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StraitsX SGD (XSGD)

Token Description

The StraitsX SGD (XSGD) token is the first digital token fully collateralized one-for-one with Singapore Dollar (SGD) and representing 1 SGD. The XSGD token is written as a smart contract on Zilliqa's high-throughput decentralised public blockchain following the ZRC2 protocol and is governed by the StraitsX network whereby XSGD tokens are centrally minted and burned by Xfers Pte. Ltd.

The Xfers payment service is regarded as a Widely Accepted Stored Value Facility under Singapore law. Xfers Pte. Ltd., is the Approved Holder of the Xfers Wallet Stored Value Facility.

Smart Contract Specifications

The XSGD contract has been written by the StraitsX team to fit both the specific needs of the XSGD token as described in the StraitsX Whitepaper and the requirement to comply with local regulation.

The XSGD contract consists of two communicating contracts:

a token contract

a proxy contract

The token contract represents a standard fungible token contract with minting and burning features, while the proxy contract is a typical relay contract that redirects all calls to the token contract. This allows upgrading the contract, as the original proxy can point to a newly deployed token contract.

Token contract Roles and Privileges

Name Description & Privileges
init_owner The initial owner of the contract which is usually the creator of the contract. init_owner is the initial value of several other roles.
owner Current owner of the contract initialized to init_owner. Certain critical actions can only be performed by the owner, e.g., changing who plays certain roles in the contract.
pauser Account that is allowed to (un)pause the contract. It is initialized to init_owner. pauser can (un) pause the contract. There is only pauser for the contract.
masterMinter The master minter to manage the minters for the contract. masterMinter can add or remove minters and configure the number of tokens that a minter is allowed to mint. There is only one masterMinter for the contract.
minter An account that is allowed to mint and burn new tokens. The contract defines several minters. Each minter has a quota for minting new tokens.
blacklister An account that can freeze, unfreeze & wipe the balance from any other account when required to do so by law enforcement. The presence of this function in the code is a mandatory regulatory requirement. StraitsX will never use this function on its own accord. There is only one blacklister.
approvedSpender A token holder can designate a certain address to send up to a certain number of tokens on its behalf. These addresses will be called approvedSpender.
initiator The user who calls the proxy contract that in turns call the token contract. After deployment, the address of the token contract will be made known to the user and the code will be visible directly from the block explorer.

Immutable Parameters

The table below lists the parameters that are defined at the contract deployment time and hence cannot be changed later on.

Name Type Description
name String A human readable token name.
symbol String A ticker symbol for the token.
decimals Uint32 Defines the smallest unit of the tokens
init_owner ByStr20 The initial owner of the contract.
proxy_address ByStr20 Address of the proxy contract.

Mutable Fields

The table below presents the mutable fields of the contract and their initial values.

Name Type Initial Value Description
owner ByStr20 init_owner Current owner of the contract.
pauser ByStr20 init_owner Current pauser in the contract.
masterMinter ByStr20 init_owner Current masterMinter in the contract.
blacklister ByStr20 init_owner Current blacklister in the contract.
paused Bool False Keeps track of whether the contract is current paused or not. True means the contract is paused.
blacklisted Map ByStr20 Uint128 Emp ByStr20 Uint128 Records the addresses that are blacklisted. An address that is present in the map is blacklisted irrespective of the value it is mapped to.
balances Map ByStr20 Uint128 Emp ByStr20 Uint128 Keeps track of the number of tokens that each token holder owns.
allowed Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint128) Emp ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint128) Keeps track of the approvedSpender for each token holder and the number of tokens that she is allowed to spend on behalf of the token holder.
totalSupply Uint128 0 The total number of tokens that is in the supply.
minters Map ByStr20 Uint128 Emp ByStr20 Uint128 Maintains the current minters. An address that is present in the map is a minter irrespective of the value it is mapped to.
minterAllowed Map ByStr20 Uint128 Emp ByStr20 Uint128 Keeps track of the allowed number of tokens that a minter can mint.


Note that each of the transitions in the token contract takes initiator as a parameter which as explained above is the caller that calls the proxy contract which in turn calls the token contract.

All the transitions in the contract can be categorized into three categories:

  • housekeeping transitions meant to facilitate basic admin related tasks.
  • pause transitions to pause and pause the contract.
  • minting-related transitions that allows mining and burning of tokens.
  • token transfer transitions allows to transfer tokens from one user to another.

Each of these category of transitions are presented in further details below:

HouseKeeping Transitions

Name Params Description Callable when paused?
transferOwnership newOwner : ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20 Allows the current owner to transfer control of the contract to a newOwner.
⚠️ Note: initiator must be the current owner in the contract.
updatePauser newPauser : ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20 Replace the current pauser with the newPauser.
⚠️ Note: initiator must be the current owner in the contract.
blacklist address : ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20 Blacklist a given address. A blacklisted address can neither send or receive tokens. A minter can also be blacklisted.
⚠️ Note: initiator must be the current blacklister in the contract.
unBlacklist address : ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20 Remove a given address from the blacklist.
⚠️ Note: initiator must be the current blacklister in the contract.
updateBlacklister newBlacklister : ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20 Replace the current blacklister with the newBlacklister.
⚠️ Note: initiator must be the current owner in the contract.
updateMasterMinter newMasterMinter : ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20 Replace the current masterMinter with the newMasterMinter.
⚠️ Note: initiator must be the current owner in the contract.
configureMinter minter : ByStr20, minterAllowedAmount : Uint128, initiator : ByStr20 Add a new minter or update the minting quota for an existing minter.
⚠️ Note: initiator must be the current masterMinter in the contract.
removeMinter minter : ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20 Remove a given minter.
⚠️ Note: initiator must be the current masterMinter in the contract.

