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ICOS Metrics Export to Prometheus


This project provides a metrics export layer for ICOS, facilitating the monitoring and analysis of various metrics. Built on top of the prometheus_client library, it offers a lightweight and efficient way to expose metrics to Prometheus.


Before you start, ensure you have Python installed on your system. This project uses the prometheus_client library to expose metrics to Prometheus, so make sure to install it using pip:

pip install prometheus_client

or by installing all the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Quick Start

To get started with the ICOS Metrics Export to Prometheus, simply run the script. The script provides three routes for metrics exposure and removal:

  1. /metrics: This route will be used from Prometheus to scrape metrics. It exposes all the collected metrics in a format that Prometheus can understand and collect.

  2. /unregister_metric: This route can be used to delete/unregister a metric created. It accepts a json payload that must contain:

    1. metric_name (mandatory): The name of the metric to be deleted/unregistered.
  3. /create_metric: This route can be configured to create and update metrics, tailored to specific monitoring needs (type of metrics). It accepts a json payload that must contain:

    1. type (mandatory): The metric type:
      • Counter = 1
      • Gauge = 2
      • Info = 3
      • Enum = 4
    2. metric_name(mandatory): The name of the metric to be created or retrieved.
    3. metric_info (optional): The info of the metric to be created or retrieved.
    4. value (mandatory): The value that will be passed to the metric.
    5. labels (optional): The dictionary of labels that will be set for the metric.
    6. states (optional): The list of states if an Enum metric is being set for the first time.

    After getting the properties it creates the specific metric asked and registers it to the internal registry. According to the metric type value:

    • Counter = 1
      Counter expects:
      • metric_name (mandatory) -> string. If there is a suffix of _total on the metric name, it will be removed. When exposing the time series for counter, a _total suffix will be added. This is for compatibility between OpenMetrics and the Prometheus text format, as OpenMetrics requires the _total suffix.
      • metric_info (optional) -> string | None.
      • value (mandatory): the previous stored value will be incremented with that value -> positive number.
      • labels (optional) -> Optional[Dict[str, str | int | float]].
      • states (ignored).
    • Gauge = 2
      Gauge expects:
      • metric_name (mandatory) -> string.
      • metric_info (optional) -> string | None.
      • value (mandatory): the new value that will be set -> Union[float, str] (must be a parsable to float string.).
      • labels (optional) -> Optional[Dict[str, str | int | float]].
      • states (ignored).
    • Info = 3
      Info expects:
      • metric_name (mandatory) -> string.
      • metric_info (optional) -> string | None.
      • value (mandatory): the new value that will be set -> Dict[str, str | float].
      • labels (optional) -> Optional[Dict[str, str | int | float]].
      • states (ignored),
    • Enum = 4
      Enum expects:
      • metric_name (mandatory) -> string.
      • metric_info (optional) -> string | None.
      • value (mandatory): the state that will be set.
      • labels (optional) -> Optional[Dict[str, str | int | float]].
      • states (mandatory at creation of metric): the states that will be the available choice to set the state (passed only the first time)
  4. /create_model_metric: This route will receive a json payload to create a metric based on specific telemetry data that will be retrieved and a model that must exist at Intelligence layer. The metric created will be tailored to specific monitoring needs (type of metrics). It accepts a json payload that must contain:

    1. type (mandatory): The metric type:
      • Counter = 1
      • Gauge = 2
      • Info = 3
      • Enum = 4
    2. metric_name(mandatory): The name of the metric to be created or retrieved.
    3. metric_info (optional): The info of the metric to be created or retrieved.
    4. labels (optional): The dictionary of labels that will be set for the metric.
    5. states (optional): The list of states if an Enum metric is being set for the first time.
    6. telemetry_metric (mandatory): The query of the telemetry metric from witch data will be retrieved.
    7. model_route (mandatory): The route of the model where it can be inferred from Intelligence API.
    8. model_name (mandatory): The name of the model where the retrieved telemetry data will be sent.
    9. model_type (mandatory): The type of the model where the retrieved telemetry data will be sent.
    10. step_in_seconds (mandatory): The time distance between each sample at telemetry metric.
    11. sequence_size (mandatory): The amount of samples that will be used.

    After getting the properties it creates the specific metric asked and registers it to the internal registry. According to the metric type value:

    • Counter = 1
      Counter expects:
      • metric_name (mandatory) -> string. If there is a suffix of _total on the metric name, it will be removed. When exposing the time series for counter, a _total suffix will be added. This is for compatibility between OpenMetrics and the Prometheus text format, as OpenMetrics requires the _total suffix.
      • metric_info (optional) -> string | None.
      • labels (optional) -> Optional[Dict[str, str | int | float]].
      • states (ignored).
      • telemetry_metric (mandatory) -> string.
      • model_route (mandatory) -> string.
      • model_name (mandatory) -> string.
      • model_type (mandatory) -> string.
      • step_in_seconds (mandatory) -> int.
      • sequence_size (mandatory) -> int.
    • Gauge = 2
      Gauge expects:
      • metric_name (mandatory) -> string.
      • metric_info (optional) -> string | None.
      • labels (optional) -> Optional[Dict[str, str | int | float]].
      • states (ignored).
      • telemetry_metric (mandatory) -> string.
      • model_route (mandatory) -> string.
      • model_name (mandatory) -> string.
      • model_type (mandatory) -> string.
      • step_in_seconds (mandatory) -> int.
      • sequence_size (mandatory) -> int.
    • Info = 3
      Info expects:
      • metric_name (mandatory) -> string.
      • metric_info (optional) -> string | None.
      • labels (optional) -> Optional[Dict[str, str | int | float]].
      • states (ignored).
      • telemetry_metric (mandatory) -> string.
      • model_route (mandatory) -> string.
      • model_name (mandatory) -> string.
      • model_type (mandatory) -> string.
      • step_in_seconds (mandatory) -> int.
      • sequence_size (mandatory) -> int.
    • Enum = 4
      Enum expects:
      • metric_name (mandatory) -> string.
      • metric_info (optional) -> string | None.
      • value (mandatory): the state that will be set.
      • labels (optional) -> Optional[Dict[str, str | int | float]].
      • states (mandatory at creation of metric): the states that will be the available choice to set the state (passed only the first time).
      • telemetry_metric (mandatory) -> string.
      • model_route (mandatory) -> string.
      • model_name (mandatory) -> string.
      • model_type (mandatory) -> string.
      • step_in_seconds (mandatory) -> int.
      • sequence_size (mandatory) -> int.
  5. stop_model_metrics This route will receive a json payload to stop the metric creation(s) based on specific telemetry data. The json passed will contain:

    1. metric_names (mandatory): A list of strings with the names of the metrics to be stopped.


To start the metrics_generator either:

  • create a docker image of it with the Dockerfile provided and deploy it.
  • create a helm release from the helm provided at 'icos-export-custom-metrics-to-prometheus' folder.
  • run it locally with
    uvicorn metrics_generator:app --reload --host --port 8000
  • the application needs to have two environmental variables defined:
    • PROMETHEUS_BASE_URL: The url which the create_model_metric route will use to retrieve/query telemetry data.
    • INTELLIGENCE_API_BASE_URL: The url which the create_model_metric route will use to infer a model.

After the application is up, visiting \docs will show the swagger of the app.


Contributions to 'ICOS Metrics Export to Prometheus' are welcome. If you have suggestions for improvements or bug fixes, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


The ICOS Metrics Export to Prometheus is released under the Apache 2.0 license. Copyright © 2022-2024 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. All rights reserved.

🇪🇺 This work has received funding from the European Union's HORIZON research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101070177.