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Zerem protocol security review by pashov

review commit hash - 667a41b577647f0d95591a5f9928a43b976b8e25

Scope: Zerem.sol

The code was reviewed for a total of 10 hours.

[H-01] The unlockExponent does not work as intended when it is ≠ 1

Proof of Concept

The documentation and the chart in shows that it is expected that when unlockExponent == 0 then immediately after funds unlockDelaySec the user can claim his whole locked amount. This is actually not working as intended, let’s look at the _getWithdrawableAmount function:

  1. To calculate the amount to unlock, we have the following: uint256 totalUnlockedAmount = (record.totalAmount * factor) / precision;
  2. record.totalAmount is the total locked amount, precision is a constant with a value of 1e8 and factor is calculated by this:
uint256 factor = deltaTimeNormalized ** unlockExponent;

if (factor > precision) {
         factor = precision;
  1. If we have unlockExponent == 0 then factor is always equal to 1, which is less than 1e8 so factor == 1
  2. Now if we go back to the total amount to unlock math, we will get uint256 totalUnlockedAmount = (record.totalAmount * factor) / precision; so uint256 totalUnlockedAmount = record.totalAmount / precision

The expected unlocked amount was equal to record.totalAmount but instead we got record.totalAmount / precision which is incorrect. Now every subsequent time the _getWithdrawableAmount function is called, the math will be the same and the code will basically think there is no newly unlocked amount. This means that no user that has locked funds in Zerem will be able to withdraw more than totalLockedAmount / 1e8 ever, all of the other tokens will be stuck.

There is also a problem when unlockExponent > 1 , because the computed factor can easily be >= precision which will result in 100% of funds being unlocked too early.

Here is the important math:

uint256 deltaTimeNormalized = (deltaTimeDelayed * precision) / unlockPeriodSec;

uint256 factor = deltaTimeNormalized ** unlockExponent;

if (factor > precision) {
      factor = precision;
uint256 totalUnlockedAmount = (record.totalAmount * factor) / precision;

and let’s look at example scenario:

  1. unlockPeriodSec == 100 000, deltaTimeDelayed == 100 and precision == 1e8 so deltaTimeNormalized == 1e5
  2. if unlockExponent > 1 for example when equal to 2, we will get factor = 1e5 ** 2, so 1e10 which is > precision that is 1e8 so now factor = precision
  3. Now totalUnlockedAmount = record.totalAmount * factor / factor which is record.totalAmount
  4. even though only 1/1000th of the unlock period has passed and the unlockExponent was just 2, the user can already claim all of their locked tokens.


The protocol does not work as expected in its core functionality and can also result in stuck tokens (value loss) for users or tokens unlocked too early, so it is High severity.


Redesign the unlockExponent logic or just hardcode it to always be linear (a value of 1)

Client response

Fixed by removing the unlockExponent logic

[M-01] Unsafe call to ERC20::transfer can result in stuck funds

Proof of Concept

In the _sendFunds method we have the following code for transferring ERC20 tokens

IERC20(underlyingToken).transfer(receiver, amount);

The problem is that the transfer function from ERC20 returns a bool to indicate if the transfer was a success or not. As there are some tokens that do not revert on failure but instead return false (one such example is ZRX) and also Zerem should work with all types of ERC20 tokens since it might be integrated with a protocol that does that, not checking the return value can result in tokens getting stuck. Let’s look at the following scenario:

  1. Alice is trying to claim some tokens from a protocol that has integrated with Zerem, so her transaction makes a call to Zerem::transferTo
  2. The amount to claim is less than the lockThreshold so the code goes to the_sendFunds functionality directly
  3. The transfer fails and since the token does not revert but returns false this is not accounted for by the Zerem protocol and transaction completes successfully
  4. The tokens are now stuck and are not claimable by Alice anymore


If an ERC20::transfer call fails it will lead to stuck funds for a user. This only happens with a special class of ERC20 tokens though, so it is Medium severity.


Use OpenZeppelin’s SafeERC20 library and change transfer to safeTransfer

Client response

Fixed by adding SafeERC20

[M-02] Gas stipend for external call might be insufficient and lead to stuck ETH

Proof of Concept

The way the Zerem protocol transfers out ETH looks like this

payable(receiver).call{gas: 3000, value: amount}(hex"")

As you see, there is a gas stipend of 3000, but this might not be enough in some cases as some smart contract recipients need more than 3000 gas to receive ETH.

Examples of problematic recipients:

  1. Recipient is a smart contract that has a payable fallback method which uses more than 3000 gas
  2. Recipient is a smart contract that has a payable fallback function that needs less than 3000 gas but is called through a proxy, raising the call's gas usage above 3000.

Additionally, using higher than 3000 gas might be mandatory for some multi-sig wallets.


Some recipients will lose access to all of their claimable ETH from protocols that are integrated with Zerem. This requires a special type of recipient, so it is Medium severity.