Pause Transitions

Name Params Description Callable when paused?
pause initiator : ByStr20 Pause the contract to temporarily stop all transfer of tokens and other operations. Only the current pauser can invoke this transition.
⚠️ Note: initiator must be the current pauser in the contract.
unpause initiator : ByStr20 Unpause the contract to re-allow all transfer of tokens and other operations. Only the current pauser can invoke this transition.
⚠️ Note: initiator must be the current pauser in the contract.

Minting-related Transitions

Name Params Description Callable when paused?
mint to: ByStr20, value : Uint128, initiator : ByStr20 Mint value number of new tokens and allocate them to the to address.
⚠️ Note: 1) Minting is a privileged transition that can be invoked only by non-blacklisted minters, i.e., initiator must be a non-blacklisted minter. , 2) Minting can only be done when the contract is not paused.
burn value : Uint128, initiator : ByStr20 Burn value number of tokens.
⚠️ Note: 1) Burning is a privileged transition that can be invoked only by non-blacklisted minters, i.e., initiator must be a non-blacklisted minter. 2) Burning can only be done when the contract is not paused.
lawEnforcementWipingBurn address : ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20 Burn entire balance of tokens from address.
⚠️ Note: 1) Only the blacklister can invoke this transition, i.e., initiator must be the blacklister. 2) Burning can only be done when the contract is not paused. 3) Only accounts that have been blacklisted by the blacklister may have their funds wiped.

Token Transfer Transitions

Name Params Description Callable when paused?
approve spender : ByStr20, value : Uint128, initiator : ByStr20 Approve a spender to spend on behalf of a token holder (initiator) upto the value amount.
⚠️ Note: 1) Only the non-blacklisted minters can invoke this transition, i.e., initiator must be a non-blacklisted token holder, 2) The spender must also be non-blacklisted.
transfer to : ByStr20, value : Uint128, initiator : ByStr20 Transfer value number of tokens from the initiator to the to address.
⚠️ Note: 1) The initiator and the recipient should not be blacklisted.
transferFrom from : ByStr20, to : ByStr20, value : Uint128, initiator : ByStr20 Transfer value number of tokens on behalf of the initiator to the to address.
⚠️ Note: 1) The initiator, the from address and the recipient should not be blacklisted.

Proxy Contract

Proxy contract is a relay contract that redirects calls to it to the token contract.

Proxy contract Roles and Privileges

Name Description & Privileges
init_admin The initial admin of the contract which is usually the creator of the contract. init_admin is also the initial value of admin.
admin Current admin of the contract initialized to init_admin. Certain critical actions can only be performed by the admin, e.g., changing the current implementation of the token contract.
initiator The user who calls the proxy contract that in turns call the token contract. After deployment, the address of the proxy contract will be made known to the user and the code will be visible directly from the block explorer.

Immutable Parameters

The table below list the parameters that are defined at the contrat deployment time and hence cannot be changed later on.

Name Type Description
init_implementation ByStr20 The address of the token contract.
init_admin ByStr20 The address of the admin.

Mutable Fields

The table below presents the mutable fields of the contract and their initial values.

Name Type Initial Value Description
implementation ByStr20 init_implementation Address of the current implementation of the token contract.
admin ByStr20 init_owner Current admin in the contract.


All the transitions in the contract can be categorized into two categories:

  • housekeeping transitions meant to facilitate basic admin related tasks.
  • relay transitions to redirect calls to the token contract.

Housekeeping Transitions

Name Params Description
upgradeTo newImplementation : ByStr20 Change the current implementation address of the token contract.
⚠️ Note: Only the admin can invoke this transition
changeAdmin newAdmin : ByStr20 Change the current admin of the contract.
⚠️ Note: Only the admin can invoke this transition

Relay Transitions

Note that these transitions are just meant to redirect calls to the corresponding token contract and hence their names have an added prefix proxy. While, redirecting the contract prepares the initiator value that is the address of the caller of the proxy contract.

Transition signature in the proxy contract Target transition in the token contract
proxyTransferOwnership(newOwner : ByStr20) transferOwnership(newOwner : ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20)
proxyPause() pause(initiator : ByStr20)
proxyUnPause() unpause(initiator : ByStr20)
proxyUpdatePauser(newPauser : ByStr20) updatePauser(newPauser : ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20)
proxyBlacklist(address : ByStr20) blacklist(address : ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20)
proxyUnBlacklist(address : ByStr20) unBlacklist(address : ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20)
proxyUpdateBlacklister(newBlacklister : ByStr20) updateBlacklister(newBlacklister : ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20)
proxyConfigureMinter(minter : ByStr20, minterAllowedAmount : Uint128) configureMinter(minter : ByStr20, minterAllowedAmount : Uint128, initiator : ByStr20)
proxyRemoveMinter(minter : ByStr20) removeMinter(minter : ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20)
proxyUpdateMasterMinter(newMasterMinter : ByStr20) updateMasterMinter(newMasterMinter : ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20)
proxyMint(to: ByStr20, value : Uint128) mint(to: ByStr20, value : Uint128, initiator : ByStr20)
proxyBurn(value : Uint128) burn(value : Uint128, initiator : ByStr20)
proxyLawEnforcementWipingBurn(address : ByStr20) lawEnforcementWipingBurn(address : ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20)
proxyApprove(spender : ByStr20, value : Uint128) approve(spender : ByStr20, value : Uint128, initiator : ByStr20)
proxyTransferFrom (from : ByStr20, to : ByStr20, value : Uint128) transferFrom (from : ByStr20, to : ByStr20, value : Uint128, initiator : ByStr20)