that you have a recent version of crun

crun -V
crun version 0.13.227-d38b
commit: d38b8c28fc50a14978a27fa6afc69a55bfdd2c11
spec: 1.0.0

nomad job run example.nomad

job "example" {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]
  type        = "service"

  group "cache" {
    count = 1
    restart {
      attempts = 2
      interval = "30m"
      delay    = "15s"
      mode     = "fail"
    network {
      port "redis" { to = 6379 }
    task "redis" {
      driver = "podman"

      config {
        image = "redis"
        ports = ["redis"]

      resources {
        cpu    = 500 # 500 MHz
        memory = 256 # 256MB

verify podman ps

$ podman ps
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                           COMMAND       CREATED        STATUS            PORTS                                                 NAMES
2423ae3efa21  redis-server  7 seconds ago  Up 6 seconds ago>6379/tcp,>6379/udp  redis-b640480f-4b93-65fd-7bba-c15722886395

Local Development


  • Vagrant >= 2.2
  • VirtualBox >= v6.0

Vagrant Environment Setup

# create the vm
vagrant up

# ssh into the vm
vagrant ssh

# Build the task driver plugin
sudo -E ./

# Copy the build nomad-driver-plugin executable to examples/plugins/
cp nomad-driver-podman examples/plugins/

# Start Nomad
nomad agent -config=examples/nomad/server.hcl 2>&1 > server.log &

# Run the client as sudo
sudo nomad agent -config=examples/nomad/client.hcl 2>&1 > client.log &

# Run a job
nomad job run examples/redis_ports.nomad

# Verify
nomad job status redis

sudo podman ps