diff --git a/messages/eu/activities.php b/messages/eu/activities.php index 43fa54c..3f1873b 100644 --- a/messages/eu/activities.php +++ b/messages/eu/activities.php @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ '', - 'Whenever someone participates in a poll.' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Polls' => 'Inkestak', + 'Whenever someone participates in a poll.' => 'Norbaitek inkesta batean parte hartzen duen aldiro.', +); diff --git a/messages/eu/base.php b/messages/eu/base.php index d503559..3cf82be 100644 --- a/messages/eu/base.php +++ b/messages/eu/base.php @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ '', - 'Allows to start polls.' => '', - 'Answers' => '', - 'At least one answer is required' => '', - 'Cancel' => 'Deuseztatu', - 'Create poll' => '', - 'Polls' => '', + 'Allows the user to create polls' => 'Erabiltzaileari inkestak sortzeko aukera ematen dio', + 'Allows to start polls.' => 'Inkestak hasteko aukera ematen du.', + 'Answers' => 'Galderak', + 'At least one answer is required' => 'Gutxienez erantzun bat behar da', + 'Cancel' => 'Utzi bertan behera', + 'Create poll' => 'Sortu inkesta', + 'Polls' => 'Inkestak', 'Save' => 'Gorde', - '{n,plural,=1{# {htmlTagBegin}vote{htmlTagEnd}}other{# {htmlTagBegin}votes{htmlTagEnd}}}' => '', + '{n,plural,=1{# {htmlTagBegin}vote{htmlTagEnd}}other{# {htmlTagBegin}votes{htmlTagEnd}}}' => '{n,plural,=1{# {htmlTagBegin}vote{htmlTagEnd}}other{# {htmlTagBegin}votes{htmlTagEnd}}}', ); diff --git a/messages/eu/controllers_PollController.php b/messages/eu/controllers_PollController.php index a55a81f..9dde4ba 100644 --- a/messages/eu/controllers_PollController.php +++ b/messages/eu/controllers_PollController.php @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ '', - 'Anonymous poll!' => '', - 'Could not load poll!' => '', - 'Invalid answer!' => '', - 'Users voted for: {answer}' => '', - 'Voting for multiple answers is disabled!' => '', - 'You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Access denied!' => 'Sarrera debekatua!', + 'Anonymous poll!' => 'Inkesta anonimoa!', + 'Could not load poll!' => 'Ezin izan da inkesta kargatu!', + 'Invalid answer!' => 'Erantzun baliogabea!', + 'Users voted for: {answer}' => 'Erabiltzaileek ondorengoa bozkatu dute: {answer}', + 'Voting for multiple answers is disabled!' => 'Erantzun anitzeko botoa desgaituta dago!', + 'You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!' => 'Ez duzu baimen nahikorik eragiketa hori egiteko!', +); diff --git a/messages/eu/events.php b/messages/eu/events.php index 4a4739d..87e6dfa 100644 --- a/messages/eu/events.php +++ b/messages/eu/events.php @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ '', - 'Club A Steakhouse' => '', - 'Location of the next meeting' => '', - 'Pisillo Italian Panini' => '', - 'Right now, we are in the planning stages for our next meetup and we would like to know from you, where you would like to go?' => '', - 'To Daniel' => '', - 'Why don\'t we go to Bemelmans Bar?' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Again? ;Weary;' => 'Berriro? ;Nekatuta;', + 'Club A Steakhouse' => 'Club A erretegia', + 'Location of the next meeting' => 'Hurrengo bileraren kokapena', + 'Pisillo Italian Panini' => 'Pisillo italiar paninia', + 'Right now, we are in the planning stages for our next meetup and we would like to know from you, where you would like to go?' => 'Oraintxe bertan, gure hurrengo topaketaren urratsak planifikatzen ari gara eta nora joan nahi duzun jakin nahiko genuke.', + 'To Daniel' => 'Danielentzat', + 'Why don\'t we go to Bemelmans Bar?' => 'Zergatik ez gara Bemelmans tabernara joaten?', +); diff --git a/messages/eu/models_Poll.php b/messages/eu/models_Poll.php index 5b8f1df..8c4f5be 100644 --- a/messages/eu/models_Poll.php +++ b/messages/eu/models_Poll.php @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ '', - 'Description' => '', - 'Multiple answers per user' => '', - 'Please specify at least {min} answers!' => '', - 'Poll' => '', - 'Question' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Answers' => 'Erantzunak', + 'Description' => 'Deskribapena', + 'Multiple answers per user' => 'Hainbat erantzun erabiltzaile bakoitzeko', + 'Please specify at least {min} answers!' => 'Mesedez, zehaztu zerrendan gutxienez {min} erantzun!', + 'Poll' => 'Inkesta', + 'Question' => 'Galdera', +); diff --git a/messages/eu/views_activities_PollAnswered.php b/messages/eu/views_activities_PollAnswered.php index ea21199..93bda34 100644 --- a/messages/eu/views_activities_PollAnswered.php +++ b/messages/eu/views_activities_PollAnswered.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ '', -]; +return array ( + '{userName} answered the {question}.' => '{userName} erabiltzaileak {question} erantzun du.', +); diff --git a/messages/eu/widgets_views_entry.php b/messages/eu/widgets_views_entry.php index 5ab1880..7fefdbc 100644 --- a/messages/eu/widgets_views_entry.php +++ b/messages/eu/widgets_views_entry.php @@ -1,13 +1,12 @@ Note: The result is hidden until the poll is closed by a moderator.' => '', - 'Anonymous' => '', - 'Closed' => '', - 'Complete Poll' => '', - 'Reopen Poll' => '', - 'Reset my vote' => '', - 'Vote' => '', - 'and {count} more vote for this.' => '', - 'votes' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Note: The result is hidden until the poll is closed by a moderator.' => 'Oharra: emaitza ezkutatuta egongo da moderatzaile batek inkesta itxi arte.', + 'Anonymous' => 'Anonimoa', + 'Closed' => 'Itxita', + 'Complete Poll' => 'Inkesta osoa', + 'Reopen Poll' => 'Ireki berriro inkesta', + 'Reset my vote' => 'Ezabatu nire botua', + 'Vote' => 'Bozkatu', + 'and {count} more vote for this.' => 'eta {count} boto gehiago honen alde.', + 'votes' => 'Botuak', +); diff --git a/messages/eu/widgets_views_pollForm.php b/messages/eu/widgets_views_pollForm.php index 8bfc18b..985f583 100644 --- a/messages/eu/widgets_views_pollForm.php +++ b/messages/eu/widgets_views_pollForm.php @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ '', - 'Anonymous Votes?' => '', - 'Description' => '', - 'Display answers in random order?' => '', - 'Edit answer (empty answers will be removed)...' => '', - 'Edit your poll question...' => '', - 'Hide results until poll is closed?' => '', - 'Question' => '', -]; +return array ( + 'Add answer...' => 'Gehitu erantzuna...', + 'Anonymous Votes?' => 'Bozka anonimoak?', + 'Description' => 'Deskribapena', + 'Display answers in random order?' => 'Erantzunak ausazko ordenean erakutsi nahi dituzu?', + 'Edit answer (empty answers will be removed)...' => 'Editatu erantzuna (hutsik dauden erantzunak kenduko dira)...', + 'Edit your poll question...' => 'Editatu zure inkestako galdera...', + 'Hide results until poll is closed?' => 'Inkesta itxi arte emaitzak ezkutatu ?', + 'Question' => 'Galdera', +);