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0 Topics Sorting used

Josef Perktold edited this page Dec 1, 2018 · 5 revisions

Topics - Sorting used

(a rough TOC for "folders")

  • GMM/IV
    used for implementation

  • diagnostic + testing theory
    used for score, LM, cm tests

  • penalized
    used for implementation

    • LASSO, SCAD and variable selection
    • ultra-high screening
    • Ridge
  • GLM general and GEE

  • panel data

    • fixed effects, absorb (used)
  • mixed models

    • computation for linear model
    • numerical integration for GLM and nonlinear models
  • discrete choice, multinomial

    • conditional logit
    • ordinal
    • nested
  • cov, robust sandwiches

    • sandwiches not sorted ?
    • general estimation for cov, large, robust, ... psd-approximation
  • Splines and GAM unsorted

  • nonparametric, kernel, series, ...
    currently misplaced

    • kde,
    • kernel regression, ...
    • series estimators, semi-nonparametric
    • differencing based estimators
    • binned estimators, kde, kernel regression
  • proportion, rates, ... no subcategories, not sorted

  • treatment effect, imputation, matching, IPW, double robust incomplete implementation, not sorted

    • TE-GMM
    • MICE and imputation,
    • missing values in longitudinal
    • more causal, mediation, fixed effects/D.i.D.
  • TSA - ???

    • VAR/VECM
    • count time series, GLM time series
    • outliers
  • survival - parametric

  • other MLE, beta regression

  • sample selection, two part, hurdle and inflated models

    • ...
  • robust estimation,

    • a lot, used for implementation
  • multiple testing, multiple comparison misplaced articles, (old topic, not touched in a while)

  • GOF

    • Stephens, misplaced articles, (old topic, not touched in a while)
  • distributions, other than gof
    (old topic, not touched in a while)

  • misc ???
    topics spread out not sorted

    • theory, general, various specific topics, ...
    • inequality constraints, inference
  • heteroscedasticity and dispersion models

    • linear model
    • GLM
  • transformation of endog

    • box-cox, log-linearized
    • retransformation, smearing

older topics, not implemented

  • Bootstrap background, what and where???
  • Copulas
  • ...


  • big models, distributed

  • power

  • margins and prediction
    derived parameters of interest, effects, e.g. risk ratio