At least doubling down the gas stipend should help in most scenarios, but maybe think about dynamic configuration options for it as well

Client response

Fixed by doubling the gas stipend

[M-03] Gas griefing/theft is possible on unsafe external call

Proof of Concept

This comment // TODO: send relayer fees here in the unlockFor method and its design show that it is possible that unlockFor is usually called by relayers. This opens up a new attack-vector in the contract and it is gas griefing on the ETH transfer

(bool success,) = payable(receiver).call{gas: 3000, value: amount}(hex"");

Now (bool success, ) is actually the same as writing (bool success, bytes memory data) which basically means that even though the data is omitted it doesn’t mean that the contract does not handle it. Actually, the way it works is the bytes data that was returned from the receiver will be copied to memory. Memory allocation becomes very costly if the payload is big, so this means that if a receiver implements a fallback function that returns a huge payload, then the msg.sender of the transaction, in our case the relayer, will have to pay a huge amount of gas for copying this payload to memory.


Malicious actor can launch a gas griefing attack on a relayer. Since griefing attacks have no economic incentive for the attacker and it also requires relayers it should be Medium severity.


Use a low-level assembly call since it does not automatically copy return data to memory

bool success;
assembly {
    success := call(3000, receiver, amount, 0, 0, 0, 0)

Client response

Fixed by using a low-level assembly call

[M-04] Centralisation risk with liquidationResolver as it can steal 100% of locked funds

Proof of Concept

Currently the liquidationResolver has the power to steal 100% of locked funds in the following way:

  1. Call freezeFunds for every user that has a locked balance
  2. Wait some time until the liquidation delay has passed so the require statement in liquidateFunds succeeds
  3. Call liquidateFunds and receive all of the users’ balances

This can happen if the liquidationResolver becomes malicious or is compromised.


Centralisation vulnerabilities usually require a malicious or a compromised account and are of Medium severity


Reconsider if the freeze/liquidate funds is a mandatory mechanism for the protocol

Client response


[M-05] Missing configuration validations & constraints can lead to stuck funds

Proof of Concept

If a protocol integrates with Zerem it needs to deploy different instances of Zerem.sol for each underlyingToken. In the constructor there are some configurations being set but the inputs are not validated at all. Now if the deployer did not configure them correctly, or fat-fingered the deployment or if the deployment scripts were incorrect, it is possible to misconfigure the protocol in such a way that it is not obvious but leads to all locked funds getting stuck forever.

Let’s look at the following scenario:

  1. Mistake in the deployment script sets the unlockDelaySec or the unlockPeriodSec to be huge, or to be a concrete timestamp
  2. Now in _getWithdrawableAmount if unlockDelaySec is too big we will always get 0 withdrawable amount because of
if (deltaTime < unlockDelaySec) {
     return 0;
  1. Also in _getWithdrawableAmount if unlockPeriodSec is too big we will always get 0 because this uint256 deltaTimeNormalized = (deltaTimeDelayed * precision) / unlockPeriodSec; will be zero

This means the user will need to wait a huge amount (might be infinite) of time to be able to unlock his funds, and they won’t be unlockable even with the liquidateFunds functionality


This can possibly lead to user funds being stuck in Zerem, but this requires misconfiguration in deployment, so it is Medium severity


Add sensible constraints for the valid values of unlockDelaySec and unlockPeriodSec in the constructor of Zerem.sol

Client response

Fixed by adding constraints in the constructor

[M-06] ERC20 tokens that have a fee-on-transfer mechanism require special handling

Proof of Concept

Some tokens take a transfer fee (STA, PAXG) and there are some that currently do not but might do so in the future (USDT, USDC). Since Zerem might be integrated with a protocol that works with all types of ERC20 tokens, and Zerem should too, this can lead to problems.

Let’s look at the following scenario:

  1. Alice tries to claim tokens that have a fee-on-transfer mechanism from a protocol that is integrated with Zerem
  2. The integrated protocol calls Zerem::transferTo method but the amount argument passed does not take the fee into consideration
  3. The require(transferredAmount >= amount, "not enough tokens"); check will always fail, since the transferredAmount will be less than amount due to the fee

If this happens this means that all of users balances of such tokens won’t be claimable and stuck forever.


If a token with a fee-on-transfer mechanism is used and not properly handled on both the integration protocol and Zerem’s side, it can result in 100% stuck balances of this token of users. Since this happens only with a special type of ERC20 it is Medium severity.


Integration of such tokens will require special handling on the integrating protocol side (pre-calculating the fee, so the amount argument passed has the correct value) and possibly on Zerem’s side. Consider either better documentation for those or advise integrating protocols to not transfer such tokens through Zerem.

Client response

Added a warning comment in the code

[M-07] Protocol does not work with ERC20 tokens that have a mechanism for balance modifications outside of transfers

Proof of Concept

Some tokens may make arbitrary balance modifications outside of transfers. One example are Ampleforth-style rebasing tokens and there are other tokens with airdrop or mint/burn mechanisms. The Zerem system caches the locked balances for users and if such an arbitrary modification has happened this can mean that the protocol is operating with outdated information. Let’s look at the following scenario:

  1. Alice claims some tokens with such a mechanism from a protocol that is integrated with Zerem
  2. The protocol calls Zerem::transferTo method, but the amount sent is ≥ lockThreshold so the funds are locked
  3. In _lockFunds the amount sent is cached in record.totalAmount, record.remainingAmount and pendingTotalBalances[user].
  4. Some time after this, let’s say a rebase of the token balances has happened and now actually Zerem holds less tokens
  5. Now when the unlockPeriodSec passes and Alice wants to claim her tokens she is unable to because the cached amount is more than the actual amount that is held in the Zerem protocol, so the transaction always reverts leading to all of the locked funds getting stuck

Also if the rebasing of the tokens actually increased the protocol balance, then those excess tokens will be stuck in it.


