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File metadata and controls

212 lines (167 loc) · 5.5 KB


In Hunt Framework, you can use Breadcrumb by extending the ServiceProvider.

1. Create a ServiceProvider for your Breadcrumb

For example, you can name it as MyBreadcrumbServiceProvider in /source/providers/MyBreadcrumbServiceProvider.d.

module app.providers.MyBreadcrumbServiceProvider;

import hunt.framework;

class MyBreadcrumbServiceProvider : BreadcrumbServiceProvider 
    override void boot() 
        breadcrumbs.register("sign1", (Breadcrumbs trail, Object[] params...) {
            trail.push("ROOT", url("index.testRoot"));

        breadcrumbs.register("sign2", (Breadcrumbs trail, Object[] params...) {
            // Binding to the parent node
            trail.push("CHILD", url("index.test"));

The method breadcrumbs.register() is used to register a breadcrumb node.


  • The first parameter of breadcrumbs.register() is a unique tag for the current node.
  • The parameters of trail.push() are used for the content of page and the link.
  • When the current node is a non-root one, it is need to add a parameter trail.parent as the parent's tag.

2. Register the ServiceProvider

The MyBreadcrumbServiceProvider should be registered in main().

import hunt.framework;
import app.providers.MyBreadcrumbServiceProvider;

void main(string[] args) 
    Application appInstance = Application.instance();

3. Get the Breadcrumbs in Controller

Create a Controller, for example /source/app/controller/TestController.d, and add tow methods to retrieve the all the nodes defined in MyBreadcrumbServiceProvider.d.

module app.controller.TestController;

import hunt.framework;
import std.conv;
import std.stdio;

class TestController : Controller

    mixin MakeController;

    string testRoot()
        BreadcrumbItem[] breadCrumbs = Application.instance.breadcrumbs().generate("sign1");
		string[] tmp;
		foreach (BreadcrumbItem one; breadCrumbs)
            tmp ~= one.toString();

    string testChild()
        BreadcrumbItem[] breadCrumbs = Application.instance.breadcrumbs().generate("sign2");
        string[] tmp;
		foreach (BreadcrumbItem one; breadCrumbs)
            tmp ~= one.toString();


4. Define the all routes in config

Open the routes config file /config/routes, and add these:

GET     /root           test.testRoot
GET     /child          test.testChild 

5. The output

The sign1 defined in the MyBreadcrumbServiceProvider is a root one, so the output is only itself:

["title: ROOT, link: /root/"]

The sign1 defined in the MyBreadcrumbServiceProvider is a child one, so the output includes itself and it's parent:

["title: ROOT, link: /root/", "title: CHILD, link: /child/"]

Of course, you can get the the node's attributs. The title is for the title, and the link is for the url. For example:

module app.controller.TestController;

import hunt.framework;
import std.conv;
import std.stdio;

class TestController : Controller

    mixin MakeController;

     * The output: 
     *      Level 1, the title: ROOT, the url: /root/;
    string testRoot()
        BreadcrumbItem[] breadCrumbs = Application.instance.breadcrumbs().generate("sign1");
		string tmp;
		foreach (long k, BreadcrumbItem one; breadCrumbs)
            tmp ~= "Level " ~ (k + 1).to!string ~ ", the title: " ~ one.title ~ ", the url: " ~ ~ "; ";
        return tmp;
     * The output: 
     *      Level 1, the title: ROOT, the url: /root/; Level 2, the title: CHILD, the url: /child/;
    string testChild()
        BreadcrumbItem[] breadCrumbs = Application.instance.breadcrumbs().generate("sign2");
	    string tmp;
		foreach (long k, BreadcrumbItem one; breadCrumbs)
            tmp ~= "Level " ~ (k + 1).to!string ~ ", the title: " ~ one.title ~ ", the url: " ~ ~ "; ";

6. To use in View

Binding all the breadcrumbs with a data model defined in a View as breadcrumbs.

class TestController : Controller
    string showView() 
        auto breadCrumbs = app().breadcrumbs().generate("sign");
        view.assign("breadcrumbs", breadCrumbs);
		return view.render("BreadCrumbsDemo");

Render all the breadcrumbs in the page:

{% if breadcrumbs.defined and breadcrumbs.length>0 %}
    <div class="col-sm mb-2 mb-sm-0">
        <nav aria-label="breadcrumb">
            <ol class="breadcrumb breadcrumb-no-gutter">
                {% for item in breadcrumbs %}
                    {% if not loop.last %}
                        <li class="breadcrumb-item">
                            {% if %}
                                <a class="breadcrumb-link" href="{{ }}">{{ item.title }}</a>
                            {% else %}
                                {{ item.title }}
                            {% endif %}
                    {% else %}
                        <li class="breadcrumb-item active" aria-current="page">{{ item.title }}</li>
                    {% endif %}
                {% endfor %}
{% endif %}