Funds can be stuck in Zerem, but it requires a special type of ERC20 token, so it is Medium severity.


Allow partial unlock of funds or document that the protocol does not support such tokens, so integrating protocols do not transfer them through Zerem. Also you can add functionality to rescue excess funds out of the Zerem protocol.

Client response


QA report - low severity & non-critical issues

[QA-01] Use latest Solidity version with a stable pragma statement

Using a floating pragma ^0.8.13 statement is discouraged as code can compile to different bytecodes with different compiler versions. Use a stable pragma statement to get a deterministic bytecode. Also use latest Solidity version to get all compiler features, bugfixes and optimizations

[QA-02] Add NatSpec documentation

NatSpec documentation to all public methods and variables is essential for better understanding of the code by developers and auditors and is strongly recommended.

[QA-03] Code is not formatted properly

Use a code formatter to keep code clean & tidy, I’d suggest adding the forge fmt command to your pre-commit hook

[QA-04] Move event emissions to the methods where the action happens

Move TransferFulfilled event emission to _sendFunds() and TransferLocked event emission to _lockFunds()

[QA-05] Typos in comments

Change recive to receive and timeframe to time frame

[QA-06] Missing non-zero address checks in the constructor

Add non-zero address checks for all address type arguments in Zerem.sol's constructor

[QA-07] No need to cast to address payable in _sendFunds

Casting address to address payable is only needed when using send or transfer, so it is not needed here

[QA-08] Some functions can be fused into one

Merge freezeFunds and unfreezeFunds into updateFundsFreezeStatus - same for their events. There is no need for two separate methods and events

[QA-09] Open TODO in the code

There is an open TODO in unlockFor - this implies changes that might not be audited. Resolve it or remove it

[QA-10] Remove duplicated code

Reuse code, make _getRecord call _getTransferId because the bytes32 transferId = keccak256(abi.encode(user, lockTimestamp)); logic is duplicated, same for _unlockFor

[QA-11] Update external dependency to latest version

The OpenZeppelin library dependency is using a stale version - upgrade to latest one to get all security patches, features and gas optimisations

[QA-12] Consider using a differet key in the pendingTransfers mapping

Currently the key in the pendingTransfers mapping is calculated by this

bytes32 transferId = keccak256(abi.encode(user, lockTimestamp));

I’d say that just using a simple uint256 nonce for each TransferRecord would work just fine. It will also be simpler and more gas efficient.

Gas optimisation report

[G-01] Remove the pendingTotalBalances mapping as it is not used for anything

Remove the mapping as pendingTransfers[transferId].remainingAmount has pretty much the same functionality

[G-02] Use constant instead of immutable for predetermined values

Both precision and NATIVE storage variables have predetermined values - change them into constants not immutables. Also make sure they are private, to save gas.

[G-03] Use uint256 instead of uint8 for storage variables and function parameters

Unless you are doing variable-packing in storage it is best to use always use uint256 because all other uint types get automatically padded to uint256 in memory anyway. Same applies for function parameters

[G-04] Use custom errors instead of revert strings

Solidity 0.8.4 added the custom errors functionality, which can be use instead of revert strings, resulting in big gas savings on errors. Replace all revert statements with custom error ones

[G-05] All public functions can be changed to external

Since a function is not called from within a contract, using external instead of public will save gas as all the function arguments will be in calldata instead of copied to memory

[G-06] Use x != 0 instead of x > 0 for uint types

The != operator costs less gas than > and for uint types you can use it to check for non-zero values to save gas

[G-07] x = x - y costs less gas than x -= y, same for addition

You can replace all -= and += occurrences to save gas

[G-08] Change totalUnlockedAmount < withdrawnAmount to totalUnlockedAmount <= withdrawnAmount

If in the _getWithdrawableAmount method you change if (totalUnlockedAmount < withdrawnAmount) to if (totalUnlockedAmount <= withdrawnAmount) you will save gas by skipping a few computations

Appendix - Architectural considerations

  1. With the current design, a project will have to deploy a separate Zerem contract for each ERC20 token it supports. This might not be very efficient and to have much bigger gas costs for either the integrated protocol or its users
  2. As pointed out in the README file, the Zerem integration has an invasive approach - additional code logic should be added to the outbound methods of the integrating protocol so that all transfers go through Zerem. This will not work with already existing and non-upgradeable protocols and also might not be very well accepted, since it more code means more maintenance and a bigger attack vector for protocols.
  3. An attacker can always send lockThreshold - 1 wei amount, and it will always be directly transferred. He can just spray multiple transactions in a single block so in a few blocks he can steal very large amount of tokens